Home > Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(284)

Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(284)
Author: Lex Martin

The following day, I wrote out my business plan and continued to push forward on opening my own marketing firm. As ready as I am, and knowing I’ve given it my all, I’m still nervous as fuck because failing is not an option.

Once the computers and printer are set up, I realize I should’ve hired an IT person to make sure the networking is installed correctly. Remembering Viola mentioning Courtney being a computer genius, which still shocks the shit out of me, I decide to ask Drew for her number.

Travis: Hey, do you have Courtney’s number by chance?



Drew: Who?



Travis: Courtney. Has the hots for you. Viola’s crazy blonde friend. Usually parading around in cowgirl boots and red lipstick.



Drew: Thanks for such a vivid picture. No, I don’t, but I’ll ask Viola for it.



He sends it back to me in under a minute. I’m sure Viola was more than willing to give it to him, probably because she thinks Drew wants to ask Courtney on a date or something. It actually makes me laugh. I would’ve texted Viola and asked myself, but our conversations haven’t been anything more than small talk or pictures of Gryff. She texts me about her job duties and her friend, Liam. She posts pictures of them together on Instagram, and it drives me insane that she’s spending so much time with him even though she swears they’re only friends.

I don’t tell her how much it hurts to have her gone or not to know where we stand. I don’t tell her it feels as if we’re in limbo, and I have no idea if she’ll ever move back or if we’ll ever be an us again. I don’t tell her any of those things because I fear it’ll scare her away forever.

Although I’ve given her the space she’s clearly asked for, it’s killing me inside. I want to beg her to come back to me, tell her I need her, and that every day since she’s been gone has been the worst day of my life. But I know that isn’t fair to her. She’s worked so hard for this opportunity, and I can’t be the one to get in the way of it. I know she’s making a life in Boston, and although it still pains me to know she doesn’t trust me, I’m not giving up on us. I’ll never give up on us and will do whatever it takes to gain her trust back. I know she’ll be home soon for the holidays, and that’ll be my chance to lay it all out for her. She won’t leave again without knowing exactly where I stand.

Union International will more than likely offer her a full-time position. They would be idiots not to, but it’ll be her decision to accept or decline.

The selfish part of me hopes she hates the snow as much as she hates the rain and will come back to sunny California without a second thought.

The loud sound of a truck entering the parking lot directs my attention out the window, and I see the sign installers have arrived. I stand outside as they use a lift to attach the sign to the outside of the building, and I’m so damn excited about it. I snap a picture and send it to Viola with the message.

Travis: It’s really happening.



Viola: That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you :)



Her words mean the world to me.

Travis: Thank you, princess. I hope you’ll still be in town for the scissor-cutting ceremony. I’d love to have you there.



She doesn’t respond, and I know I’ve pushed too far. If we weren’t three thousand miles apart, I know our relationship—or whatever the hell you want to call it— would be in a completely different place. I try to be cautious when telling her how much I miss her, but sometimes I slip up, which throws a wrecking ball into the conversation. My feelings haven’t changed, regardless of the time that’s passed, and I’m pretty sure I’ve made that clear.

Once the sign is installed, I decide to lock up for the night and head home. It’s been a long-ass day, and the next two weeks are going to be even more hectic with interviews and pre-booking appointments with potential clients.

As soon as I walk into the house, Gryff is at my feet, barking and jumping all over me. He’s so fucking happy to see me every day that it puts a huge smile on my face. I open the front door and allow him to run outside. We have a daily routine now. Every night after I come home, I let him out, and he runs around the yard. Then he chases the neighbor's cat, and I hope he never catches it. Once he’s done, he rushes inside, and I feed him his treats and stock his water and food dishes. He’s a spoiled little shit, and I’m pretty sure I’m the trained one instead of him.

After taking a shower, I relax on the couch, and Gryff lies down next to me. He places his head on my lap as I watch the news and suddenly remember I forgot to text Courtney.

Travis: Hey. It’s Travis King.



How original. I roll my eyes at myself. I don’t know why I’m nervous.

Courtney: THE Travis King? To what do I owe this honor?



She doesn’t even ask how I got her number or she doesn’t care. Either way, I’m ready to make a deal with her.

Travis: I have a business proposition for you.



Courtney: Depends what it is. I might be too busy getting my nails and hair done.



Travis: Way to live up to the cliché.



Courtney: Way to be an asshole.



Travis: Well, it is my specialty.



Courtney: All right, King. Get to the point.



Travis: I heard you’re good at tech shit, and I need help with setting up the new computers at my office with our network and installing the firewall and all of that stuff. I pay well.



It takes her a long time to respond, and I start wondering if asking her was a bad idea.

Courtney: That depends. Can you get me a date with your stud best friend?



Travis: I’d try, but I have a feeling he’s against prostitution.



Courtney: You don’t know until you ask!



I’m not even sure what to say back. Whoring out Drew would be the cheapest way to get this done, but maybe not the most ethical. I laugh because she doesn’t seem to have any filters about this. Before I can respond, she sends another text.

Courtney: Geez. I’m just kidding! You’re no fun to mess with if you don’t take the bait. So what time and where?



Travis: Tomorrow around 11? I’ll text you the address.



Courtney: You got it, boss!



I groan.

Travis: Don’t make me regret this.



Courtney: I already do.



I laugh and shake my head. I really hope she knows what she’s doing. If I didn’t witness her graduating with honors, I’m not sure I would’ve ever believed she was a little genius because she doesn’t put off that nerdy, smart girl vibe. Her accent, blond hair, and blue eyes give her a Southern belle vibe but mixed with sorority girl gone wild. She’s completely opposite from Viola in almost every way, but maybe that’s why they get along so well.

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