Home > Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(234)

Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(234)
Author: Lex Martin

“Maybe that’s a good thing,” I say with a shrug, trying to sound sincere. “You guys are constantly going back and forth. Maybe a break would be good for you two.”

“We’re constantly on a break.” He’s exaggerating, but I know exactly what he means. Their relationship is more toxic than it is healthy.

“Well, then play hard to get. You’re always so quick to take her right back. She knows she can just push you around until she feels like having a boyfriend again.”

He pinches his lips, and I know a smartass comment is coming.

“And you’re the expert?” He raises a brow. Even though I know he’s teasing, he’s not wrong.

I sigh, giving up. “Fair enough.”

We continue eating in silence until my phone beeps with a new text message. I glance at it and see it’s from Courtney.

Courtney: Is it safe to assume since you haven’t called to chew my ass out yet because you and Travis ended up making up naked-style?



I smile weakly, sending her a message back.

Viola: As your punishment, I’m withholding all the details.



Courtney: NOOOOOO! I have nothing else to live for!!



I chuckle at her dramatics, glancing up at Drew’s sad face and getting the best idea.

Viola: Fine. Make it up to me and come over tonight and keep Drew company. He and Mia broke up.



Courtney: How are you just telling me NOW?! OMG. OMG. OMG.



I smile as I read her message because I can hear her high-pitched squealing in my head. Although she’s with Toby, she’d drop anything to hang out with Drew, even in a platonic kind of way.

Viola: I take it that’s a yes. Come around seven?



“What’s that about?” Drew asks, grabbing my attention back to him. “You’re sure smiling a lot.”

“So? I always smile.” Even I don’t believe the words the moment they come out of my mouth. “It’s Courtney. I invited her over tonight. Is that okay?”

“Depends. Will you be in your nighties having pillow fights and gossiping about NFL players?”

I nearly spit my juice out.

“You’re such a moron sometimes,” I say as we both laugh. The first time I’ve seen a smile on his face all morning.



Chapter 22






Even though I’m exhausted, I go to the gym bright and early. Before I leave, I wipe Alyssa’s message off the back of my car. Lipstick is a bitch to clean off, by the way. I work out for an hour to clear my mind. It’s an outlet I need, and I’ve missed the past few days, so it feels good to lift again.

Every time I blink, my eyes scream out in protest. By the time I get to work, I’m amped up on caffeine and adrenaline, and it’s the only thing that gets me through the morning. Well, that and the thought of Viola crumpling under my touch.

I click through countless folders on my computer and open my shared drive. It’s obvious Alyssa hasn’t contributed to our project because the last change was made yesterday by me. I suck in a few deep breaths and try to regain control and come up with a solid plan of execution. For hours, I rush around with hopes to finish the report by the end of the day because it’s due in less than twenty-four hours. I sort through previous project requisitions, contracts, and even research competitors because if my name is going to be put on something, it needs to be top-notch.

Fuck. I’m mentally and physically exhausted. Just like every other day since I received this blessing of a project, today is shit.

I run my fingers through my hair, then glance down at my phone and see it’s nearly lunchtime, but there’s no time to eat actual food, so I grab an emergency protein bar from my desk drawer and wolf it down.

Alyssa sashays outside of my office, pulling me back to the situation at hand, and I’m half tempted to follow her and tell her exactly what I think. Between the pictures, my tires, and her not pulling her weight, she deserves it. Just the thought of everything she’s put me through makes my blood boil. I’ve had enough of her shit. Just as I begin to stand, she turns around, steps in, and closes my door. She’s smiling, sweetly, which I know is a big fucking act. She’s the devil in designer clothes and lipstick.

I clench my jaw, the sight of her bringing the worst out in me.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this little visit, Alyssa?” Sarcasm drips from each word as I sit back down in my chair.

“How’s our project going?” she casually asks, sitting down on the edge of my desk. She looks entirely too comfortable as her skirt rides up her thighs and then has the audacity to look me up and down, like she used to, but I know better. She uses her body to get anything she wants. Too bad her looks are trumped by her bitchy attitude.

“My project is going fucking wonderful. It’s due in the morning, and since you’ve done less than your part, I’m scrambling to finish it. I should’ve expected that from you anyway.” I cross my arms over my chest and lock eye contact with her. “If only you took your job as seriously as you took sucking my dick,” I say dryly.

She laughs as if I told her a fucking joke. She stands and smiles. “Oh, Travis.” Her voice is thick with pity. “I turned in the project yesterday.” She taps her fake nails along the top of my desk.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I dig my nails into my palm.

Her face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Daddy was so impressed by it.” Her face contorts. “But it’s a pity you weren’t able to contribute anything useful. He couldn’t believe you wouldn’t put in the effort for something so important. If I remember correctly, I believe he said, ‘Travis King is a disappointment,’ and I agreed with him.”

“What the fuck did you do, Alyssa?” With nostrils flaring, I push my chair back and stand.

Her evil grin doesn’t falter. “Some lessons are learned the hard way, Travis. This one you should’ve learned a long time ago.”

Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable. My mind is reeling, and I’m so pissed I can barely control myself. Alyssa takes a step toward me. She’s standing so close that I can smell the stench of her overpriced perfume. She slides her hand down my chest until my dick is cupped in her hand. I’m trying to control my anger, but it’s beginning to spill over.

I grab her wrists and force them tight to her side. My thumbs dig into her skin, and she squirms before relaxing. It takes everything I have not to drag her from my office and throw her into the hallway. I release her arms, needing to control my temper before it gets out of hand.

“You’re the biggest fucking mistake I’ve ever made,” I say, realizing how much she disgusts me, even if I’m partially to blame. I knew I was playing with fire by messing around with her, but I didn’t deserve this.

“And I’m sure I won’t be your last.” She throws her head back and laughs, like fucking with my career is some sort of fun game to her. The sneer on her face and the gleam in her eyes make her look insane, but I don’t even flinch. She’s the epitome of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde right now. Her actions could ruin my future, ruin everything I’ve worked so hard to accomplish. Considering she’s never worked a day in her life, it brings me to a level of anger that I haven’t felt in a long time. Before I can speak, a knock rings out on the door and interrupts us. She narrows her eyes at me.

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