Home > Orlando(41)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes

Orlando knew what a crush was, and at first, he’d been convinced that’s all this was. Oreo being so besotted with her only added to it. Who wouldn’t be charmed by someone who made their kid this happy, right? Even the scares she’d given him that first week and her lack of cooking skills had turned out to make her even more endearing. It’s why he knew better now. This was no crush. But it was also why he had to try his hardest to tread lightly. This was a very delicate situation and he did not want to blow it, if he did or said anything that might make her feel uncomfortable. Orlando was just beyond grateful he hadn’t been forced to listen to another one of her hair-raising conversations with her boyfriend.

It was the third Friday that Dani would be taking over watching the baby. Orlando had been happily preparing his son’s morning cereal in the kitchen as they rocked out to Cri Cri playing on his phone before she got there. His phone ringing interrupted their music. Frowning when he saw who it was, he almost sent it to voicemail. Since the day Felicia had showed up at the shop unannounced, Orlando had all but ignored her ever since Dani had come into the picture, but he thought better of it. Felicia had been there for him when he’d really needed her, so he felt guilted into answering.

Not just that, but he needed to get things straight with her sooner rather than later. Now that he’d gotten a taste of what it was like to really be into someone, even if there was nothing he could do about it, he needed to make a clean break from Felicia, especially if she was feeling for him, anything close to what he’d begun to feel for Dani. It wasn’t cool to give her hope for something he knew now with all certainty wasn’t going to happen.

Little Man was in his highchair, busy with his morning biscuit, so Orlando figured he had time to chat for a little before feeding him. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Hey.” He could hear the smile in her voice, and he felt bad already. “I was just thinking about you, so I thought I’d call and see what you’re up to.”

“Getting Oreo’s breakfast ready so he’ll be fed before Dani gets here.”

She was quiet for a moment as Orlando walked over to the counter and stirred more cereal into the soggy mixture. “Oreo?”

Orlando smiled. “Yeah, it’s what Dani calls him, and it’s starting to stick.”

She didn’t say anything again for a moment. “Listen. About that, I thought of you yesterday when I overheard one of my professors on the phone. He was talking to a nanny agency, and I asked him about it when he got off. He said he’s been through three nannies this year.”

Closing his eyes, Orlando pinched the bridge of his nose at the reminder. The only time he’d considered possibly following up with a background check on Dani was the morning he’d had the scare with Dani not answering his calls. But once he’d realized how worked up he’d gotten for nothing and especially after she’d come clean about her past, there was no way he felt the need. Felicia went on about what the professor told her: that in each instance with the nannies he hired after posting the job online, they all seemed fine at first and then he had to let them go for one reason or another. He said nanny agencies do stringent background checks on potential hires. They get lots of references and their interviews with both the potential nanny and her references are extensive. They ask very specific questions about how the nanny handled herself in many different scenarios, etc.

“It got me thinking about . . . Dani. You hired her for the shop from a temp agency. I’m assuming she was recommended to you guys based on her receptionist skills, right?”

“I asked her all the questions I needed about her childcare experience,” Orlando said a little too defensively but then added in a softer tone. “I’ve seen enough to know she’s qualified.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Felicia, you saw her, and you said it yourself. She’s incredible with him, and she’s now proven to me in many different scenarios, how good she is at handling herself with him.” Aware that he was sounding defensive again and that Felicia only meant well, he backed up again. “Listen. I appreciate you looking out, but I’m good. Thanks again for all your help with him before I found someone to watch him. I was really in a bind, and I haven’t and won’t be forgetting that I owe you one. I know I’ve been out of touch lately, and it’ll probably get worse before it gets better. The shop is getting crazy busy, but I’m serious, Felicia, if you ever need anything, you have any issues with your car, by all means bring it in anytime, and I’ll make sure it gets taken care of, no matter how busy I am.”

Felicia was quiet for a moment again, and Orlando knew why. He knew what that last part sounded like. He was making it clear he’d be too busy now for anything more than returning a favor—in a professional way. Despite Dani’s situation, and the sacrifice he vowed to make for his son’s sake, his stubborn heart was holding out hope that maybe not anytime soon, but eventually things might change. Relationships, even ones as serious as hers seemed, had a way of falling through. Anything could happen, right?

For now, he’d take his time around her having everything to do with the baby and nothing else for what it was worth. But he wanted to rid Dani of any assumptions she might still have about him and Felicia.

“Will I be seeing you anytime soon?”

Orlando closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. Normally, this was an easy question to answer. He could just give a generic sure I’ll give you a call when I get some free time type of response. But for some reason—and his gut knew that exact reason—he knew he needed to do the right thing. So, nothing short of honesty would cut it now. Felicia deserved at least that much. No more dicking around the way it’d felt when he’d ignored her calls in the past weeks. “My life’s gotten pretty complicated, Felicia. With my mom watching the baby twice a week, it doesn’t feel right to be asking her to watch him so I can be social. I need to focus on my son right now.”

She started to say something but then seemed to take it back. Orlando had a feeling why that was. This wouldn’t be the first time she countered his excuse for not getting together by assuring him he didn’t need to get a sitter just to hang out with her. She was cool hanging out with him and his son. But he could tell she’d picked up on just how much things had changed lately. She was likely rethinking the possibility of sounding too pushy, maybe even a little desperate. Their unspoken understanding before Dani showed up likely still stood with Felicia. Comments like the one she made to Dani about being willing to step up and take on the mother role to Oreo made one thing clear. Felicia was feeling more for Orlando now than he’d ever anticipated. Keeping things going even in the casual way they’d been doing was out of the question now. Not without feelings being hurt, and he just wasn’t willing to chance that. They might not have been exclusive or even gone out in weeks, but in not so many words, they’d sort of agreed to give each other a heads-up if they’d moved on. Not that Orlando had, but he wanted her to know she was free too if she wanted to. So, before she changed her mind and swallowed her pride, he spoke up first.

“Listen. I’d say maybe we could hang out some time or something, but I prefer to be honest and upfront with you about this. I don’t anticipate having time for a social life anytime soon. Things are different for me now that I’m trying to get a routine going raising the baby and keeping up with the shop.”

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