Home > Blood & Bones : Judge(39)

Blood & Bones : Judge(39)
Author: Jeanne St.James

At least somebody was happy to see him.

He stepped back but she kept coming and she ran right up to him, her little sneakered feet pressing right against the steel toes of his boots. Her head fell all the way back as she stared up at him, her eyes—the same blue as her mother’s—snapping with excitement. “Pick me up.”

Jesus, she wasn’t asking, she was demanding. Like a mini tyrant.

His eyes slid to Cassie, who was now coming down the hallway, not at the same pace as her daughter. Fuck no, much more slowly, not bothering to hide the suspicion in her expression.

Daisy pounded on his thigh, drawing his attention, when he really wanted to watch Cassie’s hips rock like a boat in stormy seas toward him instead.

“Pick. Me. Up!”

“Daze,” Cassie began.

But before she could get the rest of her words out, Judge scooped the little girl up in his arms and she just about made him deaf with her shriek of excitement.

Then she grabbed his beard with a tight tiny tyrant fist. He winced when she yanked on it. “It’s soooooo scratchy!”

The five-year-old yanking on it was not the same as her thirty-something mother doing the same.

He’d admit he preferred the latter.

Judge grabbed her little fist and pried her fingers open. “Don’t need bald spots, kid.”

Daisy laughed like a little maniac and released her hold, wrapping her arms around his neck and her little legs around his waist. She began to bounce and kick him with her heels. “Giddyap, horsey, take me inside.”

“Daisy!” Cassie yelled, reaching for her daughter.

“I got ‘er,” Judge told her and stepped inside. It was a good excuse to get his ass in the door.

She closed it behind him, probably only because it was cold out and not because she wanted him there. “Please, put her down. She can’t just climb all over strangers.”

“He’s not a stranger, Mommmma. We know him. He’s Judge.”

He met Cassie’s annoyed blue eyes, his lips twitching. “Yeah, you know me. I’m Judge. We’ve... met.”

The woman rolled her eyes at his smirk. “It’s late. You need a bath and to get ready for bed.”

That sounded like a good plan to him.

“Judge just got here!”

Damn. Maybe Cassie meant that for her kid, not him. “Not stayin’ long, kid, just needed to talk to your momma.”

“Will you read me a story ‘til I’m sleepy?”

“No, he will not,” Cassie said sharply.

Daisy pouted. “My momma is soooooo mean.”

“Doubt that.” Judge put the little girl on her feet. “Always gotta listen to your momma. She knows best.”

“She don’t know poop.”

“I’m sure she knows poop.” Judge did his best to strangle his laugh and not encourage Daisy’s behavior.

Cassie sighed. “Okay, then. I need to get her upstairs. Is this going to take long?”

Probably not as long as he’d like. “Get done whatcha gotta get done. I can wait.”

“She needs a bath and a story before she falls asleep.”

Judge would love Cassie to give him that bath and read him a story, too. Not the same kind of story she was going to read to Daisy. “Got time.”

Cassie’s mouth opened, then she shut it and pursed her lips. Color rose into her cheeks as he stared at that mouth. The one that had sucked him hard not even two days ago.

“It’s going to be at least an hour, if not more. If you only have something quick to say...”

“Do whatcha gotta do, Cass. I’ll wait. Or I can come back if you’ll let me back in.”

Her hesitation didn’t give him a lot of confidence she’d let him back in.

“Tell you what, gonna run to Pete’s and grab a beer. Be back in about an hour and a half to make sure she’s settled in for the night. This way we’re undisturbed.”

Daisy stomped her foot. “But I want Judge to read me my story!”

Judge glanced down at the little hellion in pink sneakers. “Not tonight, kid. Next time maybe, if your momma says it’s okay.”

Cassie’s lips parted and her brow furrowed.

“Know how to read, you know,” he teased her.

She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Go get a beer. Don’t pound so hard when you come back.”

“Don’t know how to pound any other way, baby,” he whispered close to her ear.

Her cheeks exploded in color as he pulled away.

With a grin, he left.



Stella grinned at Judge as he settled on a stool at the bar. “Cassie isn’t working tonight.”

“Know it. Didn’t come here for her.”

“What did you come here for?”

He shook his head. “A fuckin’ beer. Last time I checked this was a fuckin’ bar, right?”

Stella laughed and moved away, grabbing a pint glass and filling it at the tap.

The newest patched member, who normally bartended, was nowhere to be seen. “Dodge still down for the count?”

Trip came around the left side of the bar to stand behind it. “Fell into some pussy. Figured I’d help Stel tonight and give him that. The man works fuckin’ hard. A few nights off in a row to let him finish celebratin’ ain’t gonna hurt.”

“Must be some pussy,” Judge muttered.

“Mmm hmm.” Stella slid the full glass in front of him.

He met Trip’s ol’ lady’s eyes. “Coulda offered Cass an extra shift. She could use the money.”

“I did,” Stella answered him. “She turned it down.”

Judge frowned. “Why?”

“She didn’t tell you?” Stella asked.

“Why the fuck would she tell me?”

“Oh, I don’t know... Maybe because someone saw her sneaking out of your apartment early Sunday morning?”

His frown deepened. “Who?”

“Does it matter?”

Fuck no, it didn’t. Not really.

But, shit, that meant the word already spread if Trip and Stella knew. The club was full of gossips who couldn’t keep their fucking mouth shut. Just like in high school.

Stella leaned over the bar toward him. “Don’t scare away my newest employee, Judge. We need her and she’s good at her job.”

“She needs this fuckin’ job, she ain’t gonna scare easy.”

“How’s he gonna scare her away? With his big dick?” Trip wrapped an arm around his ol’ lady.

“Oh, you have a big dick?” Stella wiggled her eyebrows at Judge, then bumped her shoulder into Trip’s. “Is it too late to switch ol’ lady cuts?”

“Woman, my dick might not be as big as the Jolly Green Giant’s here, but I got a golden fuckin’ tongue.” He stuck it out and wiggled it.

Stella elbowed the club prez in the gut and he dropped his arm from around her. “So, what are we talking here, Judge? A one-night thing?”

“Why you care?” Trip asked her.

Stella shrugged. “Just want to know if I need to be prepared for a scorned, broken-hearted employee.”

“What we did had nothin’ to do with hearts.”

Trip grinned.

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