Home > Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(60)

Curse of Blood and Shadow : Allied Kingdoms Academy (1)(60)
Author: J.M. Kearl

I waited down the hallway for Zyacus. Being in close proximity with that girl made me seethe with rage. Bindy came into view and leaned against the opposite wall. “Good job,” was all she said and we both grinned.

“Only you and Madison would be proud of that.”

She laughed. “Madison is a wise woman. I told her about the threatening note. Extra precautions are being put into place.”

When the doors opened, Zyacus was the first to emerge and I straightened up. “You’re going back to Hesstia,” he snapped. “End of discussion.”

“Zyacus you can’t do that,” Jennika whined. “How can you expect me to just sit by and watch you with her—I love you.”

Bindy and I exchanged glances, and that raging fire that had simmered down inside me, flared up again. She loves him? They must have been so much closer than he let on. Were they in a relationship before? He’d gotten by the last week without telling me but I had to know.

“Pack your bags,” he said and turned his back to her.

That was cold. A small part of me even felt sorry for her; she just said she loved him and he crushed her heart like a bug. But after trying to hit me, actually hitting her prince and therefore starting a massive brawl, she had to go.

Before Zyacus reached me, I said to Bindy, “Oh, before I forget. I need a dress for winter formal in a couple days. Think you can get me one?”

“Of course,” she answered. “Color preference?”

“Blue,” Zyacus said, with a cat-like grin. “My favorite color. It would make your blue-green eyes stand out too.”

“Red,” I said to Bindy. Then looked at Zyacus’s fake offended face. “We may be dating but blue is your kingdom’s color. People will read too much into it.”

“I’ll wear black,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me. “And that is a Delhoon color.”

“Black is universal,” I argued. “It would be different if you wore a red suit.”

“Fine,” he drawled. “She’s leaving by the way and we’re not going to be punished for the fight.”



Chapter 31


The day of the first fifth year tournament finally came. Legacy, Lora, Taz, and I were selected to compete. Freya didn’t make the cut but she was coming to watch.

Strapped with nearly every weapon I owned, I hurried down the steps and Zyacus waited at the bottom of the stairs. Of course he wouldn’t be competing with the rest of us because he was in the other tournament. Closer to the end of the year, the seventh years would fight against Wargon trolls, and it was life or death. I wasn’t sure if Zyacus would be included.

“Are you ready?” he asked, sliding his arm around my waist.

“I’ve been ready for months. Sparring in class is great but this is all fifth years and a competition. I like to win.”

Kissing my cheek, he chuckled. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

I squeezed my arms around him. “Thanks.”

“What if you’re against Legacy?” he asked.

“We’ve been against each other a few times,” I said, shrugging. “When it comes to the competitions, family and friendship come second.” I smirked. “But usually in Delhoon it’s boys versus girls.”

When we arrived at the arena, there were several small groups of students in the stands, maybe a hundred in total but the place wasn’t full like it would be the day after winter formal.

As far as the competitors, there were at least fifty of us which was more than usual. Madison stood in the center of the arena alongside Headmaster Jace and another professor I didn’t know.

“Since there are so many of you, this will be two against two,” said the Headmaster. “And there won’t be a championship round for winners until next week. You have five minutes to find your partner.”

Zyacus grinned like I imagined the king of the underworld would before slaughtering his prey. “Think they’ll let me compete? You and I would dominate this competition.”

“They might not think it’s fair with you in the seventh year tournaments and a championship, no less.”

“Since when was this academy ever about fairness?”

When we asked Madison, she grinned like it was the best thing she’d ever heard. “Why not?” She put our names on a list and then looked to the next pair.

After a few minutes, Legacy and Lora found us, as well as Taz and another girl from Collweya I didn’t know.

“This is going to be epic,” Lora said, rubbing her hands together.

Madison called forth teams and the battles began. Magic zipped through the air, swords and daggers rang, and I was buzzing with excitement. After several teams had gone, our names were called and we took the center along with a pair from Hesstia.

“Prince,” the boy across from Zyacus said curtly.

“Benjamin,” Zyacus returned.

Either they didn’t like each other or Benjamin was upset his prince teamed up with a Delhoon.

“Rules,” Madison said looking at each of us. “Go to submission or until the bout is called. Magic is allowed. Begin.”

Without even missing a beat, Zyacus launched a magical blast that threw Benjamin back several feet. The girl in front of me charged with enhanced speed. I blocked her sword then shoved her back. A quick whip of my hand and I sent out a blast of energy, she tumbled tripping over her own feet. This will be over fast.

With a shout, Benjamin threw a dagger and it sailed for my head. I flipped backward and it missed, barely. I stomped my foot and sent a shockwave through the ground knocking them all down, including Zyacus. He sprang up, grinning and then someone yelled, “There’s been an attack on the front gate!”

Silence filled the arena for a moment then the people spectating ran for the exit. The four of us competing, waited until the Headmaster shouted, “The tournament is over. Please go to your rooms.”

Forget that. Zyacus took my hand and spelled us to the front steps. Several other students had gathered and we watched as guards carried three people by their arms in magical green chains. Near the gate there laid five bodies on the ground.

When the guards passed with the prisoners, a male hissed at me. I narrowed my eyes. Vampire. Normal people don’t go around hissing.

Madison and Papa took up the rear and I fell into step beside them. “What happened?”

“Ten vampires attacked,” Papa said, blood splattered across the side of his face. “We killed five and kept these so we could interrogate them. Two got away.”

“Alright, back inside!” Professor Deg yelled.

None of the bodies appeared to be Senica, could he have been one who got away? I desperately wanted to be there for the interrogations.

“All students, to your dormitories!” Deg shouted

Loud chatter echoed in the foyer and most everyone headed to the dorms. Zyacus must have had the same idea as I because he kept hold of my hand and we followed behind the guards with the blood drinkers. Madison slowed and turned to us. “What are you two doing?”

“Joining you,” I said, hoping she’d allow it.

There was a long pause before she said, “Keep quiet and let us do the talking.”

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