Home > Code Name : Heist(37)

Code Name : Heist(37)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

I drone on, meticulously going through every step we’ve planned out. Sin sits at the kitchen table, her steel-framed practice set before her. She operates the hand controls, peering at the attached four-inch-by-four-inch monitor that feeds a signal from a small high-def camera perched at the end of the scope above the drill bit. It lets her see everything she’s doing in real-time.

“What are you going to do if a guard hears you before you can sneak up and inject him?” William throws out. It’s a lame scenario that we’ve already talked through.

“I’m going to flash my tits at him,” Sin says as she continues to operate the scope.

“I’m going to drop him with a hand taser,” I reply, shooting her a grin. She doesn’t even spare me a glance, staying glued to the screen. The soft whir of the drill bit starts up. “Then move in to inject.”

“But then the other guard hears the commotion and comes to investigate,” William says.

“I’ll flash my tits at him, too,” Sin says with a chuckle.

“We’ve got it covered,” I assure William. “With as much experience as Sin and I have at sneaking around, neither guard will hear us coming.”

William nods, accepting that. We all know nobody can control every situation, and that’s where Mercier has to hope he’s hired the best.

Rising from the couch, William says, “Okay… I think you are as prepared as possible. I’m going to head out.”

I get out of my chair, intent on showing him to the door. Idly, I wonder if William knows he’s a dead man. Should I talk to him about it—give him fair warning to watch his back around Mercier?

Unfortunately for William and my conscience, I have to decide against it. His loyalty to Mercier might be bigger than his sense of self-preservation. I can’t afford to let him in on my concerns only to have him run to Mercier over it, which would cause the plug to be pulled and most assuredly put Sin and I in his crosshairs.

No… William will have to fend for himself. And I hate that. I have nothing against the man, and I respect him for his abilities. Hell, I even kind of like him. But I can’t risk mine and Sin’s lives just to give him a warning he probably wouldn’t heed anyway.

When I open the door, William gives me one final reminder. “Remember… come straight to Julian’s estate. Don’t call ahead. Just come straight there.”

I nod to show I understand. Unsurprisingly, Mercier had insisted we bring the loot directly to him rather than do the usual hand-off to a third party. If my suspicions that he intends to remove his little worker bees from the equation are correct, then he’s going to want to do it somewhere private and easy to clean up. Can’t get any more remote than his chateau in the countryside of Seine-et-Marne. Gunshots most certainly won’t be heard out there.

“Aha,” Sin exclaims, straightening from the small computer screen with the magnetized plate in her hand. “Forty-nine seconds.”

Incredulously, I gape at her fastest time yet. Before this, she hadn’t managed to crack it in under a minute. “That’s amazing.”

“Wonderful job, Sin,” William praises.

“Remind me to never play that game Operation with you,” I say with a grin.

She cocks her head, eyebrows knitting. “Play what?”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Never mind. But we’ll play it together someday so I can show you.”

Sin’s eyes warm at the barest hint we might have a future together. Smiling, she returns to her metal frame, putting the magnet back on so she can practice again.

William and I shake hands, and he wishes us good luck. When he’s out the door, I pull my phone from my pocket, realizing Sin’s father has tried to call me several times today.

It’s not anything unusual. We’ve been in frequent contact with him. Even took a short trip to London for a visit last week. We’ve been using George as a sounding board for the heist, fully bringing him in on the plan. We’re not doing it to humor him or appease his needs. Sin and I both recognize that despite his limitations, George is still a wealth of information and cunning. He has given us several good ideas. For example, he came up with the mini-plan to distract and divert the guards so we can get them safely injected.

Assuming George wants to brainstorm a new idea, I consider calling him back later, but then I notice there’s also a text from him. Call me. Away from Sin. Private.

That’s not good. Scared something bad has happened to George—perhaps medically—I decide to call immediately.

“I’m going to head down to the cafe on the corner to grab an iced coffee. Want anything?”

Sin wrinkles her nose. Besides that small gesture, she ignores me, so I take that as a no. She’s busy working the magnet again, her tongue sticking out in concentration.

“When I get back,” I say with a warning tone that causes her to lift her head, “you’re done practicing for the day. We’re going out to do something fun and relaxing.”

Eyes twinkling with mischief, she purrs, “We could stay in bed for the rest of the day. Do nothing but give each other massive amounts of orgasms. That’s both fun and relaxing.”

Laughing, I wink. “You’re not wrong about that. But we’re going out for some fresh air or something. We’ll do the whole orgasm thing afterward.”

“Got it,” she replies cheekily, then returns her attention back to her magnets.

I watch her for a minute, realizing she has completely stolen my heart again. The little thief, I think with a snicker. I’m not exactly sure when my fate became sealed yet again, but it’s a done deal for sure.

Shaking myself out of my musings, I leave her apartment. Once I hit the sidewalk outside, I call George.

“’Bout time,” he grumbles by way of greeting when he answers.

“Sorry. We were doing our last-minute planning session with William.”

“Good, that’s good,” he mumbles. “But listen… I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I don’t think it’s safe for you and Sin to turn over the jewels after the heist.”

This isn’t something I’ve discussed outright with either George or Sin. She’s already aware of the danger. If I harp over it, she’s going to get suspicious that I might try to pull one over on her.

And she’d be exactly right.

But I don’t feel the need to keep that bit of info from George. I can read the tone in his voice loud and clear. He’s terrified for his daughter right now.

“George… Sin’s going to be perfectly safe once we make it outside that building.”

“How?” he demands, not willing to accept my word.

He’s going to have to, though. “I can’t tell you the details. You’re just going to have to trust me, okay?”

“I won’t tell Sin,” he promises.

“I know. But I’ve got it covered. I swear. Just don’t tip her off or it won’t work.”

“I won’t,” he assures me quickly. “But I hope you know that anything you do to cut her out of the plan is going to royally piss her off. Be ready.”

“I know,” I murmur. It’s a tradeoff I have to be sure I’m willing to make.

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