Home > Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(50)

Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(50)
Author: J.M. Kearl

Taz picked up a piece of an apple and laughed. “You and I are only friends because you made a point to be my friend. I was scared to death of you when we became desk partners first year. You’re our princess. Royalty. Above the rest of us. Have a scary father.”

“Alright.” I held up a hand. “I get it.” No wonder I never get asked on a date. The dances are only for fifth years and older so this would be my first formal.

“Why do you ask?”

“Well,” I started. “The winter formal is coming up.”

Legacy leaned over. “If you don’t get asked Lora and I plan on going together. We can be a trio. Taz is taking Freya.”

Freya sat beside him and smiled. “He already asked and I said yes, of course.” She nudged his arm with her elbow and went back to eating.

“Warlord Goldheart’s son Connor talks about you often. I even overheard him mention he wishes he could ask you to the dance,” Taz said, peeking down the table at him. “I bet he would if you gave him even the slightest bit of attention. Since he’s a warlord’s son he’ll probably be more confident.”

The golden-brown haired boy sat at the far end of the table. He was the Seventh Year Tournament Champion that I told Zyacus to bet on. We’d only ever spoken a couple times at formal meetings. I had no idea that he even was attracted to me. If anything, the few times we’d met, he avoided eye contact with me and only gave short answers in response to my questions. I’d assumed he thought I was too young or something.

Looking across the room at Zyacus talking with his not-girlfriend solidified it. I’d give Connor some attention and hopefully get asked, and prove to Zyacus that I didn’t need his sham date.

I found Kyan’s silver head across the room. After he manipulated my memories, and the fact that he was a vampire, pretty much ruled him out as being my date even though he’d be perfect for pissing Zyacus off. I just couldn’t trust him at this point. I trusted that he wasn’t Finnick’s killer but that was it. With my vision with Aric, seeing Finnick die, fighting the vampires outside the academy, it scared me knowing what Kyan was—what he was capable of. Even if he wanted to be good, could he turn on me with blood lust?

When a chime sounded, ending breakfast, I made my way over to Connor. I waited behind him while he stood up from the table and stretched with his arms overhead. I cleared my throat and one of his friends tapped his arm and then nodded toward me.

Connor turned and stared at me, blinking several times. “Princess,” he blurted.

“Hi, Connor,” I said and smiled, heat flaring in my cheeks. “You did great in the tournament. I told the guy next to me to bet on you. It paid off.”

Running a hand through his short hair, he grinned. “Thank you, your highness. I’m glad you noticed my talents.”

“I’d seen you fight back in Delhoon.” I shrugged and was at a loss on what else to say. “Anyway, good luck in the next one.” I turned and started toward the exit. Oh my unicorn, get it together.

“Princess Visteal, wait,” he said, catching up to me. “We could spar together sometime. I mean, not that you need the practice or aren’t good enough already.” His face turned red. “Er, I’m sure you’re great. M-more than great.”

I had to hold back a chuckle. “That would be nice. Practicing with a tournament champion would make me better.”

He grinned. “Let’s talk more. After classes.”

“Sure,” I said and we parted ways.

When I walked into first class Zyacus was already sitting at the table. I took a deep breath and made my way over. As I sat down and scooted my chair in, he glanced at me and then faced forward. Seriously. After everything?

“Hi,” he said curtly.

What’s his problem? “Is something wrong?” I asked. After I told him about my curse and the vision about Aric, I expected something different. Even if I’d gotten angry and left after our sparring match.


I rolled my eyes. Something is definitely wrong. “Nope? Convincing.”

He turned and looked at me. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said and faced forward once again.

I was burning with curiosity but I kept it to myself. Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Something else happening in his life? While Professor Tessam lectured I kept letting my gaze drift over to him. I hoped he didn’t notice.

When class was nearly at an end, a pixie brought in a single white rose with a note attached, and dropped it in front of me. The pink-haired little thing with white wings burped and flew off in a zig-zag. She ran into the door, swore several times making the entire class giggle and then she was out. The pixie must have already gotten into the wine from whoever bribed her. I pulled the folded paper open and read:

Princess Visteal,

Would you give me the honor of being my date to the winter formal?


I chuckled. Well that was faster than I thought. I expected to at least talk to him once more before getting an invitation. I set the note on my book.

“Who’s that from?” Zyacus asked, trying to sound bored but his face said otherwise.

I took the stem between my fingers. “Someone who wants to take me to the winter formal. Don’t worry, it’s not Kyan.”

He snatched the note away from me.

“Excuse me, that’s mine,” I said reaching for it but he kept it out of my grasp.

“Connor?” he questioned, and then tossed it back to me. “Connor who?”

I huffed and tucked the note in my book. Tells me there can’t be anything between us and now this? “Connor none-of-your-business.”

“If it’s Goldheart, good luck with that bumbling buffoon.”

I scoffed. “He’s not a buffoon. Sounds like you’re jealous.”

“He’s a good fighter, I’ll give him that but otherwise what is there to be jealous of?” His lips formed a hard line. “But, you know what, he’s the type your parents would want you with. A Delhoon warlord’s son. A magic-born.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Why would he say that?

A bird chirped, signaling the end of class. Zyacus shot up and left before I had a chance to say anything.




At lunch I thought about how I was going to respond to Connor. Should I walk up to him and say yes? Send a note? I’d never done this sort of thing.

Legacy twirled my rose in her fingers. “If I was you, I’d go over to Connor right now so Prince Zyacus can see.”

“Why do you want to cause drama?” Taz asked, shaking his head. “Connor is a better choice for Visteal anyway. He’s a warlord’s son and Delhoon. Zyacus is—the rival.”

He may be the better choice but he’s not the one I want. Why must we always want what we can’t have?

“It’s not drama. And he is our ally now,” Legacy said, bopping Taz on the head with the rose. “It’s showing Zyacus that Visteal is a desired woman.”

I laughed and Taz rolled his eyes. I left the lunchroom unsure what to do. When classes ended for the day, I headed toward the girls’ dorms. Atticus sauntered out of a cat hole and bumped into my legs. “How long are you going to make Connor Goldheart wait?”

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