Home > Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(63)

Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(63)
Author: Lex Martin

I might need a miracle.






“You need help bringing everything over?” With one shoulder, I hold the phone to my ear while I button my jeans.

Tori pauses on the other end. “I can manage, but thanks.”

“I can’t believe you made all that food. You’re a stubborn woman, you know that?” She laughs, and it sounds so goddamn good. It makes me realize I don’t know the last time I heard her laugh, and that’s wrong.

“I’ve been told that once or twice,” she says softly.

“Listen, I know you were trying to save me some money, which I appreciate, but I want to pay you for the time you spent cooking. I’m sure you’ve busted your ass on this like you do with everything, so I’m not taking no for an answer.”

“I wasn’t doing this because I wanted to get paid, Ethan.”

I smile at the fierceness in her voice. My girl is balls to the wall. Love that about her. “Darlin’, I didn’t say you were.”

She huffs. “I’m doing this because—”

“Because you’re awesome and you love Cody. I get it. I’m still paying you.” She might be my girlfriend, but there’s no way I’m gonna take advantage of her time or good intentions. “Now get your ass over here. I fucking miss you.”

Can’t believe I haven’t seen her in almost two weeks. This shit ends now. I’d gotten the impression she wanted space, that maybe the kids and I had overwhelmed her. After Cody took a bath in butter, Tori looked like she’d had enough of our antics and needed a break. God knows my children and I are a handful, but time’s up. She’s mine, and she belongs here with me.

If she’ll have me.



The sound of tires along the gravel in front of my house is music to my ears. Peeking out the front blinds, I spot Tori hopping out of Kat’s truck.

So she’ll drive her sister’s truck but doesn’t wanna drive mine? What’s that about?

“Logan,” I call out. “Keep an eye on the kids. Gonna help Tori unload.”

That’s a mistake because they hear me.

My two daredevils come tearing down the hall screaming my girlfriend’s name, and I smile. They miss her too.

I was hoping to have a minute with Tori to kiss her until she begged to stay tonight. I’ll have to drag her away during the party at some point to make that happen.

“All right.” I open the front door and hoist my son into my arms. “C’mere, bud.” He’s too excited. With my luck, he’ll take a tumble and land face first. That’s no way to start a birthday party.

Tori is a vision in jeans and a white tank. Hair blowing in the wind. All that beautiful golden skin. And fuck me, that smile.

“Hey, babe.” I kiss her forehead, and she grins up at me while hugging my daughter, who’s attached herself to Tori’s leg. “We’ve missed you around here.”

“Yeah?” Her eyes widen. The vulnerability coming off her makes my stomach tighten. Why does she seem surprised?

“So much.”

Doesn’t she know that? How much we want her here?

Fuck, haven’t I told her how much I need her? I hadn’t wanted to overwhelm her, but now I’m wondering if she’s been waiting for me.

Jesus, I’m dense sometimes.

“Can we chat later?” I whisper in her ear. Her eyebrows furrow. “It’s all good, I promise.” I kiss her lips. It’s quick ‘cause my kids are with us, but it’s obvious she and I need some time alone to talk this out.

We get all the food set up buffet-style on picnic tables my brother set up in the back yard under an enormous white tent Allison’s parents loaned us. They “entertain” often and offered it to us, probably so they don’t melt under the sun.

“This looks amazing.” My stomach rumbles as I check out the spread. Homemade potato salad, chicken salad, fruit salad, barbecue chicken, different kinds of dips. My woman outdid herself. “Pretty sure that’s gonna taste better than anything we could’ve gotten catered.”

“Hells yeah.” Logan leans over and grabs a chunk of watermelon.

My mom smacks it out of his hand. “Manners! Wait until the guests finish arriving.” She turns and pulls Tori into a hug. “This looks delicious, dear. I knew you were a keeper the moment I met you.”

A smile lifts my lips. Mom is one hundred percent Team Tori. She apologized the other night for barging in on us, surprising us with her return, but that’s nonsense. We’ll figure out how to make everything work. It’ll be better now that Mom’s moved back in with my brother, though he’s less excited now that he has no place to sex up his lady friends.

“You know, some people might be vegan.” Allison saunters up, a scowl on her face. How was I ever attracted to this woman? Was she always this mean?

I open my mouth to respond, but Mom beats me to it. “This is Texas, Allison. Finicky guests can eat the fruit salad or suck on some hay.”

Allison rolls her eyes and then glares at Tori. “Don’t you want to change?” Of course, Allison is gussied up in overpriced designer threads.

“Be nice,” I growl under my breath. “I’m not fucking kidding.” We’ve had it out, and I’ve warned her that Tori is important to me.

I can’t really make heads or tails of Allison’s behavior. One minute, she’s irate and throwing temper tantrums, the next, she’s all smiles. She’s making me dizzy with her back and forth.

Tori shrugs, looking uncomfortable. “I wasn’t planning to change. This is what I wear.”

“Whatever.” Turning to me, Allison motions across the yard. “Remember that the Harrisons want a trainer, and the Dumonts are looking for help breeding their mare.” For a woman who had zero interest in the ranch when we were married, she sure has pulled a turnabout. Half of these people are friends of her parents, and Allison says I should schmooze.

Yeah, I don’t schmooze.

But I’m trying not to be a dick because I suppose this is her way of supporting the ranch. It’s true we can always use new clients, but I underestimated how annoyed I’d be having to deal with my ex-wife. I keep telling myself it’s worth it if I get the kids. I’ll give every last penny in my pocket to make that happen.

When Allison heads for her parents, I grab Tori’s hand and pull her off to the side. “We just gotta get through today.” I lower my voice. “My lawyer is finalizing the terms of the contract. Pretty sure after this weekend, things will change around here.” I fucking hope so because I can’t stand Allison’s bullshit any longer.

Tori nods and gives me a hesitant smile. She’s about to say something when banging on the other side of the tent starts up again.

“What’s going on?”

I motion behind me. “My friend James is putting the finishing touches on a new swing set for the kids.”

“They’re gonna love it!” Her brilliant smile wanes. “I hope it wasn’t too expensive, though.”

“I got a great deal since I helped him a while back when he was having trouble with his marriage. He kinda owes me.”

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