Home > Quarantined(6)

Author: Drethi Anis


So Theressa put her ambitions on hold and pursued a role as a mother and wife instead. She was content for a while. They both were. She still did sketches as a hobby on the side and kept in touch with her contacts in the fashion world.


Things changed drastically in their quiet lives when one of her designs caught the eye of another successful designer. Theressa was offered a job, which entailed living in Europe, between the cities of Milan and Paris.


When it came down to choosing between her dream job and her marriage, she chose the job. Of course, it was not feasible to take a thirteen-year-old with her when her job required consistent travel and an inconsistent schedule.


So she left them both behind.


Uncle John begged her, even went to Europe to win her back, but Theressa was determined. She knew that life as a wife and mother was not for her. He has been a mess ever since.


My father suggested that they move to New York City, so they could be closer to us. At a time like that, you need your family. But I suspect the real reason is that Uncle John is a terrible father. Although he is a role model to me, he is better as the fun uncle, not so much as a father. He never wanted children and now has no idea what to do with Raven.


Dad thought we could all keep an eye out for each other, and also make sure that Uncle John doesn't go off the deep end. It made sense.


The move was surprisingly easy. Uncle John already had a license to practice in New York, and dad was able to hook him up with an interview at his hospital. There was also a brownstone up for rent, just a couple houses down from us. Within a few weeks, they were able to shift down here.


Hence, here we stand. In front of their new brownstone, ready to welcome them with open arms and open hearts. I plan to remember what Uncle John taught me. Help those in pain, without judgment. And show the kindness that we hope to get back someday. Uncle John showed me so much kindness over the years, and I am ready to repay it, however I can.


My siblings spring forward as the door flies open. We all pile in, and soon there are hugs being exchanged. I grab Uncle John into a bear hug, instantly noticing the deep-set dark bags under his eyes.


As I release him, I catch sight of jet black hair flying everywhere, the darkest shade of black I have ever seen. I have barely registered the hair when a pair of the most beautiful hazel orbs look me dead straight into my eyes, as if peeking into my very soul and pulling it out of my body. It's the most intense eye contact anyone has ever made with me. The orbs don't waver, not even once, even as I try to stare them down. What the hell! Before I can say a word, two tiny arms fling around me, pulling me into a tight hug.




That's the first thing I register. I am engulfed in the smell of warm vanilla, maybe mixed with a hint of lavender. It's intoxicating.


"Milo! I am Raven. I know we met when I was younger. But since one of us was still going through cognitive development, I think it's only fair that we consider this to be our first meeting. I want to officially introduce myself."


There is no way this is Raven. She doesn't look thirteen. She looks like she is fifteen, possibly sixteen.


I try to wrack my brain for photos I have seen of her. I have seen pictures of her and Reid, in his room. I guess he only put up photos from a long time ago because she looked a lot younger. I assure you, she did not look like this. This, I would remember. She looks like a completely grown-ass woman. She is thirteen! What are they feeding these kids at school?


Raven pulls back from her hug, and I can't mutter out a response to her eloquent introduction. It's embarrassing. Suddenly I am nervous, very nervous, trying to come up with a witty response.


Then I notice what she is holding. In her right hand is a half-open snickers bar. I couldn’t gather my thoughts to come up with a witty response and end up bursting out laughing. She follows my gaze to see what I am laughing at and joins my laughter, as if it's normal that we are already sharing a private joke. She is too adorable.


Finally, I stick out my hand. "Well hello, Raven. It's nice to meet you, post cognitive development."


She laughs again, and brushes off my hand and takes me into another big hug. I am surprised at her affection and warmth, but I hug her back. She might be too sweet and innocent for this city. It's going to chew her up and spit her back out.


Raven links one arm around mine, and another around Mia's, like we are some old friends. She has become great friends with my siblings over the years, but she doesn't let me feel left out from their private circle.


She leads us inside and shows us around the new house. Raven excitedly talks about their move, the new furniture, her new room, and everything under the sun.


Uncle John stays quiet. He interjects here and there, barely responding to my attempts at a polite conversation. Finally, he excuses himself, something about catching up with work.


My gaze follows him. I know the signs of depression a little too well. I also know, depression is not a luxury a parent can afford. Especially a single parent.


I hope Uncle John remembers that he has someone depending on him. He has seen me suffer for years, due to one depressed parent. He has to snap out of it.


When I focus back on the scene at hand, I find Raven setting up the game console. Mia and Reid are busy putting together a model train set, a gift Raven brought for them from Boston.


"What are you playing?" I ask, sitting down next to Raven.


"Mario Kart. Wanna play?"


I grab the second controller from her, and we set up our characters. Pretty soon, she is kicking my ass. I am literally losing to a little girl. And she is smack-talking, with that smart ass mouth of hers. I would be annoyed if I wasn't laughing so hard. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.


After a couple of hours, I forfeit. "Are you guys hungry?"


All three of them grunt, too busy with a movie they just put on. I call our favorite delivery place and look for Uncle John. I haven't heard a peep from him. I search the house, but he is nowhere to be found.


Did he leave? He didn't even say a word to us, or to his daughter. Is this a normal occurrence between them?


I find Raven in the next room, setting the table.


"Hi." She gives me a big smile when I enter the room.


"Did you see your dad leave?" She hesitates and then shrugs.


I try to remember Uncle John's words. I shouldn't judge him, and this is none of my business. But curiosity gets the better of me.


"Do you know where he went?"


"No. He sometimes needs to get away to clear his head."


"And he doesn't tell you where he goes?"


Another shake of her head.


I am quiet. Then press again, "Does he stay out all night?"


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