Home > Chaz(8)

Author: Elizabeth Knox

I nod, not realizing how much I needed to be dominated.

Gia isn’t a Mistress, or anything of that sort . . . but she is a kinky fucking dominator, and that’s exactly what I need.

But not after tonight— hopefully I’ll find that dominating person I need, but it can’t be Gia.

It just fucking can’t.



Chapter Five



Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.

~ Buddha






I watch the way the amber liquid in my cup swirls around, floating over the ice, splashing against the sides of the glass. It’s my third glass of scotch and I’m still sitting on the dark gray sectional, staring at the front door like a husband who’s waiting for his wife to show up.

Glancing over to the oven, I can see from here that it’s a little past one in the morning. Fuck. Where is she?

I run my hand across my forehead in frustration, pissed that I let Damon tell me to take a walk. If I hadn’t, she and I would’ve gotten over this by now. Fuck, we’d both be asleep in our beds, getting some much-needed sleep.

Tires rolling over the gravel driveway indicate someone’s driving back, and then I spot headlights in the distance. The lights suddenly stop and I’m on my feet, heading to the door. The second I open it up, I see Camila’s shitty little car. She gets out of the driver’s side, Cheyenne’s in the passenger seat and when the three girls come out of the back, I instantly recognize Cirque, Mirage, and Esme.

“He’s already waiting for you,” Esme murmurs, probably hoping I wouldn’t hear a word of it.

“Fuck,” Cheyenne’s tone tells me she doesn’t want to see me, and I’m not overjoyed to see her either. We have some shit to talk about, and we’d better discuss it. I’m not a fan of liars, and she lied. Not even about something little. It was massive.

If I had known that . . . if I’d known what I learned tonight, things might’ve . . . maybe they would’ve turned out differently for us. Fuck, I might’ve even dated her.

I watch as the bunnies head back to their brothel house, careful to not make any eye contact with me as they scatter off. I’m sure they can feel the tension between Cheyenne and I. “Have a good night,” Camila says quickly, rushing over to the trailer she has with Booger.

The second the trailer door slams shut Cheyenne turns to face me. Her black hair cascades in loose waves over her shoulders, and our porch light gives enough illumination to spot the dread in her eyes. She bats her lashes a few times and breathes in deeply before she even takes a step. The sparkle of her nose ring causes me to really take in what she’s wearing.

A black thing goes around her breasts, almost looking like a crop top, but it isn’t. There aren’t any straps on it at all. She has a matching black leather skirt with a zipper going in an asymmetrical way, and to top it all off, she’s wearing the sluttiest, velvet red knee-high boots.

“You have fun tonight?” I’m not askin’ her to be a dick. I genuinely want to know.

“Cut the bullshit, Charlie.” Cheyenne hisses, calling me by my legal name.

She struts up the stairs that lead to our trailer and places her hand on the doorknob. I don’t know why, but I grab her forearm. It felt like I needed to, like it would be a way to show her with one touch that I don’t want to fight. How I just want to talk.

She doesn’t even look at me, her eyes on the brown door in front of her. “Charlie.”

Her tone is a warning, a defeated one, but a warning nonetheless.

“I’m sorry I lost my temper with you earlier, okay? It was wrong that I . . . treated you like that.”

“I don’t understand why you’re apologizing.” She tells me, pushing the door open she goes inside. I take in a deep breath and follow her in, shutting the door securely behind me.

“Why do you have to second guess my apology? Can’t you just accept it like normal women can?”

She whips her head in my direction quicker than she ever has before. “No, because you’re not a normal man. You’re constantly speaking in fucking riddles, and you know it. Fuck. I know you, Charlie, and I know you have some idea. It’s the only reason you’re apologizing to me right now, isn’t it?” She cocks a brow, crossing her arms while her lips form into a scowl.

I look at her, the way she’s dressed fuckin’ perfectly. I picture her as the woman who could be on the back of my bike, for good. I tell everyone I’m not the settling down type, but I’d only need the right woman . . . and imagine how I felt when I discovered the right woman might’ve been here with me all along.

Fuck it.

She has been here all along.

I finish off the rest of my scotch and place the glass on the side table next to the sectional. “It felt like a slap in the face today, Chey’. I thought you were out of my fuckin’ league. I thought that you didn’t like—”

“Stop.” She interrupts me, her eyes going wide. I’m sure she’s already caught on with what I’m trying to say.

“Chey’, I—”

“No. Shut your mouth. You can’t say this to me. Not now.”

I narrow my eyes in on her, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Cheyenne sinks back onto the couch, runs her manicured nails through her hair and sighs heavily. “I spoke to Zane this afternoon. Now that you’re healed up, he wants me to head to Billings tomorrow.”


This has to be a joke.

“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me.” I quip.

“I’m not.” She confirms.

“I can go with you to Billings.” If it means getting what I want, I’ll make a sacrifice. I’ll go up to Montana with her. It’ll be simple, especially if it works out. I’m willing to try for this shit, and I hope she is too.

Cheyenne shakes her head from side to side. “You can’t come with me, Charlie.”

“The fuck I can’t. It’s easy, Chey’. I only need Damon to approve it, and he speaks to Zane. Within a few hours I could get the go ahead.” I tell her. You’d never know she grew up with an MC by how much she doesn’t understand.

“Charlie, trust me . . . you don’t want to go with me. Not when, not when . . . things could be changing for you.” She said I was the one speaking in riddles, though it looks like she’s taken it up now.

“What do you know?”

“I’m not supposed to say anything.” She mutters, drifting her eyes down to the floor.

“Chey’, please, if you’re gonna shoot me down tonight you might as well tell me what I’m missing. I promise I won’t say shit to anyone, but do this for me, please.”

She looks back up to me and shuts her eyes for a moment. “Charlie, Zane is going to offer you the VP position in Mexico. He asked me what I thought about you being able to handle the pressure, considering I’m your best friend. He wanted to know what I thought, and I told him you would do a great job. He said he was going to offer you the position formally within the next month, after the charter’s construction was finished. Amara is still looking for full patches out her way.”

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