Home > Blood & Bones : Judge(19)

Blood & Bones : Judge(19)
Author: Jeanne St.James

“Just a couple days. Promise not to stick my dick anyplace which might be a trap.”

“All snatch is a trap. Foolin’ yourself if you think otherwise.”

“Not all snatch is a trap, Judge.”

Judge grunted.

“Just ‘cause you fucked up once, don’t mean we all fuck up.”

“Just be glad you didn’t. Don’t mean you never will.”

Deke grabbed the Jack bottle and took a swig. When he was done, he used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “Just gotta be careful is all.”

Judge swung his head toward his cousin, his blood pressure already spiking.

Deke lifted his hand and faked a laugh. “Know it wasn’t you at first, cuz. She fucked you. But then you fucked her. From there everythin’ went to shit. Kinda like the Fury did. Had your own mini implosion.”

“Wasn’t a mini fuckin’ implosion.” It blew his life apart.

Deke sobered. “No. I get it. Might’ve missed the original Fury exploding to pieces, but didn’t miss the shit that happened to you. Saw it. And, Cuz, I learned from all that shit. Never tie yourself to a sneaky goddamn cunt. Not a life to live.”

No, it wasn’t. And now he was extra careful about who he stuck his dick into.

Judge relaxed against the vinyl bench and stared into the dying fire. “Did a bunch of research on Lange and his case after you left for Williamsport the other day.”

“Yeah, so did I.”

“Tried to get a read on the whole thing.”

“’Cause of her,” Deke said.

“’Cause of the scratch.”

Deke snorted softly.

Judge ignored it. “Most comments from the public demanded the man’s head on a fuckin’ pike. Most were fuckin’ ruthless.” He could understand why.

“Yeah, well, that fucker hadn’t stolen money from just any fuckin’ charity, it was one for kids dyin’ of cancer.” Deke inhaled loudly and shook his head. “You don’t fuckin’ steal from kids.”

“No, not dyin’ kids,” Judge muttered.

“And that right there’s why I want to head north.”

He turned and studied his cousin’s profile. It was hard and Judge got it. Cancer was a stickler for both of them. To think about kids suffering the same way Walt did...

Fuck, Judge didn’t even want to think about it.

It was bad enough when it was an older man who’d lived a life. But some fuckin’ innocent child who hadn’t even had a chance yet to live?

Life was fucking goddamn cruel.

And then some asswipe comes along and embezzles three-hundred grand. At least that was what the investigators could prove. It might have even been more.

Judge wondered why Lange needed the money.

Had he stepped in some shit he’d been trying to buy his way out of? Or was he trying to live above his means?

Cassie didn’t seem to be the high maintenance type. She didn’t seem the type to live the glamorous life. But maybe he was wrong, and she had demanded luxury and, once her hubby fell, she tumbled along with it into the gutter with the rest of the regular folk.

Maybe she and Lange had the money hidden away somewhere so, once they escaped, they could go back to living the high life.

He hoped to fuck he was wrong about Cassie.

He’d been wrong about a woman before.

He needed to put on his blinders when it came to certain women. Some of their pussies were sticky like a glue trap. Once you were caught, it was difficult to break free.

Yeah, maybe Cassie was temporarily slumming it with the rest of the regular working folk by driving that old Honda and taking a job at Crazy Pete’s. Just biding her time until she could hook up with Lange again.


Christ. Why the fuck should he even care? He didn’t even fucking know her. He had no reason to want to know her.

And she came with too much fucking baggage between her little girl and having a wanted husband.

“Gonna give you two nights up there. That’s it.”

Deke turned toward him and his lips twitched. “Why? Is the whole cancer thing botherin’ you? Or is it the blonde herself?”

“Already spendin’ too much time on this case for only twenty percent. Just wanna get it over with. Either he’s showin’ up in the Grove or he ain’t.”

Deke knocked a shoulder into his. “Maybe get close to her. Get her talkin’. Get a read on her, see what you can pick up from what she puts down.”

“Yeah,” he grunted.

“Hang out at Pete’s. Perfect time to strike up some friendly convo.”

“Get Trip, Stel and Dodge involved, too,” Judge added. Not just more eyes looking for Lange, but more ears listening might make their job easier.

“Can’t hurt. Maybe she’ll let somethin’ slip.”

Yeah, maybe she would.

“And you never know what else you may get out of it.” Deke smirked. “You should give that pocket pussy of yours a break. Pretty blonde like that would be a nice change of pace. Give you a few new fantasies for your Fleshlight.”

He wasn’t telling his cousin Cassie already gave him a few new fantasies.

Judge shook his head. “Know you’re a fuckin’ asshole, right?”

His cousin’s grin widened. “Have to be to work with you.”

Judge rose to his feet and so did Jury.

“You headin’ over there to strike up a little convo with her?” Deke wiggled his eyebrows and pinched out the lit end of the joint.

“Fuck no. Not tonight. Gonna let her get a little more comfortable workin’ the bar.”

“So, tomorrow night, then.”

Judge shot him a look. “Yeah, you go work Rochester tomorrow night, I’ll work her.”

“You’re gettin’ the better end of that deal.”

Judge wasn’t going to argue that.

Not one fucking bit.



Cassie almost dropped the two draft beers she was carrying over to the “pool room.” She barely caught them in time, then forced her attention from the door—where Judge and two large dogs just walked in—to her job, which was more important.

Her job was way more important, she reminded herself. If she spilled the beer, she might have to pay for them, and she needed every dime she was earning. Stella was graciously letting her work Thursdays through Sundays, which were the busiest nights.

And she was grateful. So far, her tips had been decent, and Dodge paid her cash after her shift every night once they closed. She’d been squirreling it away in a shoe box at her sister’s house. Every night when she added to it, she counted every dollar all over again. To see that pile grow, even a little, was satisfying. It made her feel not so hopeless.

From now on, she would be in charge of her and Daisy’s destiny. Not anyone else.

Filing for divorce a year ago, getting out of Rochester recently and now getting this job were her first steps toward that. It might be a slow process, but at least she was moving forward.

Just like her feet were doing, as she entered the half-walled area off the main floor, where the pool tables were kept. Even on a Sunday, both were occupied, and quarters lined the rails as people waited their turn to play.

Dodge told her the pool and dart league nights during the week were also lucrative nights to work and maybe Stella would eventually adjust her schedule to include them. Cassie hoped so.

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