Home > Taming the Winter King (Faeted Mates #3)(15)

Taming the Winter King (Faeted Mates #3)(15)
Author: Ariel Hunter

Lou gently tapped her hand away, shaking his head. “Get to the point, my love.”

“Tsk tsk. Always business,” Amelia mused. “Maybe you two are perfect for each other.” The witch hopped down off the bar, turning to face him head-on. “The portal will open, in three days’ time. Meet me here, with your partner-in-crime.”

Three days? Lou frowned, counting off where they were in the month. That was the next full moon. Why was she waiting until then? Couldn’t Amelia get Kaia to the king a lot sooner? He knew his girl would be restless with worry until then.

“Three days, huh? Done. A favor for a favor. Ya’ call on me—not the lass—when the time comes.”

Amelia’s eyes twinkled and she narrowed; her brows angled as she looked at him with amusement.

Lou sighed. “I take it ya’ know what ya’ desire?” he asked, scratching at his well-combed beard. Amelia smirked as she nodded her head. She pressed her hands against the bar, leaning across to whisper into his ear.

“I want you to bring me the Amulet of Morgan La Fae.” Lou wasn’t sure if he had heard her right the first time. The humming base of the club mixed with the Nymph’s deep dulcet tone pulsed in his ears. The corners of his vision blurred to black until he remembered to breathe. He inhaled sharply as Amelia turned away, getting back to work as Lou slowly felt himself shutting down.

Somewhere in the void of panic, the Leprechaun found his voice. “I can’t.” Amelia didn’t answer as she mixed a drink for a multi-armed patron, Lou speaking up over the crowd as his hand gripped around his drink. “I can’t get that for ya,’ Ami. It’s lost. I disposed of it; threw it into the ocean.”

The witch laughed, light and melodic through the haze of the busy night. Amelia’s lips curled as her eyes narrowed in on him. “Lost? Oh Lou, you should know better than anyone that nothing is ever truly lost.” Lou felt his stomach flip, glaring down into the amber liquid that floated around his glass.

Retrieve the amulet? Be reunited with that thing? He should have found a way to destroy it when he had the chance all those years ago. Lou gritted his teeth, burrowing his face into the palm of his hand. Lou found it difficult to swallow, placing the drink back up to his lips and downing it, hoping the burning spirit would numb him to the reality of this situation he’d found himself in.

“What do ya’ want with that thing, Ami? No good can come o’ that,” he said.

“A deal is a deal, my charming friend. Oh, stop that. Don’t look so glum.” The bartender paused, snapping her fingers as her imps scrambled to take over her work. Amelia leaned back against the bar across from the Leprechaun as the creatures moved to mix drinks for expecting patrons. “You knew this would come to haunt you. Even the devil must pay at some point.” Amelia’s eyes narrowed, a wicked smirk curling on the side of her face.

Lou missed the days when he was conning at her side instead of sitting across from her, being conned. So this is what that feels like. How long had she been planning this? He cursed himself for letting his old stories slip after a glass or two of her realm-famous brews. “I thought we were friends, Ami.”

“Of course, we will always be friends. Trust me, you would know if we weren’t.” Amelia chuckled, reaching over to ruffle his hair with her long, pointed fingernails. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready to collect. You still have some time. I sure hope dear Kaia is worth all this hassle. Is she?”

Lou didn’t answer. Instead he slid his empty glass toward her. The witch rolled her eyes as she turned back toward the bottles lining the wall. She flourished her hand, wiggling her fingers as the bottle floated over from the wall, uncorking itself and refilling his glass. He watched impassively as the liquid filled to the top.

Applause echoed through the room, whistles and yelps ringing as the Nymph finished her song on stage. The spotlight narrowed in on the woman as she stood, blowing kisses to the crowed as the curtain folded closed. Lou could barely hear himself think over all the ruckus. He was the con man; the one that pulled the schemes on other people. It didn’t feel good to be in the hot seat. Was Kaia worth it? Aye. But Amelia didn’t deserve that answer.

“What’s the penalty?”

“Penalty?” she inquired, tilting her head with a hum.

“If I can’t get ya’ what ya’ wish. What’s the penalty?” Lou asked, his lip snarling as he looked up at Amelia. A flash of false sympathy crossed her face, reaching out to place her hand on his. She squeezed lightly, a soft sigh escaping into the inaudible buzz of the club.

“You already know.” And to be fair, he did. He’d been in the game long enough to know that there’s only one suitable punishment in the eyes of a demon. Death.






Two blistering days and freezing nights had passed in the demon realm as the small pact of fae traveled for survival. Not much rest settled within the group. Nightly watches switched to one at a time as they all desperately tried to recover their energy. Vareck couldn’t help but dote on Mara more and more as time moved slowly for her injuries. Her healing was on par with a human. Fae could at least heal faster than this. He didn’t know why this was so gradual.

He wanted to ask Mara more questions about her past, but Vareck barely had the chance these last few days to rest, let alone get the opportunity to get to know her more. The king paused, tilting his head to the side. He leaned against the bark of a tree, holding his hand out to stop the group behind him. The light trickling sound of a stream came into focus as he stopped to observe the world around him.

“Water,” he croaked out, glancing over his shoulder to the others. One of the most vital items for their survival. Vareck wasn’t sure how much longer they could have lasted without it.

“Thank the gods,” said Sebastian. He dragged his heavy feet forward to stand next to his uncle. “How far?”

“Close enough.” Vareck stumbled forward through the brush, cutting down vines with his claws as he followed the noise. The cool water called to him, singing its playful bliss as it ran down the rocks. The moment Vareck caught sight of the stream he picked up his pace, leading the group stumbling forward until they walked out into clearing.

Vareck fell to his knees by the side of the pool, scooping his hands into the clear water and splashing it across his face. He let out a deep sigh, eyes turning toward his companions. His nephew already had his face in the water, taking long, greedy gulps without fear of illness. Sadie cupped her hands, drinking in relief, but Mara just quietly gazed at her reflection. The king frowned at the last.

“Perhaps we should rest here, eh?” Sadie lifted her head, calling over to the rest of the group. She stood to stretch out her body, tapping her foot behind her. “Set up a little way away from the water so that any bugs don’t eat us alive come nightfall?”

“Rest all you want. My poor skin needs to be washed,” said Sebastian.

Mara pushed herself to stand. “Why don’t you boys take a moment to clean up?” She hugged her arms around herself as she looked from the prince to the king. “I’ll keep Sadie out of trouble.” A small smile lingered, if only for a moment as she pointed back to her sister. Vareck nodded.

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