Home > Lovable Lawyer(6)

Lovable Lawyer(6)
Author: Karen Deen

“Talk to me, Greta, give me the points for my first argument today.”

Her work voice is back, and we click into the mode I need.

Black and white, cold hard facts.



“So, Mr. Digby, you were injured in the accident and taken to the hospital that night, where mandatory drug and alcohol testing took place, is that correct?”

“Yes,” he answers, looking smugly at me.

“However, those blood tests were lost, so they can’t confirm your levels the night of the accident, is that correct?”

“Yes.” Again, he looks at me like he holds all the power here. Well, I’ve got news for you, sunshine.

“Your blood, sample C, that was taken the morning after the accident. It shows in the report tendered to the court, traces of alcohol and cocaine in your body. Can you confirm that this is correct?” I stand very still in front of him. A copy of the report in my hand.

He nods his head, looking down.

“You need to speak for the court, Mr. Digby,” I instruct him. “Care to explain why this is the case? When did you consume these drugs?”

He looks sheepishly at the court like he’s unsure how to respond. “I was in shock and needed something to calm my nerves after the accident. I couldn’t sleep so I had a drink and a little something extra to help relax,” he talks, now looking down.

“I need you to be more specific, Mr. Digby. What exactly was the little something extra you had to help relax?” Yeah, come on, asshole, keep squirming.

“Um, a little cocaine that a friend gave me. They said it would help,” he mumbles.

“So, you admit you took an illegal substance, Mr. Digby?”

“Yes, but it was the first time. I’ve never done it before. It was a mistake I made when I was in shock. It was a tiny amount.” Oh yes, play the victim, that will just make you look more of a fool when I’m finished with you.

“Objection, Your Honor. What Mr. Digby did after the accident is irrelevant in this case,” Jacinta voices from behind me.

“Sustained, Counselor. Get to the point, Mr. Jefferson.” Oh, I am, don’t you worry.

“Yes, Your Honor.” I turn back to the accused. “Mr. Digby, at any time during the day or night before the accident occurred did you consume alcohol or any illegal substances?”

“No.” He tries to be quite adamant in his answer.

“So, if the blood sample was not ruined it would have shown that there was nothing in your system?” Keep digging that hole, jerk, tell me you were clean.

“Objection, the question is irrelevant as we don’t have the results of the samples,” Jacinta calls from behind me.

“Overruled. However there better be a point to this question, Counselor. Please answer the question, Mr. Digby.” The judge looks at him, awaiting his response.

“Sure, the samples would have been clean. I promise. I didn’t have anything.”

I walk back to my desk where Greta is sitting with the documents I need, and Blaine sits behind her with his smug look on his face.

It hadn’t taken long for him to find what we wanted. As soon as he gained the footage from the building security company, he had the report and footage to us at the court by eleven am. Just before morning recess, so I’ve had time to view it and review the report. Now time to deliver the little bombshell to the court.

Giving Jacinta my best self-assured look, I turn back to the court and walk towards the bench.

“Your Honor, I would like to submit exhibit K to the court. Contained is security footage and reports on the footage from the building where Mr. Digby’s business is located. The footage is time and date stamped from the four hours before he left the building and drove towards his ex-wife’s house when the accident occurred.” Placing the file on her desk I turn and walk back to the center of the room, facing Mr. Digby while the television screen on the wall turns on.

“As you can see on the video, the accused is meeting the unknown man at the back door and handing over cash for that package of a white powdery substance.” I pause as the video rolls on. “And now in the kitchen with the same bag and snorting it through a straw. Picking up what can be seen as a half-empty whiskey bottle. Please notice all the time stamps on the video as we progress.” The video now cuts to later in the night. “Now we have the empty bottle of whiskey and a half-full glass of an amber liquid. Mr. Digby now struggling with his keys in the door and later dropping them several times while approaching the car. Time stamp showing us all eight forty-two pm.”

The video stops, and I listen to all the whispers from the people in the court. Digby’s face drops into his hands, and defeat is evident in his slumped shoulders. Time for my final move. I take a few steps to the side so I can see Jacinta as well as Mr. Digby.

“Now, Mr. Digby, I’ll ask you again. Had you consumed any alcohol or illegal drugs before leaving your office the night of the accident and driving your vehicle?”

The look on Jacinta’s face doesn’t change but her tell sign of leaning back against her chair instead of sitting up tall, shows her frustration of not knowing I had any of this.

“Yes,” he whispers, looking into his lap.

And there it is – checkmate! Got you, asshole.

“No further questions, Your Honor.” I walk back and take a seat next to Greta and Michelle. I place my hand over Michelle’s and give it a squeeze.

“You may stand down, Mr. Digby. Court will take a ten-minute recess to allow for the accused to consult with his legal team while I review this evidence and then we will convene back here at two fifteen pm.” Banging her gavel onto the desk, the judge stands and leaves the courtroom.

“What’s happening now?” Michelle whispers to me in between silent sobs.

“His legal team will talk to him about changing his plea to guilty, and then we will come back, and the judge will bring down her verdict of guilty. Another date will be set for the sentencing.” She turns to look at her husband behind her who reaches out to hold her hand. Sharing his strength, the only way he can in the courtroom with a barrier between them.

I look across and see Jacinta talking with her client and looking quite forceful and probably on the inside mad as hell for being blindsided by me. She was obviously counting on the fact that up until now I hadn’t sourced the footage.

Before long, the bailiff announces the judge back into the court, and within five minutes the guilty verdict is handed down and we all walk out of the courtroom. Guiding everyone into one of the meeting rooms so we can talk on our own, I only make it two steps in before Michelle jumps into my arms, crying and hugging me.

“Thank you, Alexander. Thank you so much. I feel like my parents’ lives have been given value. You cared and you fought for my father’s name to be cleared of any wrongdoing. It won’t bring them back, but at least they can rest easy knowing that there has been justice.” Her husband pulling her back and into his arms is a relief, and also, I can see he isn’t overly comfortable with her hugging another man. I totally get that.

“You are welcome. I’m just glad we managed to get it worked out quickly for you and you weren’t dragged through a long court case. You need to thank Blaine here who came up with the goods as quickly as he did. I’m lucky to have such a great team to work with.” I can see Greta smiling with pride for herself and having her husband acknowledged too.

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