Home > Wicked in His Arms(20)

Wicked in His Arms(20)
Author: Stacy Reid

“There was no announcement,” Lady Peabody said primly.

“I’ve just made it,” he said flatly.

She gasped, and his mother paled.


“Mother, please,” Francie interjected. “Livvie and I will be downstairs shortly. She must freshen up.”

Olivia’s face was so pale he feared she was in danger of fainting. Without waiting for the dowager countess’s response, Olivia walked past them with her head held high, but he could see the fine trembling of her hands at her side. Regret twisted in his gut like a knife. Once again his loss of control over his passions had ruined someone’s life, and invited scandal to his family. Intolerable. He had to make it right.

“You cannot think to marry her, Tobias,” his mother gasped quite dramatically, affecting a swoon. Lady Peabody rushed to offer her shoulder as a prop.

He remained unaffected by her theatrics. “Should we take this someplace private?” he asked smoothly, strolling past them. A few minutes later, he entered the library without encountering any more guests. He should have allowed Olivia to leave the closet alone, then sought her out after he was sure the guests were abed. Though she would have still been ruined, considering her disheveled and ravished appearance. They would simply not have known the gentleman to affix the deed to. Somehow, he knew that she would never have revealed his name.

The door closed with a slam and he repressed a sigh. His mother would not do anything to temper her wayward emotions.

He faced her. “What of Lady Peabody?”

His mother flushed. “She is my dear friend, and I have asked her to be as circumspect as possible. She has retired to her chamber, no doubt from the shock of witnessing such licentiousness.”

Tobias smiled and he was aware of its unpleasant nature from his mother’s wince. “Lady Peabody will not open her mouth and breathe a word of what she believes she witnessed. If she makes any steps to ruin Olivia, I will ensure her husband will be closed to all investments from my circle.”

He moved over to the mantle and poured brandy in a glass, which he consumed in three long swallows.

His mother moved farther into the library, anger evident in her posture. “You go too far, Tobias. Such threats are not necessary.”

“I haven’t even begun.”

She dealt him a considering glance. “If you are going to extend your influence and squash all scandal, there is no need to insist on marrying Lady Olivia. You are a Blade, and she…she…” After a heavy sigh she said, “You are ill suited. She is inferior in wealth and connection. She is too opinionated and rebels against my directions in how a young lady’s carriage and elegance ought—”


Anger flushed her cheeks at being interrupted, but thankfully she did not release her vitriol. “Yes, my dear?”

“I will marry her.”

She frowned. “No one knows, Tobias, you do not need to be honorable,” she said in a long-suffering manner. “You have proven you can walk away from gossip unscathed and society will still love you. Surely we can successfully deflect—”

“No.” Never would he have imagined weeks ago that he would make an announcement that he had offered for Olivia’s hand, but he knew how far he had taken his madness. There was the possibility of a child…


His mother’s hand fluttered to her throat. “But what of Lady Willa? She is perfect for you, Tobias.”

“I have no interest in her. You like her because you are of like mind. Whatever resentment you feel toward Olivia is because you cannot control her. And I know you, Mother, you despise that which you cannot manipulate.”

The door jerked open and Grayson entered. He faltered, glancing from Tobias to his mother. “I did not realize the room was taken,” he said softly, as was his way whenever he was in the company of the dowager countess. His mere presence normally sent her into fits of anger and fainting spells, all in hopes of manipulating Tobias to send his father’s by-blow from his life.

“Well come in,” she said. “Perhaps you can speak some sense into your brother. He is insisting on marrying a young lady who is very unsuitable for our distinguished title.” An invitation that indicated how truly rattled she was at the thought of him marrying Olivia. His mother had never been civil to Grayson before.

Tobias walked to the oak desk and sat on the edge, droning out his mother’s voice as she launched into her version of the damning event. He needed to concentrate on how to convince Olivia to be his countess, a feat he was sure would require a most arduous effort.



Chapter Nine

Livvie had been thoroughly ravished by a man reputed to be ruthless and cuttingly cold, yet he had burned with wild passion and it had all been for her. She had been so painfully alive for a glorious few minutes and now she was ruined. Tobias had kissed her, and all her thoughts had dissolved under his sensual mastery. She suddenly felt a swell of pity for all the debutantes who had fallen for the seductive charms and kisses of a seasoned rake. How weak she had been to his touch, but how wickedly delightful it had been to be in his arms.

The raw, painful emotions tearing through her were wholly unexpected, and it was not because she had been caught in such a thoroughly compromising position. It was the idea that Tobias could have touched her with such care, such tenderness, such passion, and he did not even like her. She had been seduced by a scoundrel and she had allowed him. Her mind raced from one frightening thought to another. She was entirely without prospects and was most assuredly ruined.

Was she no better than her father?

She pulled herself together with an effort of will. With quick motions, she caught her mess of hair into a simple chignon. She had already changed into a pale peach gown and slid her feet into more comfortable slippers, moving with quick efficiency, and doing her best to ignore the tenderness between her thighs. There would be no delaying speaking with the earl and his mother. With a heavy heart, she stood up from the chair in front of her dressing table.

Francie was waiting patiently by the door, her eyes alight with sympathy. “My brother is willing to do the honorable thing, but I can see from your expression you are going to be stubborn.”

Livvie flinched. The ton considered Tobias a prime catch. He possessed wealth, connections, and power. She had given him her virtue in a rush of blind passion, and dare she admit it, she liked the man. He disliked her intensely, and the very idea of forming a lifelong commitment without any tender sentiments or regard was heart wrenching. She desired him, but her esteem was not returned. How could she endure such a marriage?

Her papa had not been contented with her mother and he’d been unable to live without his mistress when it should have been Mamma he felt such intensity of emotions for. What if she had a similar marriage? What if Tobias disliked her so intensely he would take mistresses when they married? The pain and humiliation would be unendurable.

“Tonight was the first time your brother has ever been anything but coldly polite. I am still at a loss as to what happened. One minute I wanted to kick his shin…and then the next all I wanted was for him to never stop kissing me,” she confessed softly.

Her friend’s eyes widened and a blush climbed her cheeks. “Was that all he did?”

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