Home > Orlando(34)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes



Chapter 14



Rushing down Orlando’s street the first Saturday she’d be watching the baby, Danica muttered under her breath. Orlando had asked her if she could be there extra early today. They were filming for the shop’s social media this morning, and they’d asked everyone to be there earlier than they normally showed up on Saturdays. They didn’t open on the weekends, but they went in anyway, to work on VIP stuff.

Danica could swear she’d set the damn alarm on her phone. Ever since she’d been reunited with the baby, her sleepless nights had ceased, and she now slept like a baby herself every night. Just like the day she’d fallen asleep with him at Orlando’s, the problem was she slept too well and too hard now. But she wouldn’t complain about the dreams she’d been having. Most of them consisted of the baby, but Orlando had made a few sizzling appearances in some of the ones that’d had her waking up breathless.

That morning she’d pulled out of one of the breathless dreams when she jumped out of bed and realized what time it was. She’d barely had time to rush through getting dressed before running out the door. She’d packed a change of clothes so she could shower at Orlando’s since she hadn’t had time to do even that.

She pulled into his driveway, rushing out and around her car, glancing at her watch again. He’d asked if she could be there at six and it was just after that now. Punching the unlock code to his door that he’d since shared with her, she got the door open and pushed through it but froze when she laid eyes on her glorious shirtless boss. She stood there, feet frozen in place, as she took in the exquisite sight before her. He sipped his coffee without a care in the world and smirked, looking a little surprised. “I thought that was you I heard drive up. You’re early.”

“It’s past six,” she said, still unable to completely look away from his magnificently chiseled abs and chest. “My alarm didn’t go off.”

Orlando shook his head with a smile. “I said six thirty. Little Man isn’t even awake yet.” He smiled even bigger. “Ever since you’ve started watching him, he’s slept in later and later each morning. That routine stuff really works. Just checked on him. Still sound asleep.”

“I could have sworn you said six,” she said, relieved when he reached for a shirt on the sofa and set his cup down. She didn’t know how much longer she could stand there without him noticing her shameless gawking. Holding up the bag with her clothes, she cleared her throat and tried to focus on that instead. “Brought a change of clothes since I didn’t even get a chance to shower. I ran out so fast.”

“Sorry about the mix up. I really did say six thirty.” He pulled the shirt on over his head. “But since you’re early and I don’t have to be out of here yet, feel free to take a shower before I leave if you want.”

She took him up on the offer and started toward the bathroom as he explained today wouldn’t be a full day for him. “I’m just going in for the video we’re shooting, but I should be back before noon, in case you have any plans for the rest of your Saturday.”

“I don’t.” She smiled, looking at him as he handed her fresh towels from his linen closet. “So, feel free to take your time. My only plans were to watch Oreo and maybe work on an assignment for my online class when he naps.”

“I’ll still be back early. I’ll buy you lunch, but feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge or the pantry if you didn’t have time for breakfast.”

Danica nodded, smiling as she walked into his master bathroom. He’d insisted she shower in there since it was bigger and was fully stocked with toiletries as opposed to his guest bathrooms that were rarely used.

Closing the door behind her, she glanced around his bathroom. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she tried not to put too much thought into the fact that she’d soon be standing in the very shower where that perfectly sculpted body stood daily, butt naked. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply as she remembered the amazing sight she’d walked into already. Never in her life had she been so tempted to reach out and touch somebody. She turned the water on, glancing back at the door and feeling nosey. The only times she’d been in there were when she’d bathed the baby, but he’d been there with her each time, so she hadn’t been able to snoop. As quietly as she could, she opened his medicine cabinet. All the normal things you’d find in it were there, except one thing that called out to her—his cologne. “Fierce,” she whispered as she read the name on the bottle. “Perfectly fitting.”

Taking a whiff, her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head. Now she knew what that incredible fragrance was she hadn’t even realized she’d smelled on him since day one. Putting it back, she got in the shower and took a quick one, enjoying the other smells she hadn’t realized were all Orlando like his shampoo and body wash. She got dressed quickly after getting out but couldn’t help giving into temptation and opening the medicine cabinet again. She reached into it and grabbed the cologne again, inhaling the tip. Feeling greedy, but not wanting to spray the bottle and leave the bathroom smelling like the cologne, she unscrewed the top and sniffed the bottle. It was a new bottle because it was filled nearly to the top. Inhaling deeply again, she took another heavenly whiff of it.

“Dani.” The knock at the door made her flinch, and some of the cologne dripped onto her top.

“Yes?” she asked, trying to get the top back on the bottle with her now wet hands.

“Shower work okay for you? I forgot to mention sometimes you have to jiggle the knob to get it to work right. Got someone coming out soon to get that fixed.”

“Y-yes.” She fumbled with the bottle, nearly dropping it in the process, but managed to get it back in the cabinet. “Everything worked fine. I’m done now. I’ll be right out.”

“Take your time. I just remembered the knob thing.”

She winced as she grabbed her things together because she now reeked of the intoxicating cologne, and she was sure the entire bathroom did too. Opening the window, she waved her hands in the air, willing the fragrance out. With no other choice, she finally opened the bathroom door and walked out into his bedroom. She’d been so busy trying to get the cologne back as quietly as possible, she hadn’t even bothered putting her hair in a towel. The baby was no longer in his crib, so she figured Orlando must be changing him in the nursery or getting the baby’s breakfast ready in the kitchen. Taking advantage of the extra time she had, she put her stuff down on his bed and rushed back into the bathroom to grab a towel. She whirled it in the air, frantically trying to move the smell around. Walking out backwards because the smell had inevitably seeped into the bedroom now, she continued to whirl it around all over and above her head as hard as she could. The baby cooing just behind her made her freeze. She squeezed her eyes closed for a moment, inhaling deeply, before turning around to face Orlando, who stood there holding the baby and wearing an amused smirk. “I knocked even though the door was open. But then I saw you were fully dressed, so I just came in.” He smiled even bigger. “What are you doing?”

“I uh, was just airing the bathroom out.” Her hand was at her hip now as if somehow that would make her look less like the crazy person he’d just walked in on. “You don’t want to get mold.” She cleared her throat, lifting her chin. “Very dangerous for the baby.”

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