Home > Promise Me(14)

Promise Me(14)
Author: Ashlee Rose

Her ballet teacher was now on the phone to Zara after phoning the ambulance. Camilla, I think her name was, crouched down next to me, checking Darcey’s legs. My eyes snapped over to her, I didn’t like the fact that she was touching her but knew it was necessary.

“What do you think it is?” I asked her, my voice small as I kept my grip on Darcey.

“Well, I can’t see a visible break, which is good, in a way.” Her eyebrows knitted together. “But it’s got to be bad for her to have screamed like that and then black out for a moment.” She crawled up to Darcey’s head.

“Darling, the ambulance is on the way, okay? Can you tell me where it hurts,” she cooed, running her hand through Darcey’s honey-blonde hair. I watched as Darcey’s hand moved to her calf as she wailed out in pain again.

“Okay, sweetie.” She smiled down at her before her eyes flicked up at me. She didn’t need to say anything for me to know that it was bad.

Her head turned towards the door as the ambulance crew arrived and she scarpered to her feet. I pulled her closer into me as Camilla filled them in before they were knelt down next to her.

“Sir, I’m going to need you to move,” the fresh faced paramedic said, her face breaking into a small smile.

“No chance,” I growled back. “I’m staying with her.”

“You can stay with her, but I need to check her over, so I need you to move back, just slightly.” Her hand was on mine, reassuring me in that moment to move. And I did, ever so slightly. My eyes narrowed on her as she rolled Darcey over on her back, talking to her calmly. Darcey’s eyes were darting from the paramedic to me, so I reached over and took her hand, squeezing it, giving her the reassurance I wasn't going anywhere.

My eyes flicked up to see Zara, Chase, and her father, Tanner, running towards us. Chase’s eyes were on me as he saw her hand in mine. My eyes bored into him. He can think what he wants. I don’t give two fucks at this moment in time.

“Darcey!” Zara screamed out through scared tears. My eyes moved from Chase to hers, she looked petrified. Darcey’s eyes shot to her mum’s as her tears began again. My heart was breaking.

Camilla stood from the ground, wrapping her arm around Zara’s petite frame and taking her to the corner, Tanner behind them as Camilla explained what happened.

Chase just stood, looming over me.

A male paramedic crouched down next to me, placing a mask over her nose and mouth carefully then lying her head back down. He ran his fingers down her arm, pressing two fingers onto the underneath of her wrist, checking her pulse then noting it down. He stood slowly and grabbed the stretcher from the doors of the studio. The male paramedic knelt next to his colleague, pushing the stretcher next to Darcey’s body before walking back round next to me.

“Ready?” the female paramedic asked.

“Ready,” he said as he rolled her onto the stretcher that his colleague pushed towards us.

I still had her hand.

I wasn’t letting go.

They lifted her carefully and started walking her towards the ambulance, Zara, Tanner and Chase running out behind us.

They laid her on the bed in the back of the ambulance, pulling two straps over her. I climbed into the back and sat on the chair next to her as the male driver climbed into the front of the ambulance, the female paramedic going over her vitals.

I watched as Zara, Chase and Camilla scrambled into the Range Rover, Tanner getting into his Jaguar. Chase’s eyes burned into mine intensely from his seat as the female paramedic slammed the doors shut on them, breaking the contact. I let out a relieved sigh.

I was a dead man walking.

“Conor,” her little voice said under the mask.

“Baby.” My hand darted to hers, grabbing it and squeezing it. “I’m here.”

“I’m scared,” she admitted, a tear running down the side of her face before melting into her hair.

“Don’t be scared, it’ll be okay. I promise.” My voice was trying to calm her and reassure. I had no idea how bad it was, but from the look on Camilla’s face, it wasn’t good.

“Darcey,” the lady said softly, standing over her. “How’s the pain?” she asked as she put a canular into her hand and connected a drip.

“Bad.” She sobbed.

“It’s okay, I’m going to give you some pain relief.” She clicked the drip into place,

Darcey’s head nodding slightly as the drip started flowing into her veins.

“It’ll be okay,” I soothed her, stroking my other hand across the top of her head, pushing her hair away from her face. Her gorgeous blue eyes didn’t leave mine.




As I was wheeled through to accident & emergency, my eyes sought out Conor. My heart swelled when I saw him with my holdall over his chest and shoulders, walking behind the paramedics. I couldn’t believe he stayed with me the whole time.

The pain had eased after the drugs they had administered in the back of the ambulance. I had no clue where my parents and Chase were, I didn’t know if they were in front of the ambulance or behind us.

As I was pushed through double doors, the female paramedic stopped, turning to Conor.

“You need to stay here. Follow the signs for the waiting room.” I heard a small growl leave his throat.

I held my hand out, reaching for him, panic rising in my chest. He just stood there, his arms by his sides, his eyes on me as I was wheeled away, the double doors closing.

I was X-rayed, then scanned and wheeled into a ward whilst waiting for my results. I looked around the bare, empty walls feeling alone. I didn’t even have my phone. I looked at the cannular in my hand and broke down. I didn’t even know what I had done, all I knew was that, from my ankle up to my knee, there was a throbbing pain. I couldn’t move it all that well, and currently had it elevated.

My eyes focused on the door when I saw the handle going. I wiped my tears off my face as I saw my family walk through the door, along with Conor and Camilla. My mum raced over to me, kissing my face and head before hugging me, the whole time my eyes were on him, his on mine. The chemistry crackled between us.

The doctor walked through, he was a young man. He had jet black hair pushed off of his face, and deep brown eyes.

“Darcey,” he said softly, walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed. “Full house, aye?” He made a small joke, resulting in a little giggle from myself. My mum swooped my hand into hers, squeezing it tightly.

“Okay, so I have your X-rays and scans back.” His smile disappeared from his face, and my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.

“The good news is, there isn’t a break. But from the scan results we can see you have torn your left Achilles tendon as well as having quite a big tear in your calf muscle. We are going to have to do surgery, just letting it heal on its own won’t work, I’m afraid. We will be getting you prepped shortly, okay?” he said, patting the bed before standing.

“Mr and Mrs Sawyer, may I have a word?” he said before taking my mum and dad into the waiting room.

Once the door was closed, I couldn’t hold back, the sobs left me. They were loud and pained.

I knew what this meant.

My dancing career was over.

I was never going to be going to college, I wouldn’t be able to live my dream that I have had since I was five.

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