Home > The Sea Witch(10)

The Sea Witch(10)
Author: Katee Robert

“Exactly what it looks like.” For the first time since I arrived here, Hercules sounds downright amused. “Zuri is going to auction herself off tomorrow night.”

Alaric flinches, but he drops his eyes before I can read the emotion in them. He glances at Hercules. “Can we have a minute?”

“No, I don’t think you can.” Hercules gives Alaric’s hands, still fisted in the front of my robe, a significant look. “If you want to talk, I’m going to walk over there and wait.” His expression goes hard. “But you manhandle her again, and we’re going to have a long fucking talk.”

Alaric slowly releases my robe. I have to grab the slick fabric to keep it from falling off my shoulders again. We both watch Hercules walk to the next group of couches over and sit down. It’s not quite far enough to be out of hearing range, but he’s affording us the illusion of privacy, which is better than I expected. I waste no time righting the robe and getting my arms into the appropriate places. “Hello, Alaric.”

“Hello, Alaric? That’s all you have to say to me right now?”

No, I have a whole lot more than that, but as sheltered as I’ve been, I don’t think declaring my love and then promptly selling my virginity to someone else is the best route forward. I tighten the belt at my waist. “I’m going to help you. I said I would, and now I’m here.”

He clenches his jaw. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, everyone keeps insisting on telling me that.” Even Ursa, though at least she only said it once. I appreciate that she actually took me at my word instead of questioning me every step of the way.

“You’re never going to forgive me if you do this.”

That surprises a laugh out of me. It sounds nothing like my usual laugh, bitterness coloring the tones. “I could say the same to you.” I hold up my hand before he can speak. “I’m doing it. If it means I lose you, at least you’ll be free. What’s one night compared to that?”

His dark brows draw together. “One night? They didn’t tell you?”

Something like fear opens up in the pit of my stomach. “They didn’t tell me what?”

“The contract you’ll sign is for seven days.”

Seven days.

I steel myself even as I’m reeling internally. I thought I read the sample contract so closely, but apparently I missed that little bit in the midst of my exhaustion. “Fine. What’s your freedom compared to a week? Even a month? It will be okay, Alaric. I’ve completed the list, and Hercules has assured me it will be honored.”

He doesn’t look reassured in the least. There’s still that strange look in his eye, but I can’t quite define it. Finally, he looks away. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

Frustration boils up. I’ll admit that this situation is hardly ideal, but this is the first conversation we’ve had in months and it’s not going anything like I’ve imagined. “Hi, Alaric. Yes, it’s so good to see you again. I’ve missed you terribly. I’m so happy I was able to slip my father’s leash and come here. You’re so incredibly welcome that you’ll be free in a little over a week.”

Just like that, his expression softens. “I’m being a jackass, aren’t I?”


His lips curve, a sensual line that has my stomach leaping in response. “I’ve missed you, Zuri. Terribly.” He glances at Hercules. “If we didn’t have an audience, I’d kiss you right now.”

“Kiss me anyways.”

Surprise widens his eyes the tiniest bit. “If you’re sure.”

I don’t remind him that I’m going to be naked and on display on this stage tonight. What’s a kiss compared to that? Instead, I just nod. “I’m sure.”

He steps closer and cups my face between his hands. Alaric is built lean, but he’s tall. He has to bend down quite a bit to take my mouth, a soft kiss that starts with the barest brush of his lips against mine and then deepens in slow strokes. He teases my mouth open and then he’s kissing me fully. My entire body comes alive under that single point of contact, as if his tongue stroking mine is touching me elsewhere, too. I shiver and arch toward him, needing more, but the clearing of a throat freezes us both.

I step back, my skin flushed. Alaric looks at me like he wants to consume me whole, but he increases the distance between us.

Hercules walks up, his expression carefully neutral. “I think it’d be best if you made yourself scarce until after the auction.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Alaric smiles, but it’s a faint echo of his normal charming one. “I’ll see you soon, Zuri.”

Just like that, the nerves I’ve been trying so hard to quell rise up to flutter in my throat. “Okay.” Soon. After the auction. After the week I’ll have spent with someone else. Do we even have a chance together after I go through with this?

We have absolutely no chance if I don’t.

In the end, it’s still the only option.

He reaches out and strokes his thumb down my neck. I feel that possessive touch all the way to my bones. “We’ll get through this.”

“Yes. We will.” I have to believe that. I have to.



Chapter 6






An hour before the auction starts, I’m back in Hades’s office. This time, we’re joined by Hercules and two women. One is white with brown hair and features sharp enough to cut the unwary. From the way she casually touches both Hercules and Hades, this is the Meg I keep hearing about. The other woman is around my age and Black with a head of blue hair that I envy. She’s so pretty, it takes my breath away, and when she smiles, I find myself getting a little dizzy.

Hades folds his hands. “Hercules has assured me that you’re committed to this.”

I’ve come to expect Hercules questioning me at least once an hour with the hopes that I’ll change my mind. I didn’t expect it from this cold man. “I am.”

He nods. “Meg.”

The sharp-featured woman steps forward. “I’m going to handle the bidding. Aurora will be the one displaying you.” She motions at the blue-haired woman, who smiles again. “Do you have any issues with orgasming in front of an audience?”

I blink. “No?”

Meg gives a small smile. “Was that an answer or a question?”

My skin goes hot and tight, but I fight for focus. Honesty is important right now, and I don’t want to promise something that I can’t deliver on. “I’m not sure I can.”

Her dark brows rise. “You’re not sure you can orgasm?”

Is it possible for a person to die of mortification? I fight to keep my spine straight and not melt into my chair. “I can orgasm,” I manage. “I mean I’m not sure I can with another person and in front of an audience.”

Meg tilts her head to the side. “Does being on the stage bother you?”

“Not as much as it probably should.”

She chuckles. “And Aurora?”

I look at the woman in question and, again, answer honestly. “She’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.”

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