Home > Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(20)

Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(20)
Author: J.M. Kearl

She ran her fingers through her dark hair, taming the tangles. “I didn’t know that’s what you meant. But he’s so nice and fun and Vis, I am falling hard.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. If it was inevitable, no sense in me saying anything against their budding relationship. “Have you kissed?”

“Not yet,” she said with a shrug. “I don’t know if he’s shy or waiting for the right moment. Should I kiss him?”

I laughed. “I’m not experienced in the love area but if it were me, I’d wait for him.”

With an arch of her brow, she looked me over. “Why are you so sweaty?”

I wiped my forehead with my sleeve. “Professor Deg made me run. I guess I should be glad it wasn’t more dish duty.”

And just like that we were back to being best friends. I told her about the thing I heard by the lake and how I unknowingly attacked Zyacus with my dagger. She laughed so hard she almost fell off the bed.

The next morning when I got to class, I was in a great mood, smiling as I sat down at my empty desk. Many of the students in Fifth Year Spells were still working on transfiguring the spoon and I was basically the helper and getting bored of it. After I’d transfigured several spoons and my fingers were beginning to fill with rings, and my neck, with small charms on a chain, I hoped today would be different.

My eyes kept drifting toward the door, wondering if Zyacus would show. I didn’t dare ask my professors where he might be, but I was a little worried. Not about him specifically but that something was wrong. I hadn’t seen his death on the occasions we touched so I knew he was alive at least.

When Professor Tessam walked in, Zyacus trailed behind her and slid into the seat beside me. He pushed my book over, the one he was supposed to return to me days ago but said nothing and looked at Tessam. So we were back to this… I clenched my teeth and listened to Tessam talk about what we were moving onto. Maybe his girlfriend was so mad at him that he went after me outside, he’d avoided me entirely, even skipping class. It sounded ridiculous but I couldn’t think of why else he didn’t so much as look at me the rest of the class. Thankfully we didn’t have to do anything with our table partners.

When Advanced Swords came I was ready to crush Zyacus in a match. I got there early—even left my previous class early so I could talk to Madison. But when I arrived Aric was already there and mentioning Zyacus in front of him might stir up drama.

“Hey,” he said with a smile as warm as the sun. “What do you think we’re doing today? Professor Magnevera looks cheerful and I don’t know if that’s a good thing.” I couldn’t help but look for that skull mark on his wrist but ever since I’d said something about it, he’d worn a leather band to cover it or had on long sleeves no matter the temperature. Today the brown band covered it up.

I shrugged it off, convincing myself it meant nothing and thought about his question. The last few classes consisted of sparring matches so Madison could assess our skills. But the sly smile on my grandmother’s face while she spoke to Papa made me say, “My grandmother likely has something else planned for today.”

“If your mother is as fierce as her, I can see why she bested mine in the Queens Challenge.”

I chuckled. “They’re nothing alike.”

The other students arrived within minutes and Madison took the center of us. “We’re going to change things up a bit today. A little game called ‘capture the flag’.” She folded her hands behind her back and turned slowly as she spoke. “Two teams. We will move further down the property to a more wooded area where the flags have already been placed. Myself and my husband Jordane will supervise.” Papa nodded at us. “You may use magic but no attacking spells. If I see fire or the like, you’re out. You cannot use the appearus spell. That would be no fun. You may use your practice sword should you come up against someone stealing your flag. Do whatever you must to stop them from stealing it without critically injuring your fellow students, and if there’s a little blood...” she shrugged.

Aric bounced on his toes beside me, swinging his arms, warming up for the game. Madison chose the teams and had us stand to her right or left. Waiting to be selected beside me, Lora nudged my arm. “Prince Zyacus keeps looking at you,” she whispered.

I was well aware but I hadn’t given him the satisfaction of looking like I cared. “I noticed.” She smirked and moved to the right side when her name was called, next to Aric. Zyacus to the left. At least those two wouldn’t be on the same team. “Visteal, right.”

Lora fist pumped and I jogged over. “Yes! We’re on the same team,” she nearly squealed.

Aric held his hand up like he wanted me to clap it. Thankful I wore gloves, I hit his hand, not having to worry about visions of death and despair.

We jogged down the path behind my grandparents. The air around us electric with intensity in anticipation for the game. Around here we took competing seriously.

The red dirt path separated our two sides. The “yellow team” had their flag hidden among the fruit orchards. My “purple team” had ours hidden in the wooded area where I’d heard the beast days ago. I hoped it was long gone.

Madison snapped her fingers and the tops of our uniforms changed colors to match our team.

“The winners will grab their opponents flag and cross onto their own side. You have two minutes to strategize with your team.”

Aric tapped my arm. “We should work together. And the rules are no attacking spells but she never said anything about invisibility or enhanced speed.” His eyes danced with mischief. “The only problem is Zyacus will be watching both of us closely.”

Lora tapped her foot on the ground. “Some of us need to guard our flag and some need to go after theirs.”

“I’ll guard,” that stocky red-headed boy from Arohem said.

“Me too,” said Lora.

“Tor, Sinna, you guard as well,” Aric said to the boy and girl from his kingdom. “You’re best at it. Viktor, you’re the fastest, you should be one to seek their flag.” He looked at me. “We play this a lot in Collweya.”

“I’m willing to go into enemy territory,” I said.

Aric smirked. “Alright, I have a plan.”

A loud whistle signaled the game had begun. I waited for Aric and the others chosen to charge across the pathway, and clash with the yellow team in a flurry of swords. I looked to make sure none of their team was watching me and spelled myself invisible. Standing on the far side of the clash, Viktor followed my lead, disappearing from view and then I dashed into the yellow territory, unseen and unheard. I only had to make it to the cover of the trees and release the spell. I couldn’t hold it much longer or I’d drain my magic.

Once I was sure no one was close by, I shoved my way into a bush and let the invisibility spell go. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I waited and listened for the sounds of anyone nearby. Birds singing, bees buzzing, small critters in the treetops but nothing else of note. I risked peeking out and saw no one which meant I wasn’t near their flag. They’d have people guarding it, giving away the location.

Slowly I emerged from cover and darted to a nearby tree. Voices traveled on the air and I made for them, covering ground quickly. When they grew louder, I crept low in the grass and found a boulder to peer out from behind. A boy and girl stood with their swords in hand, laughing about something. The yellow flag was between them staked in the ground on a three-foot pole.

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