Home > Orlando(6)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes

“An oil change,” she said a bit guarded. “But there were a few people before me.”

A mixture of caution and nerves danced in her eyes. As she looked back at him, he noticed something else in those big almost startled eyes he couldn’t quite put his finger on—anticipation? Whatever it was, it caught his attention in a strange way.

It had him inadvertently thinking of something else. Orlando had calmed quite a bit about the prospect of being a father. It’d helped him think a little clearer about his initial willingness to go along with Felicia jumping the gun on their relationship. So, he’d since put the brakes on things between them. With everything he’d been doing to ready himself to be a dad, and the shop being so damn busy, the time he spent with Felicia had been severely cut back anyway. He still saw her every once in a while, but it was hardly what he’d call a relationship, and as they had before her boyfriend declaration, they’d gone back to their unspoken agreement. He was all for a good time and her hanging out even the next morning. But he still wasn’t feeling the whole serious relationship thing, especially now that he had something so much bigger occupying his thoughts. Meeting new chicks hadn’t even been out of the question before he pulled way back from Felicia. So, hell yeah, he could get his flirt on with this one. He smiled even more playfully. “Not to brag or anything, but I can probably push things along a little faster for you.”

This close her dark eyes were much bigger than they looked outside when she’d squinted up at him, and she wasn’t even wearing a lick of makeup as far as he could tell. Another thing about being privy to her this close, Orlando could now see the heavy curves were what made her look a little full-figured. What he’d labeled top heavy outside was actually a hell of a rack to match the well-rounded ass. But as far as Orlando had ever been concerned, as long as it wasn’t sloppy, the more there was to squeeze the better. And this chick had plenty to squeeze. Except she was more of what he considered deliciously voluptuous than full-figured, in Orlando’s opinion anyway.

What surprised him after getting a much closer look was that he’d completely missed one of his biggest weaknesses when it came to women—her full, almost-bordering-on-pouty lips. He’d been dead wrong about her being a typical-looking Hispanic girl. With those curves in all the right places, big dark sweet eyes, and those suckable lips, she was anything but typical-looking. After taking a much longer inventory of all her startling features, he noticed she was almost exotic looking—in an exceptionally good way. He glanced back up at her eyes, still working the playful smile. “I might be able to up you to VIP status. Get you past some of those people before you.”

The man sitting in the waiting area looked up from his magazine, taking Orlando in. It was only when he realized Orlando was talking to her that he focused on her too. Orlando glanced down at the paperwork on the counter, wondering which one was hers. An oil change shouldn’t take this long. He didn’t realize they were this busy. He read the names on the service orders curiously, but didn’t see any female names. He could ask her what she was driving, but suddenly he was more curious about something else. He winked, smiling even bigger. “What’s your name?”

“It’s under my name,” the man said before she could respond. “Ted. They said they’d also look into the noise it’s been making.”

Well, shit. After glancing down at the paperwork with Ted’s name on it, Orlando dropped it on the counter. Flirting with this chick was out of the question now. The guy was noticeably older than her; it’s why Orlando hadn’t put them together. Since they’d been sitting a seat away from one another, he’d assumed they didn’t even know each other. But given the guy’s obvious attitude, for all Orlando knew this could be her dad. Though it was wishful thinking. The guy was white, and with her exotic features, it was highly unlikely these two were related. Even though the guy appeared to be much older than her, his undisguised distaste for Orlando’s flirting suggested he might be her boyfriend. “I’ll go check to see where they’re at with it.”

He walked off into the shop area, not even looking in the girl’s direction this time. To his surprise, Beast was out there. “When’d you get here?”

“Just now. I’m just stopping by though to pick up something I forgot yesterday.”

Orlando glanced at the crisp collared shirt Beast wore and the gray slacks. “Why you looking all grown-up today?”

“Family portraits. But I took my wedding band off yesterday when I got into something too greasy and forgot it.” He shrugged. “Ali ain’t taking those portraits if I’m not wearing it. She said she’d rather reschedule.”

Orlando laughed, busting his balls about his wife cracking the whip. The big guy was famous for effortlessly knocking out heavyweight opponents in the ring, yet he was putty in the hands of his tiny little five-foot nothing wife. Still smirking, Orlando asked the guys working on Ted’s Kia how much longer it’d be before they were done with it, then followed Beast back inside.

“Why’s this place such a mess?” Beast asked when they were back behind the counter.

“Talia’s still out on disability,” Orlando explained, stacking up some of the more messed-up stacks of paper. “Not sure when she’ll be back.”

“Then have one of the guys standing out there come in here and do something while they’re doing nothing.”

“Will do.” Orlando glanced out the window until Beast interrupted his thoughts again.”So how are things coming along?” Beast asked as he searched the drawer. “This week, right?”

“Better be this week or my lawyer will be all over them. I’ve jumped through every hoop those bastards have asked me to. And I have a house now—with a yard,” he added, his tone as annoyed as he felt. “So, they can’t give me shit over where I live anymore. If I don’t have him by this Friday, someone’s ass is getting sued.”

“You’ll get him.” Beast pulled his ring out of the drawer and put it on. “I know it feels like forever, but it’s only been a couple of months, right?”

“It’s been three fucking months. I’m tired of this shit. I want my boy home already.”

“It’s gonna happen.” Beast clapped him on the back as he walked back around from behind the counter. “No reason why it shouldn’t.”

Orlando nodded, not feeling so sure about it, but said good-bye to Beast as he walked out then glanced back at the two still in the waiting area. Only this time he addressed Ted. “Should be just a few more minutes, Chief.” Ted nodded as the girl stood up, making her way to the customer bathrooms. Orlando did a double take, his eyes going from that ass to her face, when he noticed her wiping away tears. At first, he thought maybe he’d been mistaken. But sure enough, she wiped again, and Orlando thought he even saw her brows pinch together as she rushed into the bathroom. When he glanced back at Ted, the guy was eyeing him—hard. Could this asshole have been a dick to her just because Orlando had started to flirt with her?

“Check it out.” Nine’s words kept Orlando from locking eyes with Ted as his friend walked into the shop, holding a piece of paper up. He handed it to Orlando, who read what looked like a kid’s school assignment. A very young kid because the answers were written in crayon and barely legible. Already he knew this was Nine’s stepdaughter’s school assignment.

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