Home > Misadventures in the Cage (Misadventures, #27)(3)

Misadventures in the Cage (Misadventures, #27)(3)
Author: Sarah Robinson

“You want to bury her?” Callan tried not to laugh. “And she has a name now?”

Josie nodded. “Sienna the Sex Doll, yes. I want to bury her.”

Callan tossed up his hands. “Sure. Why not? Let’s bury a sex doll at midnight in Las Vegas.”

She clapped her hands together. “Thank you! Come on, help me get her in the back of the car.”

He glanced around again, hoping no one was watching. This was a photo-optics nightmare.

Opening the rear gate of his Range Rover, he reached in and grabbed a blanket he had stored back there. “Here. We can wrap her in this. I don’t really want to be touching her anyhow.”

“Shhh,” Josie said, putting her finger to her lips. “Sienna might hear you.”

Cool. So he was taking home a crazy chick. That was a fantastic twist to the evening.

Even more cause for alarm was the fact that his dick twitched at almost every word out of this crazy woman’s mouth. There was something about her spirit that was having an effect on him he rarely experienced with other women.

Josie laughed. “I’m just kidding. Definitely don’t touch her directly. That’s herpes waiting to happen.”

“I gathered as much,” he assured her, tossing the blanket over the doll and wrapping it up. He lifted the faux body and placed her in the cargo space.

Josie watched him, helping tuck in the blanket as he stuffed the doll inside. “Well, if you ever needed to know if you could fit a body back here, the answer is yes.”

“I’ll be sure to tell the guy who sold me this car that he should start using that as a sales tactic,” Callan said with a laugh as they both closed the back and walked around the car.

After hopping in, he pulled on his seat belt. “I can’t believe I just stuffed a sex doll into my trunk.”

“You’re doing the right thing,” Josie said solemnly, buckling herself in as he pulled away from the curb. “Sienna deserves a proper burial.”

After a quick stop at a local hardware store—one that was closed but happened to have a rack of shovels on a stand outside that they could “borrow”—they headed out to the desert. As soon as they hit the city limits, Callan pointed around at the vast amount of empty space.

“Pick a spot, I guess?”

She motioned toward a lone bush in the middle of nowhere. “By that bush.”

He pulled the car off the main highway and into the desert, rolling up by the bush. Gravel at the side of the road crunched under his feet as he reached into the back seat for the shovel.

He pointed next to the bush, which was illuminated only by the SUV’s headlights. “Here?”

Josie nodded. “Do you want help?”

“Digging a human-sized hole when your wrist is all fucked up?” He shook his head. “Nah, I got it.”

Suddenly, Josie looked a little nervous and pulled out her phone. She was holding it like a lifeline.

Callan eyed her for a second. “Did you just put two and two together that you’re in the middle of the desert with a virtual stranger, and he’s digging a hole for a body?”

A small grin crossed Josie’s lips. “The thought may have crossed my mind.”



Chapter Three



“This was your idea,” Callan reminded Josie, laughing at the absurdity of the moment. They were standing in the desert burying a sex doll they’d found on the side of the street at midnight. They were virtual strangers themselves, and yet, here they were, bonding over the weirdest Vegas experience he was sure anyone had ever had.

Okay, so that probably wasn’t true. But this was still weird as shit.

“Fair,” she agreed, wrapping her arms around herself. “But let’s hurry. It’s cold out here.”

Callan quickly dug a shallow hole big enough to squeeze Sienna’s plastic body into. They tucked the blanket down into the earth together, and then he shoveled dirt back on top, covering her up. The entire process took about ninety minutes, because even working fast, digging in the hard sand was no easy effort.

“Great. Now we can go home?” he asked, finishing patting the dirt on top of the hole.

Josie shook her head. “We need to say a few words. Have a proper funeral.”

“Good Lord, what the hell do you say at a sex doll’s funeral?”

She cleared her throat and turned on the flashlight on her iPhone, pointing it at the burial site. “Sienna was well-loved, and her company was greatly enjoyed by all who met her.”

Callan bit his lip to keep from laughing, and he could see a similar amusement on Josie’s face as well. “Sienna’s absence will forever leave a hole that no one can fill.”

“Sienna, you really were a one-of-a-kind friend,” Josie continued. “And someone, somewhere, will greatly miss you.”

“Rest in peace,” Callan finished. Then he made the sign of the cross over his forehead and chest. “Okay, I think it’s safe to say she received a respectable funeral.”

Josie nodded and then took his hand and gave it a squeeze. She let out a little laugh and shook her head. “We did a good thing.”

His dick leaped in response at her touch. Calm down, boy. Apparently crazy was a turn-on for him because the battier this chick acted, the more he was attracted to her.

“Only in Vegas,” he replied. “Come on. Let’s get you back home.”

He figured after the insanity of the night, there was no way she still wanted to come back to his place. Although he had to admit, now he wanted her even more than before.

She shook her head, climbing into the car next to him. “I just helped bury a body in the desert. I really don’t think I should be alone tonight,” she teased, poking his leg. “Let’s go back to your place.”


She grinned at him—big green eyes and a wicked smile that he knew was going to get him in trouble. “Yeah.”

He pulled the car back onto the main highway and listened along as Josie blasted music again and sang along. After about thirty minutes, they were back in the middle of Las Vegas and headed toward their destination.

Josie reached over and turned down the music, looking around. “Are we going to the strip?”

That was the other aspect he hadn’t mentioned to her just yet. “Well, you said you wanted to go to my home. The MGM Grand is home for the next month. I don’t live in Las Vegas. I’m actually from Los Angeles.”

She nodded, taking on a contemplative expression. He wondered what she was thinking and debated asking her, but he liked the mystery of it all.

“What were you doing at a local bar?” she asked, tucking her feet up underneath her on the car seat and leaning her head back to look at him. “It’s not often we get tourists down there.”

Callan shrugged, pulling the car into the valet lane at the MGM. “I like to get away from the craziness of the strip every once in a while. Plus, when I’m visiting places, I love to explore the local watering holes and sites. Get a feel for the area and the people. Occasionally bury a sex doll in the desert. That sort of thing.”

She seemed to like that answer, because she got a dreamy look on her face, her eyes softening and a small smile forming on her lips. The car came to a stop, and she unbuckled her seat belt, hopping out her side of the car before he had the chance to walk around and open the door for her.

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