Home > Wicked in His Arms(31)

Wicked in His Arms(31)
Author: Stacy Reid

“A small cut is not important in the circumstances, countess.”

“I am truly regretful Francie acted in such a ruinous manner. I do believe her to genuinely love Mr. Browning and that he holds a strong attachment for her. I cannot credit she could—”

“Since our acquaintance, you have continually courted the edge of propriety. With her willful action, my sister has shown she has little respect for her stance in society or the power of scandal that has already gutted our family. Your stupidity in believing in love and fairytales are what prompted my sister to act in such a wanton and reckless manner.”

Anger stirred in Livvie’s breast. “I—”

He pushed from the desk and prowled closer. “From the moment I saw your reckless and unseemly influence I should have moved to reduce your effect on her,” he snapped.

Tears burned in her eyes, and she brushed aside the uneasiness his words triggered. “I assure you, I did nothing but advise your sister to act according to her heart. I told her to inform you of the attachment she formed. I never imagined she would elope. I would have advised her against it, Tobias.”

The coldest green eyes considered her. “The deed has been done. Now I must once again work to fix my family’s foolish behavior.”

“If they are already married—”

“I assure you, I will not allow such a marriage to stand. I will ensure a legal declaration is made to a solicitor of law and then the magistrate will sign all relevant documents.” He was, in this moment, the epitome of a man sure of his strength.

“And if Francie truly loves him and he her?”

“Without her inheritance or monetary support from her family, his supposed love will wither,” he said with cutting scorn.

A pang sliced through her heart as she recalled one of Francie’s passionate assurances as she’d spoken about her mysterious suitor.

He loves me, Livvie, truly. We are two souls connecting as one.

“Would you prefer your sister to be trapped in a loveless marriage, one without any genuine affections and respect? Is it truly better for Francie to be wedded to a man who has no regard for her beyond her fortune, but because he is a lord, the marriage is a good match?” Livvie demanded, shocked by his pronouncement.


She jerked. “You are cruel. It was ill judged of Francie to act in such a ruinous manner, but I believe she was being true to her heart. Mr. Browning has been your steward for some time. Should you not know the manner of man he is, and know whether Francie will be cared for?”

A hard, cynical smile twisted his lips. “I know exactly the kind of man he is, and I am still trying to decide if I will kill him when I recover my sister.”

Alarm filled her. “Please tell me what you know.”

“I am leaving. I must find my sister, have the ridiculous marriage annulled, and squash a scandal. It’s best when I return that you are at another of my estates.”

She recoiled. What? “You’re sending me away?”

“It is wise, countess, for you to be elsewhere for a while. Your presence is not calming or reassuring, for I have been envisioning wringing your pretty little neck and am doing my damnedest to convince myself otherwise,” he growled, the anger burning his eyes even greener.

Then he marched away and closed the door with a soft snick.

Livvie sucked in a deep breath and hurried after Tobias. His long strides took him up the stairs and it was as if the household exploded into a flurry of action as he clipped orders and they acted with alacrity to obey. She lifted her dress and dashed up the stairs. Upon reaching his chamber, she burst in. His valet, Mr. Ackers, lifted a startled glance in her direction.

“If you will excuse us, Mr. Ackers, I would confer with the earl in privacy.”

Tobias did not spare her a glance. Instead, he continued shrugging into his jacket without the aid of his valet.

“I…I am traveling with you. Francie will need me.”

He took a greatcoat from the armoire and dragged it on, then placed his hat firmly on his head. “No.”

“I must accompany you, Tobias, please.”


“I will order the carriage and travel to Francie on my own. I cannot in good conscience abandon her now.”

His lips twitched, but she did not think he was amused. “It seems you have forgotten that we are married. Let me enlighten you, countess. I can give orders for you to not leave the estate and it will be enforced.”

Good Lord, was he serious? Livvie suppressed her outrage and glowered at him. It was important that Francie have an ally when he caught up to her. Though she had the boldness to elope, Tobias’s personality was so forceful and ruthless, neither she nor Mr. Browning would stand a chance in the face of his resolve to procure an annulment. If Livvie could convince him on the trip to Scotland that what his sister felt was genuine love and not some foolish fancy, then maybe Francie would have a chance at happiness.

“You are being wretched. Your sister…I know you love her and her heart will be greatly relieved if I am with you when you catch up with them. My presence will be a comfort to her. I can only imagine how uncertain she is at this very moment.”


“Tobias, please—”

“I have no intention of traveling by coach. I will be taking my fastest and strongest stallion and in a few hours I shall be in Scotland. The way I intend to travel is no way for a lady.”

She steeled herself against his anger. “I am just as skilled as you at riding horses. Think of how good such a journey would be for us as well, we can get to know each other.”

“I see you have forgotten that my thoughts are filled with wringing your neck.”

She pursed her lips. This man! “I believe I know where Francie and Mr. Browning are headed.”

The intensity in his look almost frightened her.

“You are truly in denial of your position, aren’t you?” Then he took a menacing step toward her.

She backed up warily and he froze.

“Are you afraid of me?”

He held himself so still that she recognized her answer was of crucial importance to him. “You can appear intimidating, but I am not afraid.”

A soft sigh of what sounded like relief slipped from him.

“Pack lightly. I will order a coach with a team of two for you.”

A strong sense of relief washed through her. “It will only be a few hours to cross the border, I am happy to ride beside you on my horse.”

Cold eyes caressed her face, before a fleeting smile touched his lips. “Is that so?”

“Yes, do you think me unequal to the task?”


“I have ridden past the River Eske before into Scotland with my papa before he died. I was ten. It is one of my fonder memories of him. I assure you, I am an excellent rider and that way, we shall be in Scotland in only a few hours and at the Rose Cottage before nightfall.”

His eyes as he stared were piercing, and she suddenly felt vulnerable. Why had she mentioned her father? She hardly ever spoke of her memories of him with anyone.

“I should have known…the Rose Cottage. We visited several times when our grandmother was alive.”

“Francie never confided in me that she was running away there, but she often spoke of it with love and wistfulness. I also know she has not been there in years and it…it seems likely to me she would head there with Mr. Browning instead of an inn surrounded by strangers.”

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