Home > Orlando(26)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes

The utter bliss of having the baby finally in her arms again was having a contradicting effect on her mindset about this. She’d begun to consider the possibility of coming clean sooner than later about everything. From the little she knew about Orlando, he already seemed like a sweet enough guy. He might be understanding, and she could stop losing sleep over him finding out the truth another way. Now she couldn’t decide what the bigger risk was. Telling him the truth and risk him not understanding and getting banned from Oreo’s life forever or not telling him and risk this blowing up in her face—and getting banned from Oreo’s life forever. Shaking off her worries for now because the baby was getting fussier by the minute, Danica was quick to pull the bottle from the fridge and warm it. She sat in the nursery’s rocking chair, feeding him as she too began to feel a little drowsy. Between worrying and being so excited about being with the baby again, she hadn’t gotten much sleep the last several nights. When he was done with his bottle, she burped him then changed him before attempting to put him down in his crib. Except the moment she tried to, he protested immediately, holding his hands up for her, and began to whimper.

“Baby, that’s not how this works,” she whispered, patting him gently on the side of his tush. “You’ve been fed and changed. I’m not Felicia. I’m doing this right.”

No sooner had she said the words than she was already giving in and picking him up. It was her first day back. Bootcamp could start tomorrow. Or next week for that matter. The moment he was back in her arms, he settled down snuggling into her and resting his head on her shoulder with a sigh. She walked to Orlando’s room, wondering if maybe he was just used to that crib and not the one in the nursery. But after trying to put him down in that one and getting the same reaction, he was back in her arms. Orlando’s bed was so big and inviting she couldn’t help being drawn to it, especially after yawning a few times. It gave her an idea. This was totally against what she’d normally do but, given that it was the first day of their reunion, she’d bend the rules just this one time. She put him down on the bed, and just like in the crib, he began to pout, so she lay next to him. He was instantly acquiesced as he snuggled up next to her. Danica lay sideways, luluing him as his tired little eyes began to droop. She kissed his little head again and again as her fingers massaged his still near bald head. Her own eyelids felt heavy with slumber, and as the baby fell asleep contently, she allowed herself to close her eyes just one time.

“He’s perfect, Angie,” Danica held him out for Angie to see. “He had his one-month checkup. He’s already gained two pounds, and his heart murmur is almost gone. You did good, girl.”

She wouldn’t even turn to look at them. “I can’t. I just can’t, Dani. Oh, my God I can’t believe I’m so pathetic.”

“You’re not,” Danica assured her for the millionth time. “It’s not your fault your hormones are crazy. The doctor keeps saying it. This is very common. So many women suffer what you’re going through, but they get through it. So will you.”

She still wouldn’t turn to look at them. Just kept facing the wall as she hugged her pillow. “Good night, Mama,” Danica said, holding Oreo a bit higher. “You’re loved, Angie,” Danica whispered. “And you’ll be just fine. In the meantime, Oreo will be taken care of. I’ll make sure of it.” Unlike most days because she was trying to get him on a routine this early, tonight Danica’s heart hurt too much, and she needed to feel his heart against hers. So instead of wrapping him up tightly and putting him in his bassinet, she brought him to her room and let him sleep in her bed with her. The smell of him, his little nighttime murmurs, and feeling his warm little body against her were absolute bliss.



Chapter 11



Slamming his hand on the steering wheel, Orlando could kick himself in his own nuts now for not having run a background check on Dani. What the hell had he been thinking? When Felicia called to tell him she’d just left the house and told him about how well the baby had taken to Dani so quickly, he’d been beyond relieved. Felicia sounded almost annoyed at how easy it’d been for Dani to calm him. He’d been certain he hit it out of the park with Dani. As soon as he’d gotten off the phone with Felicia, he’d shot Dani a text to tell her so and to explain he might be a little longer than he’d first thought. Almost two hours later he’d yet to hear back from her. She never responded to his texts, and he’d been calling her even before Byron had been released from jail. He’d called and texted several more times since, and once again as he drove, her phone went to voicemail. As a new babysitter, wouldn’t she know it’d be important to return the parent’s calls ASAP? She’d been so damn professional. Why the fuck wasn’t she answering or returning any of his calls? He must’ve called about ten times now. Orlando was trying not to panic, but the more time passed, and he wasn’t able to get ahold of her, the more he thought of how stupid he’d sound if God forbid, he’d have to call the cops or something. Nope, I didn’t run a background check. If we hadn’t hired her at the shop, I wouldn’t even know where she lives.

His stomach had started to knot up, as he sat in the parking lot of the county jail and each girl about Dani’s age walked out of the women’s side with their walking papers. It was a reminder of when he’d been in and out of trouble and how all of the girls he’d hung with could get into equally as much trouble as him, despite them not all looking or acting like thugs. Most of the women he’d seen walk out of the facility did look like obvious losers, but there had been a handful that looked as seemingly innocent as Dani did. That coupled with the fact that she wasn’t responding, and it dawned on him that he’d left his son in the hands of a practical stranger. Sure, he had her info from the employment papers she’d filled out for the shop, but that didn’t mean anything. He still knew so little about her, and he’d left the most precious thing in his life in her hands. Now he felt ready to lose his shit. Hitting speed dial, he called Felicia this time. She answered on the second ring, sounding all cheery. “Hey, there.”

“Hey, did Dani mention having to go anywhere today?”

Felicia was quiet but then responded. “No, she didn’t. Why?”

“I can’t get ahold of her. I texted her after I got off the phone with you earlier, and she never responded, and she’s not answering her phone. She didn’t mention anything at all?”

He heard her sigh as if she was trying to remember. “The only thing we talked about was her experience with kids and her going to school. Oh, her fiancé called her just before I left.”

For a moment, Orlando was pulled out of his worried thoughts, stunned by this. Fiancé? When did that happen? “He did? Do you know for what?”

“She said he asked her to check in. That he always does when she has a new client and she’s going over for the first time. I guess he was worried because she hadn’t. She was all cutsie with him, with her I love yous before she hung up. But that was it. I heard her apologize for not checking in and then assure him she was okay and that she’d call him when she was done.”

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