Home > The Highlander's Excellent Adventure(78)

The Highlander's Excellent Adventure(78)
Author: Shana Galen

“God, no. I’m sheathed to the hilt and you feel so good I can hardly stand not to move.”

Emmeline, curious now, moved her hips slightly and felt more than a little discomfort. But the pain was minimal. He pulled back slightly then moved forward again and she gasped. There was the pain.

“Do you have to move?” she asked.

He gave her a pained look. “That’s rather the point.”

“I see.” She considered for a moment. “Perhaps if you distract me...”

“How shall I do that?”

She slid her foot up the back of his thigh and wrapped it around his hip. The pressure lessened when she did that, and his blue eyes darkened to near violet. “With your lips.” She nipped at his lip, and he moved in what she thought must be a purely instinctual rhythm.


“I can see how it will be pleasurable,” she said. “Next time.”

“Yes.” He slid his hands under her bottom, adjusting their position so she was actually a bit more comfortable. But he was also pressed harder against her, and this time when he moved, he slid against that pearl, and she clenched her hands on his back. His gaze was hot on her face, watching her, noting what she liked. He moved again, sliding against that place where she needed him until she was arching to gain more friction.

“Emmie,” he rasped. “You have to stay still. I can’t—” As though his body moved on its own, he pressed against her again, and she gasped.

“Harder there. Right there. Yes.” He thrust deeper, and though there was pain there was also a flash of pleasure.

“Oh, Christ,” he groaned. “I can feel you. I can’t...” He moved within her, and the pain was there but mixed with the pleasure she was hardly aware of it. Then he cried out, and she looked up at him, at the play of light on his face as he climaxed.

He was beautiful. And he was hers.

Finally, and forever.







“You have to eat something,” Emmeline told Ines. She had returned only a couple of hours ago, and she had not stopped smiling. When Ines had asked if Fortescue apologized, Emmeline said they were to be married. Ines had been genuinely happy for her friends, but she did not want to sit across from them and Duncan and his horrid mother for two hours.

“The housekeeper brought a tray earlier,” Ines said.

Emmeline gave her a look. “Which you did not touch. I saw it.” Emmeline pulled Ines to her feet. “Come down or Murray will probably come up after you. Besides.” She reached for Ines’s hair, tucking a piece behind her ear and bringing another piece over her shoulder. “When he sees how pretty you look, that will be the best revenge.”

“I do not want revenge.”

Emmeline raised a brow. “Yes, you do. And if you do not, I do. The man is a fool. Let him see what he is missing.”

“He is missing nothing, just a silly girl with silly ideas.”

Emmeline took her shoulders. “You are not silly, and neither are your ideas of romance. You made me believe in romance, and that is no small accomplishment. Please, please come down to dinner.”

“Fine.” She had to go. If she stayed, then everyone would think she was ashamed. She was not ashamed of what she and Duncan had done. She loved him. She knew he loved her.

But as Catarina had told her on more than one occasion, love was not everything. Sometimes love could not conquer all.

“You will come then?” Emmeline asked. “Good.”

Ines straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, determined not to be cowed by Lady Charlotte. For the first time since she’d left London, she had wished Benedict had found her. If he’d found her, they could be on their way home by now. She’d never have to see Duncan or his awful mother again.

She and Emmeline reached the drawing room just as Lady Charlotte was leading the party into the dining room. She greeted Emmeline and nodded to Ines, her eyes flicking across the room. Ines followed Lady Charlotte’s gaze and spotted Duncan. He was standing beside Stratford, and as usual, he made an imposing figure, especially dressed as he was. She tried not to stare, but she had only ever seen illustrations of Highland dress. Duncan wore a dark green coat and linen neckcloth. The belt around the coat secured the green and blue plaid with faint stripes of red that he’d draped over his shoulder. It matched the kilt he wore, which fell just above his knees. Below his knees were flat soled boots, probably more for show than actual use as they looked too thin to offer much protection in the elements.

He had shaved and his hair was pulled back into a queue. His amber eyes met hers then moved away. Ines tried to slow her heartbeat. Her heart seemed determined to betray her. It still loved him, even when her mind begged it to stop.

Duncan took his mother’s arm, escorting her. Fortescue took Emmeline’s, and Ines moved to walk behind. But Fortescue shook his head. “I’d be a lucky man to have two such lovely ladies on my arms. Miss Neves?” He held out his free arm. Feeling grateful for his kindness, she took it and allowed him to lead her to the dining room.

When she entered, Lady Charlotte stood behind her chair, her son behind her, waiting to seat her. But Lady Charlotte was staring at something on the table, and too late Ines realized exactly what it was.

She’d forgotten to tell the housekeeper not to leave the box on the table tonight. She should have told her to give it to her mistress after Ines was gone. But it was too late now. Lady Charlotte lifted the wooden box and looked around the table. Everyone stood, as no one dared sit before Lady Charlotte.

“What is this?” she asked.

Ines did not want to answer, and the rest of the party looked questioningly at each other. Ines did not need to answer. The lady would know soon enough when she opened it, and Lady Charlotte did not wait for an answer at any rate. She flicked the small gold latch aside and opened the box. For a long moment, she stared down at the contents. Ines felt her face flush and burn. She wanted to sink under the floor when Lady Charlotte lifted the lace from the box and held it up. There was no question what it was or who had made it.

“What is this?” Lady Charlotte demanded. Her gaze rested on Ines for what seemed a very long moment. Ines was aware all eyes were on her, and she swallowed. Words deserted her.

Emmeline broke in. “I am certain Ines meant it as a thanks for your hospitality. Her lace is highly prized.”

Lady Charlotte looked at Ines again, and Ines took a breath. “It is a gift. They are lace cuffs. I thought they would look pretty on the dress of your daughter. Then I thought why not give them to you as a thank you.” She looked at Duncan, but he was staring at the lace in his mother’s hands. “I asked your housekeeper to leave it on the table tonight. It was before...” She trailed off.

Lady Charlotte looked at her son, seeming to want him to speak. Was it possible she wanted him to defend Ines?

Ins shook her head. Now she was acting truly foolish.

Finally, Lady Charlotte looked away and her hand shook before she dropped the lace back into the box. Ines prepared for her to return it. Surely, she would not want any sort of reminder of Ines. Perhaps she would throw it in her face or throw it in the fire.

“Christ and all the saints!” Duncan exploded. “I cannae do this.”

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