Home > The Alchemist and an Amaretto (The Guild Codex Spellbound #5)(26)

The Alchemist and an Amaretto (The Guild Codex Spellbound #5)(26)
Author: Annette Marie

Yowling voices erupted all around us.


As the transforming werewolf hoisted itself to its feet—or rather, paws—Ezra and I rocketed toward Aaron. Shadows materialized from the rain. One, two, three, four, five wolves, plus the one who, moments ago, had been a naked crazy dude.

The wolves slunk toward Aaron. He swung Sharpie in front of him, the rain-speckled blade sparkling in the dim light. Six on one, with only ten feet between him and the wolves. Ezra and I were too far.

The wolves charged.

Kai burst out of the trees. “Aaron, jump!”

Aaron leaped off the ground and Kai rotated his unsheathed katana with a sharp twist. Lightning exploded out of the wolves—a blast bursting from each body and shooting into the earth. Crackling power swept across the soaked mud in a rapid wave that rushed beneath Aaron. I felt the current pass, a heady buzz along my nerves.

The wolves crumpled in howling convulsions, but they wouldn’t be down for long.

“My turn!” Aaron snarled.

Kai jerked toward him. “Wait—”

Aaron launched ahead, fire coating his blade. Swearing, Kai rushed after him. Ezra twisted his pole-arm apart, unsheathing foot-long blades—then whirled in mid-step.

His blades cut across the chest of a wolf, its furred body springing from a shadowy gap beneath a spruce tree.

He flung the massive beast away, then lunged in with his blades. I backpedaled, my hand flying to my waist. I grabbed an alchemy bomb, but I couldn’t throw it with Ezra tangled in combat with the werewolf. Shiiiit. What should I do?

Ezra slammed the butt of a sword down on the wolf’s head. “Tori, behind you!”

Eh? I turned.

Two wolves prowled toward me, heads low and teeth bared. I wound up and hurled my alchemy bomb like a pro pitcher. The glass sphere arced through the air—and burst against a tree two feet to the wolves’ left. The yellow sleeping potion rained down on the mud. Damn it!

I spun and bolted around a spruce. As the snarling wolves charged after me, I grabbed another alchemy bomb and flung it wildly over my shoulder. It crunched and pink potion splashed across the wolf’s face.

Yeah! Perfect hit—except the wolf hadn’t collapsed. It hadn’t even stumbled … but its angry growl had gone mute. Shit, had I grabbed a silencing potion by accident?

I jammed my hand into a belt pouch and when I pulled it out, brass knuckles hugged my fingers. Planting my feet, I spun around and swung my fist with the full weight of my body behind it.

“Ori amplifico!” I bellowed.

My knuckles hit the wolf’s thick head. Its whole body left the ground as it flew six feet before crashing into a tree.

And that was it for my bag of tricks.

The silenced wolf leaped at me. Yelping, I ducked behind a thick tree trunk, then grabbed the lowest branch. Swinging onto it, I kicked backward. My foot landed squarely in the wolf’s mouth. Its fangs hooked into my boot’s rubber sole and it almost yanked me off the branch. I clung on for dear life.

“Tori!” Ezra shouted. “Where are you?”

“Here!” I squealed breathlessly, wrenching on my foot. “I’m good. Help the others!”

I swung my other foot and kicked the bottom of its jaw. It jolted but didn’t let go. Maybe I wasn’t so good. Gulping, I released the branch.

I fell on the wolf’s head, my boot tearing free. Another potion was in my hand, and I shoved the sphere into the wolf’s mouth. Its jaws snapped shut, shattering the glass. Yellow potion oozed between its teeth, then it slumped over, sleeping like a corpse. Hell yeah! Score one for Tori.

Launching triumphantly to my feet, I looked around—and scrambled backward with a shriek as the wolf I’d punched halfway across the forest lunged at me. Had the brass knuckles recharged? Only one way to find out.

I swung my fist. “Ori amplifico!”

The metal artifact slammed into its head in the same spot as my first hit. The wolf didn’t go flying—but it stumbled, then slowly folded in on itself, panting weakly. Well, that worked too.

I ran toward the guys, who were easy to find with all the howling—the wolves, not the guys. Shoving through a bush, I burst into a clearing full of flashing electricity and surging flames. Aaron and Kai battled five wolves—no, four. Three were already down. And because I could do basic math, I realized that meant another furry soldier had arrived while I’d been busy.

“Guys!” I wailed. Okay, maybe I was more shaken up than I wanted to admit.

“Tori!” Aaron shouted over his shoulder as he swung his flaming sword and almost took the leg off a wolf. “Where have you been?”

“Taking out wolves,” I yelled back. “I got two.”

“Two?” he blurted, almost forgetting he was fending off a trio of snarling beasts. “By yourself?”

“Yeah.” Was I proud? Hell yes.

He scowled as though offended—then darted sideways, scarcely evading a wolf’s snapping jaws. Slashing his hand through the air, he unleashed a band of blue flame. The wolf retreated, milky eyes staring, drool dripping from its jaws.

“Where’s Ezra?” I called, hanging well back from their battle.

Kai flung a small knife into a wolf, then blasted it with lightning. The beast shuddered but didn’t fall. “Isn’t he with you?”

I looked around sharply, but I couldn’t see the aeromage. He’d been battling a wolf last I’d seen, but he was strong. He could handle a single shifter no problem. Couldn’t he?

Panic stirred in my chest—then a cold shiver ran over me. The rain stung when it hit my bare skin, and the wind roared. Wait, that wasn’t rain. Hail plummeted to the ground, the icy pellets bouncing off trees. The sky dimmed, darkness creeping over the forest.

The four wolves disengaged from Aaron and Kai, their hackles rising and heads swinging side to side, milky eyes searching.

The shadows beneath the trees had gone as dark as night—then crimson radiance ignited in the blackness. Glowing rings, swirling with spiky runes, appeared in the air above each of the four wolves. The magic crackled, the air heavy and toxic.

Scarlet bolts exploded from the circles. They slammed straight down, piercing the wolves and striking the earth in an explosion of mud.

The darkness swirled, broken only by two pinpricks of glowing crimson. Then daylight swept over us, the cold lifted, and Ezra stepped out of the trees, his pale eye glowing faintly. He blinked quickly and the shimmer of red across his left arm flickered out.

“Holy shit,” Aaron rasped. “What the hell, man?”

Ezra glanced at the dead wolves, surrounded by hail pellets that were swiftly melting in the rain. “Were we not supposed to kill them?”

“Yeah, but you didn’t need to go demonic,” Aaron said sharply. “We had it under control.”

Kai lowered his sword. “Was that a new attack?”

Ezra shrugged. “Eterran was feeling generous.”

Eterran? Did he mean his demon? The one embedded in his body? And what the hell did “feeling generous” mean?

Busy gawking at Ezra, I almost missed the subtle flash of disbelief in Kai’s face. I wasn’t the only one thrown off by Ezra’s response, though whether Kai was shocked that the demon had a name or about the “generous” bit, I didn’t know. I’d seen Ezra’s demon come out to play once before, when Ezra had lost consciousness while tapping its power, and I had no desire to be that terrified ever again. Luckily, those circumstances weren’t likely to repeat.

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