Home > Seduced by my Bully (I'm Yours Book 3)(5)

Seduced by my Bully (I'm Yours Book 3)(5)
Author: Elisa Leigh

“Unfortunately, men like him don’t give up.” Officer Johnson says, handing me his card. The way he says it makes me feel like he has experience with that, and it makes my heart hurt for him and whoever was hurt in his life because of an abuser. “If you can’t get a hold of this guy,” he says, tilting his head towards Cam, “give me a shout.”

“Thank you. I will,” I say, smiling gratefully.

Cam and Officer Johnson walk to the front door to leave, but Cam stops and says something in Officer Johnson’s ear then claps him on the back before he walks out. Cam turns around to face me.

There’s a moment of awkward silence before we both start talking at the same time. “I’m sorry you got my-”

“I took the case when I heard it was you.”

“What? You did?” I ask, completely shocked.

He nods. “Now isn’t the time, but we are long overdue for a conversation.”

“Cam, we don’t have to do this. We don’t have to rehash our history. You live your life, and I live mine. Harper Falls is big enough for both of us.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to work for me, and if you’re honest with yourself, I don’t think it’s worked for you either.”

I’m about to deny it when he shakes his head. “Just think about it before you put your walls back up and go back to pretending you don’t remember me. In the meantime, call me as soon as he gets in contact. You hear me, Monroe?”

“I will, I promise.” I sigh.

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow, Roe.” He says with a smile pulling at his mouth, before walking out of the house.

Roe. God, he hasn’t called me that since the summer we met. That was one of the best summers I’ve ever had, and then everything got so messed up. How do you hate someone who you also thought you could love at one point?

I’m just a hot mess and shouldn’t be involved with anyone. I need to focus on me and get back to the woman I was before Brent came into my life. Yet, I want to hear what Cam wants to say to me. I’m curious, to say the least, but I fear whatever he says will only make things more complicated.

I’m feeling confused as I watch him walk to his police cruiser through my living room’s windows. I can’t help feeling a little excited at the same time. At one time, he was the boy I dreamed of marrying when I grew up. Then he turned into a jerk.

I shake my head, knowing nothing good will come from talking about the past. Not with him and definitely not with Brent. It’s better to leave the past where it’s at and move on. I lock the front door then walk around the house, making sure everything else is locked so Brent won't be able to get in if he gets that bright idea. After all this time, all I want is for him to leave me alone. He can go live his life, far away from here, and I can live mine. Why won’t he just leave me be?

Because you’re mine. You’ll always be mine. Brent’s words echo in my head.



Chapter Four






I keep thinking about Monroe and her creep of an ex. It’s hard to believe a woman like her would end up with someone like him. Even at thirteen, she was fiercely independent. She never struck me as the type to get into a relationship with a man like that. I can’t imagine the shit she went through. At least she got out, but not before he put her in the hospital first. The rage I feel knowing what he’s done to her makes me want to throw my badge out the window and take him down. Before I was a police officer, I had been in the Marines. He wouldn’t be the first person I’ve killed.

When Johnson and I get back to the station, I do some digging into Brent Overstreet. The bastard is a manager at an advertising firm in Atlanta. After making a few calls, I get the number to the arresting officer on Monroe’s case.

“This is Lawrence.” A gruff voice says, answering the phone.

“Lawrence, this is Detective Beckett calling from Harper Falls Police Department in Nebraska.”

“That’s quite a ways away. What can I do for you, Beckett?” He asks.

“Does the name Brent Overstreet ring any bells?”

“Please tell me that cocksucker isn’t doing what I think he is.” He growls.

“He left Monroe Drake a package on her doorstep today. That’s about all we know at this point.”


“Pretty much. Look, I need you to send me any reports you have and a copy of that restraining order. I need to know specifics so I can nail this bastard to the fucking wall.”

“You got it, man. I’ll get you whatever you need. I couldn’t believe the judge. He gave him community service, a fine, and mandated the restraining order would remain in effect until the petitioner requested it to be vacated.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I growl.

“I’m not surprised. Men like him have connections in this city. Do what you can to keep eyes on her until he slips up.”

“You bet your ass I’ll have eyes on her,” I tell him.

“Good, I’ll get those reports sent over to you ASAP.” He says then hangs up the phone.

As soon as I’m off the phone, I stand and go to my Captain’s office and wait for him to get off the call he’s on.

“Beckett. Get your ass in here.” He orders. Walking in, the older man eyes me. “What do you got?”

“Monroe Drake, Hunter Drake’s daughter. He and his wife own the Brew for You coffee shop.”

“What about her?”

“She left Atlanta a few months ago when her ex-boyfriend used her as a punching bag.”

“Shit. Did she press charges?”

“She did, but the judge gave him a slap on the wrist and sent him on his way. She came home to Harper Falls, hoping to get away from him. We have evidence the ex is in town. He left a package on her doorstep today, asking to get back together.”

“I hate these fucking cases. Legally we can’t do anything until after they’ve broken the law. What’s your gut telling you?”

“He wants her back, and he’s not giving up until he has her. I can’t let that happen.”

Tilting his head to the side, my Captain studies me. “You got a personal connection to this?”

“We knew each other in high school.”

“It’s more than that, though?”

“It is.”

“I should pull your ass off this case, but Jericho is still out on medical, and you’re one of my best guys. Don’t screw this up, Beckett!” He says, pointing at me. When I nod, he shakes his head. “Grab a few officers and set up a patrol schedule. I want eyes on her at night and periodically throughout the day.”

“Thank you, Captain,” I say and turn around to walk out of his office.

“And Beckett.” I turn around to look at him. “Don’t rush her son. Not after what she’s been through. If you care about her, then give her the time she needs.”

“I rushed her once a long time ago, and it was the worst decision of my life. Slow is perfect.” I say before walking back to my desk.

After meeting with the officers I trust most on the force, I dole out their assignments then head out for the night. I’m taking the first shift.

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