Home > The Setup(13)

The Setup(13)
Author: Meghan Quinn

“Five,” I answer, while Asher quickly grabs a protein shake from the fridge and retreats to his bedroom.

“Five rounds? Damn, I think I’m having sympathy pains for you.”

I smile. “Look at you being kind to me.”

“You said you wanted to be friends.” She winks. “I’m nice to my friends, right, Rusty?”

“The best.” He rubs his chin and says, “You know, while we wait for Deacon, maybe we should go—” His phone rings, and he checks the screen, smiling like a doof. “It’s Chrissy. Do you mind if I take this?”

“Go ahead,” Indie says.

Once Rusty is upstairs, I work my way around the kitchen and say, “So, a date huh? Thought you were against those.”

“I am, but I’m assuming you know Rusty. He doesn’t take no for an answer. Figured I’d meet Deacon, give him a pat on the shoulder, and tell him I’m not interested in starting anything.”

I go to the sink where I rinse out the Tupperware container from the lunch I took with me to campus. Since I didn’t have classes today, I spent the entire day between practicing and weights studying in the library. When I have long days on campus, I always make sure to take food with me.

“So, when you’re done with your days, you’re sleeping in bed naked, by yourself?”

Don’t ask where the question came from or why I asked it, but there it is, out in the open, collecting all the awkward points that it can.

She makes her way around the island and lifts herself onto the counter next to the sink. “Are you asking if I’m banging anyone, Lincoln?”

Christ, she’s direct. Although, I don’t know why I’m surprised, as she’s been nothing but direct with me since I met her.

Laughing awkwardly, I say, “Honestly, I have no idea where that question came from.”

“I do.” She crosses one long, toned leg over the other. “You tried to deny it, but I know your infatuation. It’s getting stronger, isn’t it?”

My eyes practically roll out of their sockets. “Please. I think we both know why you’re here. It’s all under the guise of meeting Rusty’s brother but truthfully, you want to catch another glimpse of me, in my natural habitat, where I kick my feet up and relax.”

“Ah, yes, you got me,” she says sarcastically. “I had Rusty drive me over here just so I could see you walk around your house in sweaty ankle socks.”

I glance down at my feet and then back up at her. “How do you know they’re sweaty?”

“If they’re not sweaty, then you clearly didn’t do five rounds of burpees and weighted box jumps.”

“Observant.” I point at her and pull out a prepared meal I have delivered to the house. Three meals a week makes dinners easy for me, especially during the season. “But I’m glad you can admit your need to see me; it will behoove you to make such admissions.”

“It will behoove me?”

“Yeah, makes life easier when you can admit to your feelings rather than bottling them all up inside.”

“Like you are.”

“I’m not bottling up anything.” I put my meal in the microwave and start it. I turn toward her and brace myself against the counter. I catch her eyes briefly take in the way my shirt pulls across my pecs, before her eyes shoot back up to mine. “Like what you see?”

Not faltering, she plainly says, “Your nipples are hard.”

I glance at them. “It’s because they’re remembering the way you touched them when we shared an evening out with milkshakes.”

“Well, I hope they know that was a one-and-done thing.”

I wink. “Never say never.”

The microwave beeps and I pull my meal out and plop it onto a plate before grabbing a fork. I set my plate on the island, lean down on one forearm, and start moving the food around, allowing the steam to billow up.

“That smells disgusting,” she says.

“Wow, that’s rude.” I laugh.

She shrugs. “It does. What is it?”

“Uh, some uber healthy Brussels sprouts dish with steak.”

She pinches the collar of her shirt and pulls it over her nose. “You can really smell the Brussels sprouts.”

I fork one, bring it to my lips and blow on it, then pop it in my mouth only to spit it back onto my plate and quickly reach for my water. “Oh, fuck that’s hot.”

Indie laughs loud enough that it reverberates against the oak kitchen cabinets. “That was so revolting. If I had even the slightest crush on you—which I don’t—that would have extinguished the flame quickly.”

“Wait.” I look around and lean in toward her. “Are you telling me spitting food back out onto your plate isn’t sexy?”

“Afraid not.”

“Such a shame.” I blow on another Brussels sprout, this time taking a little longer, and then I chew on it. I hold my plate out to her and say, “Want a bite?”

She holds her hand up and cringes. “I’m good, really.”

“Your loss.” I smile and continue to dig in. When silence falls between us, I wrack my brain for anything to say, but all I can think about is how she’s sitting in my kitchen, waiting to meet another guy. And for some reason, that feels weird. “So, Deacon, huh?” I say, feeling like a moron even mentioning it.

“Am I detecting a hint of jealousy?”

“No, just trying to make conversation.” I wipe my mouth with a napkin and stand tall. “If you’re thinking identical twin to Rusty, getting a burly guy, you’re going to be sorely mistaken. He’s more ripped.”

“Oh no, really?” Indie places her hand on her heart. “What a travesty. I don’t know if I can go through with this. A ripped guy who plays football, what did I get myself into?”

I cut a piece of meat and say, “I can see your sarcasm is on point today.”

“I dusted it off last night in case I ran into you today. Thankfully, I did. I wouldn’t want to go to all that trouble for nothing.”

“You’re such a smartass.”

She smiles brightly. “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

Just at that moment, Rusty walks back into the kitchen and says, “Sorry. Deacon called me while I was on the phone with Chrissy. Coach is making him stay longer at study hall since he’s a transfer. He won’t be back for a while.”

“What a shame. No awkward encounter forced by a brother,” Indie says, making me snort into my food.

Rusty lets out a hearty laugh. “Free dinner, Indie. Keep thinking free dinner.”

She pats the big guy’s belly and says, “Not ruled by food, buddy. You should know that. Anyway, I should get back to my house. We have testing on Saturday. I need to get as much sleep as possible beforehand so I’m refreshed and ready.”

“Okay, give me a few and I’ll take you. I just have to call Chrissy back really quick.”

“I can take her,” I say, wiping my mouth and tossing my napkin in the garbage.

Not pleased with the idea, Indie folds her arms and stares at me.

“Are you sure, man?”

“Yup. Got all my work done earlier during study hall. I’m not doing anything.”

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