Home > Rise of the Fae (Dragon's Gift The Dark Fae #5)(25)

Rise of the Fae (Dragon's Gift The Dark Fae #5)(25)
Author: Linsey Hall

A sea dragon.

It pushed effortlessly through the water, charging toward me, darting between me and the golden red orbs at the bottom of the pool.

I swam behind a cluster of rocks, taking cover as my lungs began to burn. Heart pounding, I peeked out from behind the boulders, taking stock of the creature.

Where should I strike it to do the most damage?

I would be lucky to get even one shot, so I’d have to make it work.

Perhaps to the throat, if I could reach it? There looked to be an area that wasn’t covered quite so thickly with scales. Or the eyes? Those were always good. Punching underwater was difficult, so I’d have to maximize my attack.

Behind the dragon, the eggs gleamed invitingly. One of them was transparent, and inside, a silver dagger glowed.

That was my goal.

I knew it like I knew my own name.

I needed that knife.

And this dragon was all that stood between me and it.

So, the neck or the eyes?

The dragon hissed at me, the noise carrying effortlessly through the water.

Get back, it seemed to be saying.

I frowned, mind racing. The cold and oxygen deprivation were making it hard to think.

But this wasn’t so different from the challenge with the spiders.

I’m not supposed to kill it.

Suddenly, it was obvious. The threat to Tarron, Aeri, and Declan had gotten me raring to fight. I’d seen only a violent solution to this problem.

But no…

This sea dragon was just protecting its eggs—one of which I wanted to steal. I didn’t think the egg with the dagger had an actual baby monster in it, but the sea dragon might not know that.

I was just a threat.

Obviously, I shouldn’t try to hurt the dragon. I couldn’t believe I’d even considered it—chalk it up to terror and freezing cold.

It was one of the scariest things I’d ever done, but I swam out from behind my rock. My burning lungs reminded me that I had barely any time left before my air ran out.

My muscles ached from cold as I swam toward the dragon, holding my hand out in a way that I hoped was non-threatening.

The dragon glared at me with dark eyes, clearly unsure of what to make of me.

It hissed again, then moved its head forward just slightly, sniffing.

I tensed, heart going a mile a minute.


I was flat out of ideas if this didn’t work—and I’d also be dragon food.

Tense seconds passed as my lungs burned and my muscles ached. I tried to imagine all of my good intentions, hoping the dragon could sense that I meant no harm.

Finally, the dragon twitched its head, then swam backward.

I nodded my thanks, then swam past. The gold and red eggs called to me, and I pushed myself hard. The regular dragon eggs were crimson bright and shot through with veins of gold. The one that I sought was semitransparent, revealing the dagger within.

I reached for it, carefully avoiding the other eggs. It was shockingly warm to the touch, and I clutched it close to my chest. I gave the dragon one last grateful nod, then kicked toward the surface.

Every inch of me was nearly numb with cold, muscles aching wherever I could actually feel them. My lungs burned from lack of oxygen, and my vision started to go black at the edges.

The surface still looked so far away.

I kicked harder, seeming to go slower with every inch.


I wasn’t going to make it.

Hot tears smarted my eyes, strange against the otherwise cold water. I struggled upward, fighting the urge to try to suck in air, since there was only cold water to be had.


I begged the universe, begged the dragon. I didn’t know who I begged, but no one came.

It’s just me.

Somehow, I found the strength to kick the last twenty meters to the surface. It felt endless, and by the time I reached air and gasped, I was nearly out of my mind with pain.

Immediately, the air surged into my lungs and through my body, giving my numb limbs strength. I swam toward the black rock wall that extended upward, seeming infinitely long.

How the hell was I going to climb that?

I shoved away my doubts and pushed the dragon egg into my shirt. It managed to stay wedged against my stomach.

“Thank fates.” The words came out mumbled and rough as I began to scale the black wall. I was so numb that it was nearly impossible to feel my feet or my hands, but I forced myself upward. Handholds were few and far between, but visions of Tarron, Aeri, and Declan—all trapped and at risk—fueled me. It was the strongest motivation there could be, and it propelled me upward.

Halfway up, I tried calling on my wings.

They didn’t come.

Damn it.

Frustration surged within me. I was too slow.

Still, I continued. I nearly slipped several times, barely managing to cling on at the last minute. By the time I reached the ledge at the top, I was so tired that I nearly flopped onto my front.

No, don’t break the egg.

I scrambled onto the flat, rough surface and knelt, head bent as I grabbed the egg out of my shirt.

The scaly monsters were still attacking the ice walls with their flames. They were nearly through, the ice so thin that I could see Tarron and Aeri’s faces.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Panic threatened to overwhelm me, but I forced it back, bending over the egg to inspect it. There was a tiny latch in the middle, and I flicked it with trembling fingers. The egg popped open, revealing the dagger within.

It was beautifully ornate, silver and gold. I withdrew it, enjoying the warmth on my palm.

“What the hell do I do with it?” I muttered.

A quick glance showed the monsters nearly through the ice wall.

But no.

Just killing them didn’t seem right.

I was a Dragon Blood, in the land of the Dragon Bloods, here to create new power.

There was only one thing to do.

I dragged the blade down my wrist, wincing as the pain cut deep. Magic sparked from the silver, and it was clear that this blade was different.

It would be the blade that gave me the magic I needed. It would allow me to adopt my mother’s power to heal Tarron and defeat her.

Midnight blood poured over my pale skin as I turned to the other wrist, slicing the skin deep. More blood welled, and I sucked in a deep breath as I turned my wrists to the ground and let the warm blood flow over my cold legs.

I forced my magic out with it, pushing every bit of power that I had into the air around me. As weakness stole over me, I gripped the magical blade tight and envisioned the power I needed.

Healing and strength.

My mother’s magic had cursed him, so I’d adopt it and use it to cure him. I’d also use it to fight her on even footing.

My vision began to blacken as more and more of my blood flowed onto the slate around me. The magic that rushed out along with it made my soul feel empty.

More power.

I just needed more. Like her. Enough to heal, enough to defeat. Adopting her skills was the only way I could turn back the damage that she had done.

When I was nearly about to fall over, magic sparked on the air. The hilt of the dagger heated in my hand, and the power rushed back into me, filling me up with strength and warmth. Filling me up with magic like hers.

Please work.






Magic surged through my veins, filling me with power I’d never had before. Shaking, I stood. The wounds on my arms had healed, and my strength had returned. Magic pulsed within me.

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