Home > Code Name : Sentinel(30)

Code Name : Sentinel(30)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

I feel like I belong to him.

It’s hard… ignoring the twinge of guilt over not telling him what I did by getting online contrary to specific orders. But that was almost twenty-four hours ago, and nothing bad has happened. I was online for no more than two minutes total, if that.

It seems like everything is working out to achieve my dreams. My bonus is Cruce. I’ve made something with him that he wants to continue to explore.

The kiss deepens. I bring my hand to his wrist, locking on tight to hold him there forever.

“Can we make a deal?” he asks, practically groaning the question into my mouth.


“You never wear bathing suits again when we’re at the beach or poolside together. Just lingerie. And the more see-through the better.”

Giggling, I pull away from him slightly. His eyes are sparkling in the sun as he grins. “I am not dressing like this in public.”

“Then maybe I’ll just keep you on a private island all the time,” he suggests.

“I could get on board with that,” I muse, bringing my finger to my lips and coyly peeking up at him.

“Could you get on board with me taking that little white lacy number off you right now?” he asks, his voice rumbling with desire. Gaze dropping to my chest, he skims his finger along the edge of the lace cup, sending shivers up my spine.

“What if a tour helicopter flies over?” I ask.

“I’m in the ‘don’t give a fuck phase’ of this idea,” he replies gruffly, his hand now moving to the clasp at the front to unhook it.

Wantonly arching my back, I push my breasts up and out, giving him access to do whatever he wants.

Just before he unsnaps my bra, the satellite phone on the dock next to us rings.

Cruce groans, dropping his forehead to mine for a second, before he sighs and rolls away from me. He reaches out, nabs the phone, and taps the button to connect it. Pushing another to put it on speakerphone, he puts it between us.

We’ve been waiting for this call from Kynan to tell us what our fate is. Can we come home or are we stuck out here until some testing can be done?

“Kynan,” Cruce says as he answers. “Got you on speaker. Barrett is here with me.”

“Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news,” he replies.


Cruce gives me an encouraging smile. Somehow, I don’t think he’d mind being stuck here for a bit longer. After that kiss we just shared, not sure I would either.

“We think it’s okay to bring you two home,” Kynan continues. “Although the president wants to talk to his security advisors as he’s worried about the continued threat to Barrett. He’s organizing that now.”

Cruce and I exchange a longer, more meaningful look. Kynan has no clue we’ve just committed to continuing to see each other. That we’re not having an awful time right now. But we can’t stay here forever. We both have lives we need to get back to.

“I’ll have something definitive for you tomorrow,” Kynan promises. “My gut instinct is it will be information on a private charter out of Virgin Gorda. I’d start getting your bags packed.”

“All right, man,” Cruce replies, his tone businesslike. “We’ll hang tight until we talk to you tomorrow.”

“Later,” Kynan mutters, and the call is disconnected with one sharp tone emitted.

Cruce sets the phone down, wincing apologetically. “I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear.”

“On the contrary,” I reply silkily, wondering if I can pull off the inner seductress within me. I move my hand slowly to the hook Cruce had been so close to touching, and I give it a practiced flick. It pops open, and my breasts spring free. I don’t even have a moment’s embarrassment. By the look on Cruce’s face right now, I actually want to roar in triumph.

“You present a tempting offer, Dr. Alexander,” he murmurs, his eyes pinned on my chest. He’s so adorably sexy when he calls me that, or maybe it’s truly just the expression on his face as if he just found water after a long crawl through the desert.

“It’s all yours for the taking,” I assure him.

He reaches a hand out slowly, then grazes the back of it across one of my nipples. It shrinks, hardens, and stands at attention. “So responsive to me,” he says as if he’s never been more awed in his life.

Staring, he doesn’t make a move, as if he wants to hold on to this small moment of simple appreciation.

“Cruce,” I murmur to get his attention.

It takes a moment for his eyes to slide to up to meet mine, but when they do, I have his undivided attention.

“I’ve never had this before,” I say, motioning between us. “This level of intimacy with a man, I mean.”

He nods, solemnness filling his eyes. “Same. This is new territory for me.”

“Is it real?” I ask. “Or do you think it’s because of the circumstances we’ve been thrust into?”

Cruce peers over the water for a moment. I don’t take it as a means to be evasive. Merely a way to perhaps focus his thoughts.

When his attention returns, it’s with a clarity I recognize. It’s the same expression he had on his face when he shot the man who was going to kidnap me. I can only assume it was the same when he saved my uncle’s life.


Acceptance of an apparent truth.

“It’s real,” he says. “As real as it can get between two people.”






The minute Cruce’s hand covers my mouth, I instantly come awake. His other goes to my shoulder where he gives a gentle yet urgent-feeling squeeze. It’s dark and there’s just a small amount of moonlight filtering into the room through the open glass wall.

His voice is low, barely a whisper, but I can hear something within it that makes my blood run cold. “Someone is on the property. The infra-reds have been tripped. I want you to get quietly out of bed and get your shoes on.”

His meaning is clear. We’re going to make a run for it, and there isn’t time for anything but shoes. I’m only wearing one of his t-shirts. I don’t even have on panties. He has on nothing but a pair of boxers. It has to be serious if he’s willing to take flight like that.

Cruce’s hand slides off my mouth, and he takes half a second to press a hard kiss on my lips, which reassures me a little. Then I follow his orders, quickly rolling out of the bed. We meet at the closet, silently putting on our tennis shoes in the moonlight.

It’s as he’s reaching for his holster, which has a loaded gun within, that the bedroom door flies open. I can’t help the scream that comes from my mouth, but it’s cut short by Cruce pushing my chest hard and sending me back into the closet. I’m blinded by a flash of white light, an explosion rattling me so hard I fall to my knees.

I immediately try to take stock of injuries, but I don’t hurt anywhere other than my ringing ears. I’m still blinded, so I assume it’s Cruce pulling me to feet. I’m so dizzy I start to sink again, feeling suddenly nauseous.

Then I’m tossed up and over his shoulder. He takes off at a run out of the bedroom. Muffled sounds of what I think might be people shouting at each other tries to pierce through my panic. As I blink furiously, my vision starts to clear, even if it’s jumbled from Cruce’s hurried movements.

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