Home > The Starfolk Arcana(65)

The Starfolk Arcana(65)
Author: Martha Dunlop

The other woman let go of Jonan and wiped a tear from her eye. She turned and took a step towards Amelia. Closer now, Beth could see that her pale skin was almost translucent. Her hair was spun with grey glints, and there were deep lines around her eyes and mouth. ‘We once made a promise to one another. Do you remember?’

Amelia gave a harsh bark of laughter. ‘Remember? I have heard those words every day of my life, as a mockery of the love I felt for my sisters, and my own failure in believing that you felt something for me.’

‘I do love you, Amelia, and so does Doriel. If you were missing she would stop at nothing to find you, in spite of everything that has happened. Are you doing the same for her? We love you so much that we will not let you destroy these people. We will not let you stray this far from the path you chose when you were still thinking clearly.’

‘What do you know?’ Amelia stepped back. ‘Everything has changed. None of our promises or plans mean anything any more.’

‘They mean everything,’ Miranda said. We came here for a reason, to change things for the better, not to make them worse. We came with greater power than the people here were used to, and we intended to use that to raise them up, to help them fulfil their potential. We came here to shine a light, not to block it out. When did you start relying on fear, Amelia? You used to be such a beacon, and now you feed off fear like a drug. When did you ever need to draw on extra power? You have more of it than most people would ever dream of.’

‘Don’t judge me.’ Amelia gritted her teeth. ‘You left me alone in a strange world. I had to find a way to adapt. My light blinked out and there was nobody there to help me reignite it. I had to learn to work with the darkness; that was all I had.’

‘How can you say that?’ Miranda stepped forwards, spreading her hands. ‘I lost everything, but I held my peace.’

‘Held your peace? Are you kidding me?’ Amelia’s voice was high pitched. She stepped closer to the two women. ‘You didn’t lose everything; you threw your kids away because you didn’t like Jonan’s choices. You didn’t like me. You ran away and hid. That’s not holding your peace, or your light. It’s cowardice, it’s selfishness. Those boys were desperate for you and you turned your back all because your pride was hurt. You will never persuade me that you have any moral high ground. You gave away your integrity at the moment you let down Jonan and Roland.’

‘Both of whom you have now bedded, I understand?’

Jonan winced.

Amelia laughed and shook her head. ‘That’s still all that matters to you, isn’t it? A quick hug for Jonan and you’re using him already. You haven’t said a word to Roland. He was fifteen when you went into seclusion. Fifteen! If you want to talk about fear, talk to Roland. He was terrified. If I hadn’t taken him in, he would have been lost.’

Miranda’s eyes widened. ‘Roland is here?’ She looked at Jonan, eyebrows raised.

There was a cough from the doorway. Roland leaned against the doorpost, his white suit brilliant against his dark hair. His forehead was furrowed; his lips pressed tightly together.

Miranda’s feet were silent as she walked towards him, her hands held out, palms facing upwards. ‘My son.’

‘It’s a bit late for that, isn’t it?’ He raised his eyebrows.

She stopped, allowed her arms to drop.

‘I’ve moved on, Mother. Just like you did.’

Beth couldn’t see Miranda’s face, but she didn’t miss the shudder of her shoulders, or Roland’s wince. He shook his head and strode over to Amelia, taking her hand.

‘I’m sorry you feel I failed you.’ Miranda turned. A single tear drifted down her cheek. ‘I’m sorry you feel you had to turn to Amelia because I wasn’t there. I hope there may be something left for us to salvage.’

‘Huh. You think you can just walk back into my life?’ Roland’s voice was soft, controlled, but it held the keen edge of a lifetime’s anger. ‘You saw me as unimportant, less glamourous and exciting than Jonan and just too far from your heart. But people listen to me now, Mother. And they are looking for people to blame.’

‘I understand, Roland, but know that I am not frightened by your threats. I will be here if you are ever ready for me.’

‘You’ll be waiting a long time.’ He turned and walked over to Amelia, putting his arm around her waist.

‘You always paint me as the bad one, sister,’ Amelia spat the word, her nose wrinkling. ‘I was there for Roland. Doriel was there for Jonan. Only you walked away, abandoned your people.’

‘And yet, I am here now.’ All trace of sadness was gone from Miranda’s voice as she walked towards Amelia. ‘And I will not let you move forwards with this fear-mongering. I will not let you use these people and sacrifice Doriel to fuel your own hunger for power. The Triad may have broken down, but it is always ready to be renewed, to be channelled in another way.’

‘You wouldn’t dare,’ Amelia said through gritted teeth.

Jonan walked forwards and held out a hand.

Miranda took it and closed her eyes.

‘No.’ The horror on Amelia’s face was bizarre. She seemed so frightened by the simple touch.

Jonan’s eyes went wide, and then vacant as though he were watching something elsewhere.

Beth tuned into her psychic sight. Jonan and Miranda were surrounded by a bright white bubble, and the light was moving towards Amelia, bending outwards on either side of her to encompass the shadowy monks that gathered all around.

It held Amelia’s energy in, a sludgy fog that bumped up against the edges of the barrier, trying to get out and spread through the room.

DC Ainsworth swayed. Beth took him by the arm and led him to a chair. He slumped down, hunching over his knees, his body shuddering as he drew in deep breaths. Then he went still. When he looked up, something had changed.

His eyes narrowed at Amelia. ‘What did you do to me?’

‘Me?’ Amelia’s voice was shrill and tense. ‘Why do you think I did anything?’

‘I would never have agreed to any of this in my right mind. You’re trying to charge this man with a crime that doesn’t even exist.’

Amelia compressed her lips, but said nothing.

DC Ainsworth shook his head. ‘I’m out of here. I need to find these people who have gone missing.’ He pulled off his jacket and slung it over his shoulder as he strode out through the door. He didn’t look back.

‘I will never forgive you for this,’ Amelia hissed, pushing her energy outwards, thinning the light barrier that surrounded her.

‘You can add it to the tally.’ Jonan’s voice was expressionless, but Beth could see the focus it was taking him to keep Amelia’s energy from spreading.

Miranda started to sing, a deep chant that resonated in Beth’s breastbone. She felt an expansion in her chest and stepped closer. Both Jonan and Miranda held their free arms out, as though waiting for someone to take their hands. She looked up at Roland. His gaze moved compulsively backwards and forwards between Miranda and Amelia. His skin was sallow, and he rubbed his hand across his forehead.

Beth’s palms prickled. She felt a rush of energy as she had in the back room when she had stood up to Amelia. This was her place. She was born to hold her ground against this woman.

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