Home > Mouser(3)

Author: Elizabeth Knox

For a while I was confused on how neither of my parents had found me as of yet, considering I told Lucian to stop running the masking program months ago. I should’ve known he would’ve waited. That maybe he had some hope we’d be able to fall back into what we were before and the mere act of our sexual relations would keep me safe. But I couldn’t keep doing it anymore.

Lucian was great, for a time at least. I think I outgrew it. Although, it was fun. Flying to various cities, having sinful filled nights underneath satin sheets with far too much sake and whiskey. In a sense I felt carefree and it only gave me a taste of what I feel now.

While we caught up I discovered my uncle has been spending much more time in Mexico. However, he’s been trying to stay close to the border in case he’d need to rush back here if something went sideways with me. When he told me, I stared at his caramel skin and looked into his almond colored eyes, and internally thanked the kami for bringing such a blessing into my life.

As a follower of the Shinto religion we are some of the most optimistic people. It is said that as people, we are naturally good. However, all evil in this world comes from evil spirits. I must admit, over the last six months or so my faith has been lessening. I know I’m supposed to be positive, and to believe that people are good . . . but are my parents under the influence of evil spirits, or is this simply who they are?

I respect my religion and love my Shinto faith. Although, in my heart I know my parents aren’t under the influence of evil spirits. This is simply who they are and knowing that only hurts even more.

“I will be heading back to Mexico tomorrow, but Damon requested a meeting with me before I leave.” My uncle tells me, finishing the last of his tea.

“Oh?” I question, cocking a brow but I try to not seem overly inquisitive.

“Yes, I think he wants to go over more of how we can help one another. Especially with our plan starting to go in motion over the border.” He tells me.

“Makes sense. I know working with him isn’t something you wanted, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not grateful that the two of you put your own warpath to the side and figured out what was actually happening. It shows what great leaders you are.” A while back, my uncle and Damon, the Prez of this charter of the Reapers MC trusted the wrong person. Her name was Onyx and she was trying to double cross them with the other, making them appear like enemies to the other when that wasn’t the case.

They figured it out and arranged a meeting, ending up taking Onyx down. Although, it wasn’t the easiest feat. A newborn baby was stolen and the Reapers ended up taking down their longest reigning enemy. Thankfully, they were able to get the newborn back as well and now he’s safely with his parents and his twin sister here at the club.

Onyx wasn’t just a random woman, though. She had been in charge of the clubwhores and the prostitution business. You see, she had managed her own sort of prostitution ring before she began working with the club. Since she’s out of the picture it was suggested I handle the group of women. I know it was only suggested because I was privy of watching my mother handle her Shirabyōshi.

Shirabyōshi are women who practice the arts, who also operate as prostitutes. They’ve been doing this since the early 12th century. They’re commonly mistaken as geishas. Geishas are in no way, shape or form any way associated with prostitution. They are but the highest-level entertainment in all of Japan and they should be treated as such.

“How sweet you are, Sakura. Yes, well, we do have a bit of business to discuss. Francisco has given me an offer for the Reapers to handle some issues on this side of the border. In a sense, they’d offer security. They’d also act as . . . enforcers of people who want to keep doing the grimy shit they are.”

“So, the Reapers would be peacekeepers in a sense?”

“Yes, though they can use as much force as necessary to get the message across to those who wish Mexico stay in the same drastic state it’s currently in.” He rises from the bar and takes his glass over to the dishwasher, placing it in the top rack.

“Ah, I understand.”

“I’m glad you do, because I’m unsure if they’ll want to get mixed in our politics.” He states, turning around to face me, leaning his body against the countertop.

“It’s not my place to say, although I can see why they’d have some reservations. Mixing in other people’s business has been proven to not be in the best interests for anyone.”

My uncle chuckles lightly, nodding. “Yes, I have to agree with you there. But, we aren’t here to cause problems for the Reapers. It’s quite the contrary, they’ll be handling our problems and in turn they’ll be paid a hefty penny for their services.”

“Well, I hope you’re able to contract them. Clubs like this will never say no to easy money.”

“Yes, well, we won’t know until I ask. Speaking of jobs, have you started running the whores yet?”

I scoff, letting a breath out. “Do you have to call them whores?”

“They fuck for money, yes? They’re whores.”

Rolling my eyes I decide not to argue with him. It won’t get me anywhere and he’s the type who can argue until his face turns blood red. “No, I haven’t started officially working with them yet. After Onyx was killed, they kind of just . . . decided to be sole proprietors.”

“And you allowed them?” He questions, showing me in his overall tone just how much he disapproves.

“Considering their former boss was just murdered for being a two-timing piece of shit, I decided to give them a bit of time.”

He begins to walk toward me and places his hands on my shoulders, looking me sternly in the eyes. “No, my dear. What you did was give them the perfect reason to riot against you. In any business, that is what will happen if you don’t demand respect and make your position as their leader known. Now, well, I’m afraid you’ll have one hell of a time trying to get them to be on your side.”

“They don’t need to be on my side. They just need to do their fucking job.” I hiss back my reply.

He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me while he kisses me on the cheek. “This is exactly why you will have a problem. Call me if you need my help. I’m afraid I must get to my meeting with Damon.”

“Alright. I’ll go over and check in on Ivy. She’s been great so far, but every time I get a chance to go over she has about twenty questions prepared on what she should or shouldn’t be doing. She’s so afraid she’s doing something wrong. Always so nervous and whatnot.”

“Isn’t that what they say about first time mothers? How they are so fearful?”

I nod, “Yes, it’s true.”

“Ah. I’ve never had a woman who wanted to give me a child. I thought one day I would experience it for myself, but it seems life didn’t work out for me in that way. But I do thank God every day that he brought me you, mi amor.”

“Go, you’re going to be late.” I gently remind him, feeling thankful that even if I can’t stand my own parents, the kami sent me my godfather.



Chapter Three



Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul

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