Home > Beautiful Tyrant (Enemies to Lovers #3)(8)

Beautiful Tyrant (Enemies to Lovers #3)(8)
Author: C. P. Mandara

'You'll pay for that!' he yells. She's already paying for it. We're sinking into her as fast and as deep as we can. But she's utterly lost in the moment, head thrown back against Gabriel's jaw as her fingernails scrape down my abs as if seeking something to cling to. Here I am thinking she's in so much discomfort she can barely breathe, when the reality is something else entirely. She's loving every second of it. She might not want to, but she is.

'Brandt, please,' she moans. My fingers are hovering, but they aren't about to deliver what she wants - not yet.

'You're not in a position to beg for anything,' Gabriel spits, abruptly pulling out of her. I pull back too, wondering what he's up to. 'Shove her up against the wall, Brandt. Let's see if we can get two cocks inside that pussy at the same time.' I don't get a say in the matter apparently because he spins her around and presses her into the wall.

'I've always wanted to do this,' he says, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he drinks in the sight of her. I want to punch him. 'Ladies first,' he says, spreading her for me. Now I really want to punch him, but I've got to the stage where I just want to finish this.

Sliding inside her again, I close my eyes as the tight heat of her sheath surrounds me. There is no way she'll get both of us inside. She's too tight. But Gabriel isn't the type to take no for an answer. He coaxes his cock against mine, inch by slow inch. I can't even begin to tell you what it feels like. Incredible. It is so much more than that, though. When we begin moving as one I come almost instantly, and he is only a few seconds behind me. Thankfully I had the foresight to put my fingers back on her clit before we began, and she's bucking in heat against it, Gabe's face tightening with pleasure.

We hear a roar behind us, and I guess Mal has emptied onto the floor, but a moment later I realise that is not the case. He's pissed at something. Before we know what's happening there's a loud bang and we're all cowering, wondering who the hell has been shot this time.



Chapter Four - Gabriel

The sound of a gunshot exploding deflates the high of my orgasm in an instant. One minute I'm up in the clouds, and the next I'm falling down to earth with no parachute. The landing is unpleasantly hard, as you can imagine. Pulling out of Harper my eyes dart around the room to see if I can spot who's bleeding out.

At first glance I can't see a thing. There's no tell-tale stain of blood on any of us, which is a good sign, so maybe Mal has just given us a warning shot. Sure enough, on further inspection I find little pieces of plaster on the floor, and when I look up it's to find there's a bullet lodged in the wall just above our heads. It looks like someone is on the warpath.

'I don't remember telling either of you to let her come. I'm the only one gets to do that.' Mal is advancing, waving his gun around, the expression on his face is predatory. One of us is in for the chop. This is Brandt's work. He let the bitch come. What is wrong with him?

'We didn't,' says Brandt, openly lying. 'She did that all by herself. She seems to like pain.' That stops Mal in his tracks. Now I'm not sure how closely he was paying attention to Brandt's antics, but there's a possibility he saw what was happening. Brandt is playing a dangerous game.

Mal gets in Brandt's face. 'Are you lying to me, boy? Do you think I didn't notice where those hands were?'

'Oh, I know you did,' Brandt says without a missing a beat, 'but I pulled them away before she came. I don't like her enough to grant her that kind of pleasure. She hasn't had an orgasm the whole time she's been here. Ask her yourself. Somehow she managed to carry herself over the edge without my help. Interesting trick, that. I'd love to know how she did it.'

Mal grabs hold of Harper and spins her around to face him. 'That true, princess?' His eyes narrow as he looks at her expectantly.

'Fuck you,' she spits, and she looks furious. It's obviously a look she's worn before because he smiles. 'Rubbing yourself up against the wall again, eh, 'Arper? What have I told you about that? It will get you into trouble.' He turns her around again and spanks her butt.

'Come over here.' He curls his finger towards Brandt. Stepping forward slowly, my ex looks rather apprehensive. I'm not feeling any better about this turn of events if I'm honest. Is he going to kill him? Does he know he's lying?

Mal hands his gun to him. Just like that. I'm pretty sure I can figure out what's going to happen next. He's is going to see where Brandt's allegiances lie.

'Kill her,' he barks, and Harper's mouth widens in a big 'O' that says she never saw this coming. Too bad. I did.

Brandt looks at the gun as if it's made of TNT. He looks afraid to touch the damn thing. Kill her, I silently urge. If you don't, we're all dead.

Finally he takes it and aims at her. I'm pretty sure he has no idea how to use the thing, so I don't know who he's trying to fool.

'What's stopping me from killing you with this thing?' he asks. It's as if the bloody man has a death wish. Just kill the girl, for fuck's sake.

Mal smiles. 'Absolutely nothing. But if you do kill me everyone else in this room will be dead a few seconds later. You're not getting past my boys.' He indicates the thugs standing at the back of the room. I suddenly feel sick. There is no way Brandt will kill Harper. He's half in love with her, so unless I'm much mistaken we're all going to be blown to smithereens because he won't man up to the job.

Snatching the gun out of his hands I say, 'I'll do it,' aiming at her forehead before the thing is yanked abruptly from me.

'Did I ask you?' Mal delivers a vicious backhander that sends me staggering. Clutching a hand to my injured jaw I groan. My mouth is now full of blood and it doesn't taste very pleasant.

He passes the firearm back to Brandt. 'Kill her,' he repeats. Brandt looks surprisingly cool, considering. He won't kill Harper, which will mean we'll all be dead very shortly. The asshole could at least look slightly guilty about that, but there's not a flicker of emotion on his face. I know that look well. I wear it often. On him, though, it's not something I see very often. What is going on here? What have I missed?

When he brings the gun up to Harper's head again my eyes follow every move he makes. Is he going to use that thing to shoot Mal? If so, the place is about to light up quicker than a war zone. But with Brandt anything is possible. There's still a person with morals and beliefs inside him. That part of me died a long time ago. It's why I could happily pick up the gun and shoot her without a moment's pause. Brandt can't do that, though. Right now he'll be panicking. His blood pressure will be rocketing and before long his hands are going to start shaking. Mal is going to see through the act and bury us both.

When the safety is pulled back I wince for Brandt. There is no way he's going to do this. Any minute now Mal's brains are going to be scattered all over the floor and ours will follow shortly after. This pisses me off. I've just been released from a very long spell inside, and now someone's going to kill me? How's that for irony?

I stare at Brandt for the last time, as I watch his finger tighten on the trigger. It feels as if my retinas are trying to burn the image into my brain because time almost slows to a halt from which there is no escape. Life is so bloody unfair. I want to tell Brandt all sorts of things, but I can't open my mouth to say shit. For the first time in my adult life, I'm choked up. I do have a heart, after all. The gun is still firmly trained on Harper. What is going on? I can't believe he's going to kill her.

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