Home > Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(30)

Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(30)
Author: J.M. Kearl

“Bastard,” I snapped.

“If either of us is offensive, it’s you. I don’t call you names,” he said and strolled around me, walking toward the exit.

He was not going to get away with that comment. Falling into step beside him I said, “The only reason you came over to the table was to make a display of your arrogance to my friends. Touching me like there is more between us than there is—in front of everyone, including our families, and I don’t appreciate it.”

“It was a harmless bit of fun. You’ll tell them it was nothing and that will be that.” He slowed and I realized he was heading toward the bedrooms. “I was going to give you this but if I’m such a bastard maybe I won’t.” From inside his jacket he took out a small box wrapped in gold paper.

“You got me a gift?”

“I did.” He slowly handed it to me.

I blinked a few times before tearing into the paper. I lifted the lid from the box and inside sat a black glass unicorn the size of my palm. I took it from the box and held it up to the torchlight. The details of every muscle and the blue jeweled eyes were beautiful. The gold horn felt like it was made of a different substance.

Zyacus rubbed the back of his neck. “I know unicorns are your favorite animal. I made it black because you said you like the rarest ones best. If you don’t like—”

“I like it,” I said hastily. “You made this?” I had a difficult time believing he remembered my favorite animal, I told him that when we were nine. Then he actually took the time to make it. Maybe under his royal cockiness, a sweet boy lurked.


“Thank you,” I said, placing it gently back in the box. “It’s lovely.”

“You’re welcome. I hope you had a nice birthday.” He cleared his throat. “But I’m tired and unless you care to join me in my chambers, I’m going to sleep.”

Both of us grew quiet, the intensity growing with each passing moment that I didn’t leave or turn him down. I wonder what he’d do if I actually took him up on the offer. He’d probably pass out. I made my breaths heavier as I tentatively stepped closer to him, and lightly pushed my fingers up his chest.

His mouth parted slightly, but he didn’t move and I could feel his heart hammering beneath that false calm. His eyes searched mine wondering if I was serious or playing a game. “And what if I did want to come up?” I asked.

At that, he stiffened. “If you did want to,” he said slowly. “I’d have no qualms with that—but—”

I drug my nail up the tender skin of his neck to his chin and then winked.

A low laugh rumbled in his chest and he visibly relaxed. “You’re devious.” He turned toward the steps and said over his shoulder, “It’s about time you lightened up.”

And he left me wondering what else he might have said if I hadn’t interrupted him.



When I arrived back in the dining hall my mother waved. I took a deep breath and made my way over. Bringing me out onto the balcony, her expression grew serious. “We haven’t had much of a chance to talk.”

“I know.” And I waited for what she was going to say.

“Be careful,” she said softly. Her gaze drifted back toward the ballroom. “Both the princes are nice enough but it would be best if you weren’t involved with either of them. You’re so young and I would hate for things to go bad and possibly shatter our fragile alliance.”

I blushed. “Oh, I’m not. Legacy is dating Aric, and Zyacus is—I don’t know if I could even call us friends.”

“And about the death of Finnick… if you want to come home—”

“No.” I folded my hands together. “I can help.”

My father joined us and we spent the next hour talking about keeping the academy safe and when I told them my suspicions about a human-like but not entirely human murderer, neither of them had heard of anything tearing out throats with their bare hands and teeth.

“We have people looking into it and it’s only a matter of time before we find out,” Father said. “In the meantime, always be on your guard, don’t go anywhere alone, and follow the rules.”



Chapter 16


Things were quiet, boring actually back at the academy. Curfew had moved up to nightfall and with the days growing shorter that meant everyone had to be back inside sooner. With the threat of expulsion over our heads, Legacy and I hadn’t tried anything fun but I was itching to do something outside of studies and practice with my weapons. The birthday party was a nice break but as I watched Legacy toss her dagger in the air and spin it different ways, catching it behind her back for the hundredth time, I rolled off my bed. “Let’s go do something. I’m bored.”

She tossed it again, caught it, then slid it into the sheath. “We could volunteer with the horses. I hear they get to ride to the town. Or the seventh years are having the first dueling competition tonight. Swords and magic.” The sly smile that followed said she wanted to go to it.

Most of the academy would show up to watch the competition. They were the oldest and the most experienced which made them entertaining. Mistakes rarely happened and they knew some fun spells. “I’d rather be in it than watch it,” I mumbled.

“You’ll get your turn when we have ours soon,” she said. “I guess the other kingdoms older students are more prepared. But you could ask Madison for permission, she’s in charge of it.”

I knew if I stepped in the arena, I’d likely get knocked out quickly. The older students knew more spells and even if I was one of the best in my year, I’d seen some of the seventh year students fight back in Delhoon and their top contenders surpassed my own skills. “She’d say no. They never let fifth years fight against seventh years in the tournaments, only for practice and even then they don’t want to bother with us.” I ground my teeth at the way the older students always had an air of superiority. I tried not to act that way to those younger than myself.

“Would you want to fight a second or third year?” she asked laughing.

I sighed and looked at Atticus who was curled up on the end of my bed. “It wouldn’t be fair to most of them.”

“Exactly.” She strolled to the mirror and began playing with her hair. “So the tournament then?”

“Sure,” I said with a shrug. “But I want to stop at the library first and check something out.”

It was quiet and mostly abandoned when we walked through the library doors. Books floated in the air above us, going to find their proper place, and a professor strutted by with her arms full of scrolls. A short-haired gray cat appeared and hopped up on a stool, a pair of glasses sat perched on its face. “May I help you two find anything?” she asked.

I looked up and the shelves seemed to go on forever but at the very top a skylight bathed the room in warm light. A spiraling ramp built into the wall led the way up and up. The main floor held countless tables and books of course. There was a potions area set up with cauldrons and an ornate fireplace adorned with gold fixtures and sculptures of warriors set off to the sides.

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