Home > Orlando(59)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes

“The hell they haven’t. I’d make out with you right here right now to really drive my message across, but seriously . . .” He frowned as the stench of the cologne hit him again. “Go home and throw that blouse away, please. I’ll buy you another one.”

She giggled now, looking playfully remorseful. “I will.”

He laid another long deep kiss on her before he walked away, knowing he’d have a million nosey inquiries as soon as he got back in the shop.



Chapter 23



It’d been weeks since Orlando had stopped trying to pretend his ass wasn’t as sprung as he felt. Everybody at the shop knew now that they were together, but he’d still tried, for the sake of not spooking Dani, to tone down what he was feeling. Only he had it bad for her now, and there was no sense in trying to deny it. She’d also just come off a pretty serious relationship. Given how quickly and eagerly she’d been all for their physical connection, no questions or even demands, he’d wondered if he might be her rebound guy. But so far, everything between them seemed perfect. She appeared to be just as sprung as he was and didn’t seem to mind whenever he’d slip and make a comment that bordered on what might sound controlling or overly possessive. It just couldn’t be helped sometimes, but he’d meant it when he said he’d be damned if he’d ever want her to compare him to her asshole ex.

Of course, Oreo was just as obviously smitten with her as Orlando was, and who could blame the little dude? Everything about her was so fucking perfect. Orlando had even cut off all other women cold turkey, including Felicia, especially after making it more than clear how he’d feel about Dani around her ex. The way he was feeling about her so soon scared the shit out of him, but at the same time, he was trying to set the precedent. Despite what an asshole her ex turned out to be, there was no getting past how serious she’d been about him, and how recently. There was no question about it now either. The guy was still pining over her—dropping to his knees in public to try and beg her back. Who the fuck did that? Orlando wanted to believe what she’d told him about the guy: that once she’d cut him off, he’d been respectful of her wishes and stopped trying to reconnect with her. It’s why it was so important to Orlando that she knew this was how he wanted things to be for both of them. Not just with her ex. No exceptions. So, he hadn’t answered or responded to any of Felicia’s calls or texts since he’d gotten his first taste of Dani’s lips, even before the cologne incident.

Seeing Felicia’s name on the envelope on his phone screen now annoyed him. He hadn’t heard from her in over a week when he last ignored her call, but now there it was again. Didn’t she get the hint? He pulled up the driveway of his house, anxious to get inside to Dani and Oreo. Only reason he even clicked on Felicia’s text was to get it off the screen of his phone. He wasn’t taking any chances when it came to this, especially since he and Dani had yet to make any real promises. Orlando was trying not to be too pushy. Everything was still under assumed expectations. So, he didn’t want to give her any reason to think this was some kind of open relationship like he’d described his and Felicia’s. Clicking the text, he almost hit erase before even reading it, until Dani’s name in the text caught his eye. He clenched his jaw instantly in defense mode. He’d only respond to her if she even remotely made a snarky remark about Dani.

How goes it? Is everything with Dani and the baby still working out? Seeing her love interest this morning reminded me of her, so I thought I’d ask.

Orlando reread the text again, trying to make sense of it. Love interest? Was she being catty? Baiting him? Orlando’s relationship with Dani hadn’t been a secret in any way almost since the beginning. It stood to reason she’d heard about it already. Maybe she’d even come by the shop or his house and caught a glimpse of them together. With him barely able to keep his hands and lips off Dani now, Felicia could’ve easily been witness to just how much their relationship had changed. If that were the case, then what the hell was she up to texting him about Dani’s love interest?

Deciding not to bite, Orlando deleted the text, refusing to give it any more thought. Whatever games Felicia might be playing, he wouldn’t let her suck him in. For all he knew, maybe she’d seen Orlando somewhere that morning. They’d uploaded a few new YouTube videos that past week about the shop’s latest restorations. If Felicia had caught any of that, maybe this was just her cryptic way of letting Orlando know she’d seen him and that she knew he was now Dani’s love interest. As if it mattered or he’d care that she knew he’d moved on.

“Whatever,” he muttered as he walked around his truck. One glance up at the window where Dani stood, smiling, holding his giddy baby boy, squashed any irritation Orlando had begun to feel. He hurried his step, already smiling as big as his boy was. When he walked into the house, he was greeted by a squealing Oreo, who as usual nearly jumped out of Dani’s arms to get to Orlando. “Dada!”

“There’s my little guy!” He took the baby in one arm, kissing him on the head before wrapping his other arm around Dani. “Jesus, homecoming doesn’t get any better than this.”

Dani kissed him back just as eagerly, smiling beautifully between each peck. “They had perfectly ripe avocados at the farmers market today, so I made taquitos with the chicken we had left over from the barbeque. I hope you’re hungry.” She giggled as he pulled her to him again, raising a brow. “They’re not perfect, but they weren’t a total fail. I watched a YouTube video. Of course, they made it look a lot easier than it actually was. They’re not very pretty, but they’re good.”

Orlando chuckled. So far none of her dishes had been pretty, but she was getting better. As usual, he could barely keep his hands and lips off her, despite Oreo demanding his attention too. She told him more about the farmers market down at the park as they made their way to the dining room. As she always had so far, whenever she prepared a meal at his home, she set up the dining room with all the fixings where they ate all their meals. Orlando could hardly believe how much his life had changed in such a short span of time. He’d gone from being a clueless single dad trying to figure right from left when it came to raising a baby on his own, to this. Unless he was at his mom’s or he bought himself something on the way home, his meals had usually consisted of something quick and dirty like a pizza pocket or frozen burrito he’d throw in the microwave then eat walking around the house, fumbling as he played dad. This was the fourth night in a row he was eating his dinner in the dining room with his new little family. Who cared if it wasn’t so perfectly cooked? But he dared not make more of it and jinx things. Sure, it was silly that she was spending more and more nights a week at his place and they’d yet to discuss their relationship in any real detail. All he knew was, from the moment he’d gone for it that first day he kissed her, she’d never protested his advances. Not once had she so much as shown any sign of wanting to slow things down. Yes, he’d picked up on the unease, the same unease Orlando only ever felt when he paid her each week. It was a reminder that she was here because she was getting paid to be there. But the only thing he was paying her for was to watch the baby and work at the shop, not anything else, damn it. Still, it was a rude reminder of the unestablished meaning of what was happening between them now. But it was like neither seemed to want to step up and discuss it. Once again, as all their other meals had gone since day one, they discussed the day’s happenings: Oreo’s newest milestones, any additions to his ever-growing vocabulary, and the list of new foods he was now eating. As Oreo babbled on, bringing little pieces of his mashed food to his mouth, Dani’s eyes suddenly went wide. “Oh my God. I almost forgot. Watch this.” She turned to the baby. “Oreo, tell dada hola.” She smiled big and waved at Orlando. “Hola!” The baby smiled, waving his messy little hand at Orlando. “Hola!”

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