Home > Barbie B*tch(39)

Barbie B*tch(39)
Author: Sheridan Anne

Dropping down onto the couch in the pool house, Sebastian fills me in on everything that’s been going on back home and giving me any updates on my boys. I didn’t ask for them, but deep down he knew that I needed to know every last detail.

The hours tick by and before I know it, it’s time to make dinner and just as I knew he would, Sebastian gets up to help. He drops his phone down on the counter to free up his hands and within moments, he’s by my side, screwing everything up.

His phone dings on the counter and both our gazes drop to read over the incoming text from Nic and my brows instantly shoot up in curiosity.

Nic - Antony DeCarlo just got charged alongside his brother on drug charges and manufacturing. The fucker is going away for a long time. Lorenzo must have squealed. keep your eyes out. If he cut a deal, we could be next.

“No shit,” Sebastian laughs.

“What?” I question, pretending to have absolutely no idea what's going on as though I didn’t just read over his private text.

“Fuck me,” he says, still stunned. “You know the DeCarlo brothers? They’re the fuckers who came in here and shot up this place. You know, after Nic …”

“I know the ones,” I snap.

“Yeah, well one of them got arrested a few days ago and now another brother did. I highly doubt Lorenzo squealed. They have to be going down some other way. Either way, they’re both fucked.”

A smile pulls at my lips, knowing damn well that this was Colton’s doing. There’s no if, what’s, or buts about it. Colton is a fucking genius and I have absolutely no idea how he’s pulling it off. I don’t think it really matters though, all that matters is that these fuckwits are going away, just as they deserve.

“Shouldn’t you be concerned?” I question. “Nic told me that you guys have deals with them.”

“Yeah, they won’t say anything. Nic is being too paranoid. Without us, their side businesses can’t operate and with two of the brothers being locked up, it’d be too risky to start making changes now. We’re good.”

“Clearly the cops are good too if they’ve got two brothers. What's to stop them from digging a little deeper and getting you guys too?”

He scrunches up his face as he starts dicing the tomatoes. “Nah, that won’t happen.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because we have too many cops on our payroll, judges, lawyers. You name it, we’ve got it. The Widows don’t operate by running scared, we’re prepared for this shit.”

Relief filters through me. I want nothing more for the DeCarlo family to go down in a blaze of fire but I don’t want my boys getting caught up in it, despite how angry I might be with them. If time is going to be done for the Widows, it’s going to be dealt by me.

With that said, we focus on getting everything ready for dinner, and just as I’m serving up, Colton and Mom come barreling through the door, continuing their discussion from the other night about this month’s party arrangements.

They both stop in their tracks when they find Sebastian taking over the kitchen. I suck in a breath and hold it, not sure how this is going to go down. Mom’s eyes flick to mine and I give her a small nod, letting her know that everything is good and within seconds, a welcoming smile spreads across her face. “Oh, Sebastian. How lovely it is to see you again.”

She strides towards him and he pulls her in for a warm hug as Colton’s eyes remain locked on mine. “Are you good?” he questions, not giving a damn that Sebastian can overhear our conversation.

I give him a smile and a nod. “Yeah,” I say, knowing he can sense the joy radiating out of me at having my friend back. “Better than good.”

He nods and walks deeper into the pool house before stopping by Sebastian and holding out a hand, ready to officially introduce himself. “I guess it’s time we clear the air,” he says. “I’m Colton.”

Sebastian takes his hand and gives it a firm shake. “Sebastian.”

And just like that, everything is fine in the world.

We sit and have dinner and I watch in amazement as the boys talk and get to know one another, closing the massive gap between my two worlds. Hell, they even seem to get along and agree on a few things.

Dinner goes by all too soon and before I know it, I’m crushed into Sebastian’s arms before he drops down into his car and takes off with a promise to stop by as soon as he can.

Colton stands by my side and instantly curls a hand around my waist. “I haven’t seen you this happy in a while.

I curl into his hold, looking and meeting his hazel eyes. “Thank you for welcoming him in,” I murmur, pushing up onto my toes and brushing a kiss over his lips. “That meant the world to me.”

Colton smiles down at me and shrugs his shoulder. “To be honest, I really wanted to hate him, but he’s actually not a bad guy. A little rough around the edges though.”

I can’t help but laugh, feeling my eyes shining with happiness. “He’s so freaking rough around the edges.”

Colton pulls me along. “Come on,” he tells me. “It’s getting cold out here. I don’t want you getting sick.”

“Yes, sir,” I laugh, allowing him to drag me along.

“I heard a rumor about you today,” he says, making me roll my eyes. I think I’ve been the center of enough rumors to last me a lifetime. What could possibly be going around about me now? “Maybe you could clear it up for me because I’m kinda confused.”

Frustration takes over me but it’s not nearly enough to sour my fantastic mood. “Go on,” I say as we start climbing the millions of steps to the front door.

“Why does Casey seem to think you and her are best friends now?”

“Oh,” I laugh, looking up at him. “About that. There’s something you need to know …”



Chapter 17



I sit out by the pool on a beautiful, sunny, Saturday afternoon with Drix by my side and Casey on the other. Jess floats in the pool on a massive blow-up lounger while Harrison glares at us from the staff kitchen, busily making more cocktails than he’s ever made in his life.

Who knew if I just said please he’d be more than happy to help out? Though, that was after attempting to make our own and making a mess of the kitchen instead. It could also have something to do with the fact that Casey, Drix, and Jess are here, but either way, I’m winning today.

Who knew it could get so good? I have Colton, Sebastian, a bunch of incredible girlfriends and I’m living the life. You know, if you pretend there isn’t a rapist locked up in the dungeon, and what’s better, these people don't give a shit that I’m practically broke with no idea what I want to do with my life. They like me for me and that’s all that matters. Well, at least I think Casey does. The jury is still out on her but for now, she’s cool to chill.

After explaining the growing friendship between me and Casey to Colton, he gave it a thumbs up and told me that she’s a lot more like him than his mother or sister, but also warned me to watch out because she can have a mean streak when she doesn’t get her way, but don’t we all? Maybe it’s a chick thing.

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