Home > Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(2)

Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(2)
Author: J.M. Kearl

“The new academy in the Gap of Freeole is finally ready,” she said.

“Yeah, I know, everyone keeps talking about it. All three kingdoms going to school together in no man’s land, yippee.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure the Hesstian illcasts are thrilled.”

My father batted my arm with the back of his hand. “Enough of your sarcasm.”

“And stop calling the non magic-born illcasts. It’s derogatory,” Mother said. “Some of them are better fighters than you. They don’t have magic to fall back on so they try harder.” She grew up thinking she didn’t have magic—it was a long story—so I understood her sympathies but we all knew the ability was better. And if it weren’t for her powerful magic, she wouldn’t be Queen Daelyn. She won the title in a Queens Challenge before I was born.

I took the large, warm biscuit into hand and chomped into it. “I didn’t make up the term ‘illcasts’. It’s what everyone at academy says. And there are few better fighters than me at my age.” The statement made me think of how I lost today, which led me to think of the person I lost to and his fate.

“Don’t speak with your mouth full of food,” Father said and took his glass of honey mead into his hand. “I hope your manners are better in public.”

Heat rose into my cheeks. Being scolded by my father was always worse than when my mother did. Although he was a caring man, he had a way of making anyone feel half-witted. He was good at pretty much everything.

I cleared my throat, made sure there was no more food in my mouth, and said, “Is there a reason I’m not downstairs eating dinner with my friends?”

My parents exchanged a look, a look I knew all too well. Whatever this was, I wouldn’t like it. “Your mother didn’t bring up the new academy for you to make fun of it, you’re going there,” Father said. “In two days.”

My mouth dropped and I looked back and forth between them. “You can’t be serious.”

Mother nodded. “We spoke with the other three royal houses and it’s been decided that the royal children should set the example and go to the new academy.”

“It will make the unity between our kingdoms stronger,” Father said tapping his fingers on the table.

I threw my biscuit on my plate and shot to my feet. “There is nothing wrong with our unity now! I don’t want to go there. I want to stay here with my friends.”

My mother’s face pulled into a frown. “Visteal, it will be good for you—”

“No, it won’t! I want to go where Father went!” With my nails digging into my palms, I took a calming breath. I’d never gotten anywhere with them by arguing like a child. So I changed my tactics. “Here in the capitol is where the best of the best attend. Am I not worthy?”

“Of course you are,” Mother said with a sympathetic gaze. “It has nothing to do with your talent or skills. We know you’re good.”

“You don’t understand because you never went to the academy, Mother,” I said, angry tears stinging my eyes. “Father, please. This is my home. I don’t want to go.”

He stood, towering over me, and his green eyes softened. “Things will be different. We won’t see you every day and we’ll miss you, but all other academy students leave their family for training.” My father pulled me into his burly chest and surrounded me in his firm grasp. “You can come home for celebrations and holidays. You’re only a portal away.”

I breathed in his woodsy scent, knowing I would miss it, and the threatening tears fell. I’d been lucky to have my family so close through my nearly seventeen years of life. To protect me. To keep me safe. To console me when my curse made itself known… Now I’d be like every other student who must leave their parents. It’s not as if I’d have much more freedom, a princess was always closely watched.

I sat down and dabbed my eyes with a napkin. There was no use in arguing any further, they’d made up their minds. I hadn’t even had time to think about what else my mother said until now. “Did you say that the other royal children will be going there? Zyacus and Aric?” Zyacus, the Hesstian prince was such a pompous ass, I hoped he wasn’t. But Prince Aric… I’d never met. The dethroned former Queen of Delhoon wasn’t allowed to set foot in our land and we didn’t go to Collweya, the Northern kingdom because of her. Mother hated that she married the Collweyan prince and was still in a position of power even if it was far away.

“Yes, the princes will be there,” Mother said. “Be nice to Zyacus, Visteal. I know you two don’t exactly get along.”

“I’ll be nice if he is,” I said, knowing full well that wouldn’t happen. The last time I saw him he put something in my drink that turned my mouth and teeth black for hours. At a dinner party. Everyone saw.

I took a deep breath, if commanded to leave, I would refuse to go alone. Stomach already in knots thinking about leaving, if I didn’t have my best friend by my side, I’d really cause a scene. “Please tell me Legacy is coming. I can’t go to a new academy without her.” Even with peace between our three kingdoms there would still be a rivalry between us; it was only natural. Considering the kingdom of Hesstia where Prince Zyacus lived, was our enemy for a thousand years. They used to enslave or execute magic-born. And Collweya sided with them during the war with us eighteen years ago. It was a miracle that my mother negotiated peace.

“Legacy is going as well,” my mother answered.

With a growing smile, I asked, “May I be excused?”

Not long after, I burst into the grand dining hall. Loud chatter, the smell of fresh pastries and savory meats filled the room. Half of the hundred or so students turned to watch me as I strutted inside. I began to wonder how many of them were recruited to go to the new academy. When I spotted Legacy sitting at one of the long tables, I hurried over to slide into the bench next to her. “Have they told you yet?”

Legacy pushed her dark wavy hair behind her ear. “That we’re being sent to go to the academy of outcasts?” She let out a sigh. “Yeah. We better cause some mayhem here while we have the chance. I mean, we should at least give them a reason to kick us out of here. Tomorrow?”

I nodded, the anticipation of whatever reckless plan she had fluttered in my gut. “I’m in.”



Chapter 2


During the first class of the day my eyes threatened to stay closed while Professor Deg prattled on about the history of griffins. Not that I didn’t find this interesting but his voice was so monotone it could lull a crazed pixie to sleep. I’d much rather be in Advanced Swords or Dueling class, anything to get my mind off going to the new academy, and the impending death of Finnick.

A nudge against my arm, and my eyes popped wide open. I turned and my table partner and friend Taz nodded toward the professor. “He’s talking to you,” Taz whispered.

I looked to the professor, then around the class. Everyone stared, a few giggled. “Uh, can you repeat the question?”

“It wasn’t a question,” Deg said pushing his glasses higher on his nose. “If you can’t pay attention, Visteal then leave my class. It doesn’t matter to me in the least that you’re a princess. In fact, you should be the most attentive.”

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