Home > Red Waters (Tainted Waters #3)(19)

Red Waters (Tainted Waters #3)(19)
Author: India R. Adams

At least, I believed that until she tried to kiss Yury one day. When he adamantly refused, she cried. Regrettably, I sighed relief. He had let me kiss him. I hoped it to mean he would not surrender me to an employee. I didn’t want to be Shelly or any other victim that cried in the night.

Pretend Whit held a grudge. Maybe it was because she was as surprised to see me the day that I arrived in Yury’s room as I was to see her. Yury had been torturing me in the basement but coming to her afterward, in attempts to have what I wouldn’t give him willingly.

As Yury hand fed Pretend Whit fruit, something I hadn’t had since being in America, she would even give me sneered glances. She was on her knees, being treated like an animal, yet had the gumption to try to make me jealous.

The worst part? I was sitting on a dog bed, totally jealous of her treatment.

Yury was not only a master of whips and chains but of mind-fuckery.

Since coming to Yury’s room, I lost even more weight. Pretend Whit’s ass was plumping up from the skin and bones I had become. A part of me was hoping to wither away and die, but the mad man fed me just enough to keep me alive. Emaciated, but alive.

In my desperate situation, I decided to appreciate what I did have. I was safe. Due to my leash, no one was permitted to touch me. The new boss had made that deadly clear.

In another attempt to infuriate me, Yury took Pretend Whit to dinner. I was too baffled to respond as I watched him clothe her in a beautiful, shimmery red gown and red high heeled shoes. From my dog bed, I didn’t miss the dig with him choosing the color of red.

“She gets to go outside?”

Yury slipped on a black tux jacket. “That’s right. Whit has been such a good girl.”

I hadn’t had fresh air in so long that I began to hyperventilate. “In public?” My mind raced. From the floor, I looked to Pretend Whit, hoping she would see through his trickery and get us help.

Yury chuckled. “Fire. I’m reading your mind.”

I looked at the carpet while trying to catch my breath. She will get us help. She has to. Please, God, help her see this.

She didn’t.

After a full belly of expensive dining, Pretend Whit waltz back into our room as if she was now the queen of the deranged. Yury followed her, grinning and staring at me the whole time. “Good evening, Fire.”

Needless to say, I was appalled by Pretend Whit and my insane owner. “Bring any leftovers?” You piece of shit. I didn’t care that I was speaking callously. At the moment, I was far beyond being concerned for my safety.

Somehow, Yury didn’t care or bother to discipline me. Instead, he smacked his fancily dressed thigh. “Damn. I knew I was forgetting something.” He affectionately wrapped an arm around Pretend Whit’s waist. “You were to remind me.”

Swaying in his arms, she examined me as if we were no longer on the same level. It was true. She had been elevated. I was the left behind trash.

Yury lifted a brow as I slowly rose to my feet and set my shoulders back, daring him to punish me. I was acting as if a disobedient child. Bad attention being more rewarding then none at all. When Yury didn’t discipline me, I walked past them both. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Be sure to use cold water, Fire.”

I spun on my heels. “Of course, Master. I would never forget my place, under your shoe.”

I marched into the bathroom. He followed. “Why are you so angry? Jealous?”

In front of his huge bathroom mirror, I examined my reflection. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of the answer he desired. Dark bags circled my eyes. My cheeks were sunken in to a concerning depth. My collar bones and ribs were exposed…

Deadpan, I responded, “I’m dying, Yury.”

Yury’s suit was still cold from being outside when he wrapped his arms around me. I melted to him. It was the first contact in so long. I didn’t realize how much I craved affection until in his embrace. And the fact he was offering it at all had me hoping his madness would someday fade away…

That is why, when Yury said, “Then please stop making me do this to you,” I leaned my upper body back to see his face. I simply had to see if he meant what he said.

“You actually believe that this is my fault, don’t you?”

Dumbfounded, he replied, “Please, behave so I can feed you.”

If his answer wasn’t enough to stun me, him leaning in to kiss me was. I leaned back further. “What are you doing?”

“Fire, please stop being so stubborn.” His lips searched for mine.

After pushing from his embrace, I took off my leash and gently rolled it into a special bowl I had for it. I treasured my protection and treated it with respect due to the power it had. I wasn’t permitted to remove my collar, but I was okay with that because it was my only clothing allowed.

Bewildered, Yury watched me. “But you kissed me before.”

Turning from the counter, I faced him. “That was a tender moment. There were emotions there. You were showing me a part of you I doubted existed.” I gestured to what stood outside the bathroom door. “This? This inhumane treatment? There is nothing tender about it. It is cruel. It makes me hate you.”

His posture stiffened. His jaw locked.

I had hit him deep and was rather pleased for causing him pain.

Stepping into the walk-in shower, I grabbed a bar of soap and prepared for more misery.

I would literally count down in rapid breaths to prepare my skin for the onslaught. After turning a nozzle, ice cold water pelted me like blades. I had learned to scrub and rinse my body in fifteen seconds. I only washed my hair once a week and did it in the sink so I wouldn’t be a complete ice cube by the time I was done.

It wasn’t until grabbing a towel that I noticed Yury was gone, and so was my leash.



Perversions and Permission



Nothing Yury had tried in attempts to make me jealous truly worked. Not until I walked out that bathroom door to see Pretend Whit wearing my leash. I snapped! Absolutely lost-my-motherfucking-mind snapped! Yury eyed me—read the fury I was experiencing—then gleamed at his success. I was still soaking wet as I adamantly demanded, “Give. It. Back.”

I was going to be damned if that fat butt bitch was going to also have my protection. That was mine. Standing next to a pleased Pretend Whit examining her gift, Yury asked, “Is Fire making an appearance?”

I trembled with rage. “Yury, I earned that monstrosity. I did everything you wanted.”

He pointed to the bathroom behind me. “Not just now.”

Glaring at the other slave in the room, I held out my hand. “Wanna-be-Whit, give me my leash.”

Yury’s shoulders softened as if he adored me. “Yes, my Fire has returned.”

Changes needed to be made… And I had very few things I could bargain with.

Decisions had to be made… Was I willing to sell the last bit of humanity left in me?

Pacing in front of the bathroom doorway like a caged animal, I asked Yury, “You want fire? You want to burn?”

As if already tasting his reward for this long battle, he licked his lips, hunger in his eyes. “I do.”

I growled, “It will cost you.”

“Name it.”

I took a stance. “She’s out. Food is in.”

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