Home > The Starfolk Arcana(50)

The Starfolk Arcana(50)
Author: Martha Dunlop

‘Amelia,’ Jonan said, nodding and raising his glass.

‘Jonan, how nice to see you. You look as ravishing as ever, darling. Has this little mouse snapped you up yet? Or is she too timid?’

Beth frowned. ‘I hadn’t had a timid moment in my life until you messed with my head.’ She kept her voice calm, but her fingernails dug into her palms as she clenched her fists at her sides.

‘Ignore her.’ Jonan took one of her hands, and threaded his fingers through hers, forcing her to relax her grip. He turned to Amelia, who had unhooked her leg but was still leaning into the man. Jonan’s jaw tensed as he looked at him. ‘Where’s Bill?’

‘Bill? That old fool?’ Amelia’s high-pitched laugh made Beth wince. ‘How the devil would I know?’

‘He’s disappeared.’

‘Well, good riddance.’

Beth forced her face into a smile. ‘You don’t know where he is?’

Amelia gave an elaborate sigh. ‘You seem to think I’m some kind of criminal, Beth. A mafia boss or something. But I’m just a silly celebrity.’

‘I know exactly what you are.’ Jonan’s voice was soft.

Amelia licked her lips.’ You always were a pain in my backside, Jonan.’ Amelia straightened, and then walked over to Jonan with exaggerated slowness, her hips swaying from side to side as she put one heeled foot directly in front of the other. She stopped in front of Jonan, too close for courtesy.

He stepped back, but his heel hit the skirting board.

Amelia smirked and raised one hand, cupping his cheek.

Beth felt her anger rise a notch as Amelia moved her body in closer, breathing something so quietly into his ear that she couldn’t hear it from two paces away.

Jonan’s jaw tensed. He glared at Amelia, and then sighed. ‘That’s ancient history.’

Amelia laughed, tipping her head back, allowing her long, luscious hair to hang behind her. ‘And you think she would agree? You think you’d still get your precious destiny if she knew? I haven’t forgotten, you know. I still know enough about you to recognise every soft spot. You can’t hide from me, Joe.’

Jonan shrugged. ‘I’m not going to try. ‘Where’s Bill?’

‘Bill again? What do you care about that old man?’

Beth put her glass down on the top of an upright piano that stood to her right.

‘On a coaster please, darling,’ Amelia snapped, but didn’t move.

Nor did Beth.

The man in the suit stepped forward, slipped a coaster under the glass then moved back to Amelia’s side. He sat back in Bill’s chair, tipping it onto its hind legs.

A feeling of dread settled into Beth’s stomach. ‘Is he dead?’

Amelia laughed, but the high-pitched sound was strained. ‘Don’t be so melodramatic.’

‘Well, something’s not right.’ Beth walked towards Amelia, eyes narrowed. ‘If you are so afraid of spirits stealing your soul, why are you living in this creepy place? Why would you settle somewhere so obviously haunted?’

‘You’re assuming my choices are your business.’ Her voice was low, hypnotic. She smiled. ‘I don’t have to explain myself to you.’

Beth was standing in front of Amelia now. She stood tall, but the other woman still had a few inches on her. ‘Maybe not.’

There was silence, broken only by the ticking of a carriage clock on the mantelpiece. Beth looked over at Jonan. He stood in the shadows by the door, hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. His face was impassive, eyes blank, a very human blue. His high cheekbones, accentuated by the dim light, made his face seemed edgy and unfamiliar.

Roland stepped towards her, standing too close. She smelled garlic on his breath, felt his intrusion. It was suffocating. A smile stretched across his face. It was familiar, but she couldn’t place it. His face remained cold, his eyes dark and unreadable.

She took a step backwards.

‘Give her space.’ Jonan’s energy fizzed, creating little sparks of light that flashed so fast she wondered if she’d imagined them. His ears shimmered into little points and his aura stretched, making him appear large and intimidating.

Roland wasn’t fazed. Without any kind of show, he matched Jonan’s presence at all times. ‘Is that all you have to throw at me?’

‘Don’t take a single step closer to Beth.’

‘Or what?’ Roland tilted his head and grinned, cat-like, at Jonan. ‘What exactly will you do to me… brother?’ He stretched out the syllables, emphasising the word so it bounced around the echoing corridor.

‘You haven’t been my brother in a long time. Don’t think you can start now.’

Beth turned to Jonan in surprise. When she looked closely, she saw the similarities between the two men. They both had the angular cheekbones and slanted eyebrows. They had the same lean but strong physique, but Roland was as dark as Jonan was blond, his face rounder, softer.

Amelia rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t bore me with family reunions. I was over that a long time ago. Rolo, leave Beth alone.’

Roland walked around Beth in a circle, but didn’t come any closer.

‘Don’t push me, Roland.’ Jonan’s voice was quiet.

Roland laughed. ‘What are you going to do? Call Mummy?’

‘I might just do that.’ Jonan smiled, but there was no warmth in it. His eyes were narrowed, his shoulders tense as he glared at the younger man.

Roland paled. ‘She won’t listen to you. She has other priorities now.’

‘You’d be surprised.’ Jonan’s voice was soft as he stepped closer. ‘She talks about you, often. She isn’t the way Amelia paints her.’

Roland leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘She made her choice a long time ago and I wasn’t it. You weren’t it. I’m surprised you still stand by her.’

‘I was cared for.’

‘By whom? Doriel?’


‘You’re crazy to put your faith, your life, in the care of that Oracle.’

‘And yet you put your faith in Amelia.’ Jonan shrugged. ‘Anyway, you know Doriel’s not the Oracle any more. She stepped into the role of Mother when Miranda went into seclusion.’

Roland stepped closer to Jonan. Their noses were almost touching.

‘You ruined everything and you have the gall to come here and try to throw your weight around?’

‘I ruined everything? On my own?’ Jonan’s voice cracked. ‘You don’t hold Amelia accountable at all?’

Roland walked over to the table, poured a large shot of whisky, knocked it back, and slammed the glass back down on the table. ‘Oh, I know where you place the blame, brother. My perspective is different. I helped Amelia put herself back together after you left. You may be proud of your teenage self for scoring a beautiful older woman, but I am ashamed of you. I always will be. You were not worthy of her.’

Jonan swallowed. ‘You certainly know how to hit a nerve. Amelia has taught you well. But if you stay with her, you will always live in fear.’ He looked up at Amelia. She was leaning against the wall, her fingers whitening at the knuckles where she held her wine glass with a death grip.

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