Home > The Domina (Ascension #5)(118)

The Domina (Ascension #5)(118)
Author: K.A. Linde

She recognized nearly everyone in attendance. All of her generals were in place. Plus, their second-in-command. And so on and so forth. Altogether, there were about fifty people in attendance. Forty more than typically came to her war council meetings, but more leaders had shown up, so that made sense. And this was good. She needed everyone for this to work.

“Thank you for coming,” Cyrene said as everyone finally quieted down. “I know that we are all very busy right now. And that we have so much else to do, but I gathered you all here today to start a new court in Byern.”

“A court?” someone yelled from the back line.

She arched an eyebrow. “Yes, we need to discuss leadership of Byern.”

“Why don’t you just take it?”

Cyrene followed the familiar voice and saw Alura standing at attention. Her midnight-black skin shimmered in the dying light. Her bronze armor was set tight against her skin, and she looked more like a goddess than ever.

A few others raised their voices in support.

“I appreciate the offer,” Cyrene said, “but it’s not exactly what I had in mind. I believe having one person rule this land has caused quite a lot of the problems here. And I would like to avoid that in the future.” She held her hands out. “I propose a new Doma court. A group of five people elected here today to help guide the country in its time of difficulty.”

Voices rose up loud as everyone spoke over the next to try to explain about how that wasn’t how things were done.

“I know this isn’t normal. But I believe it will be a guiding point, and then we can determine if it isn’t working later,” she said. “I would like it to be equal—one human, Doma, Leif, and dragon. Then, one other to lead and manage the court. That way, everyone is accounted for, and no one feels as if their voice or the voice of their people isn’t heard.”

“It sounds like a fine idea,” Vera said with a broad smile.

“Excellent!” Barca barked from the corner.

Soon, others joined in, exclaiming the idea.

One person called out, “There are so many more humans than dragons or Leifs. How will our voices be heard equally to them?”

“You have a fair point, but I am hoping that, one day, there will be just as many Leifs or dragons in Emporia. They deserve to have their own voice, too.”

Specifics were hammered out over the next hour before Cyrene was allowed to ask for volunteers to be nominated for the position. They had to be voted on by the whole and not just their individual unit, which took even more negotiations, but eventually, they were in agreement. People stepped forward, votes were cast, and with a sigh of relief, Cyrene had her new court.

A human—Aubron.

A Doma—Gwynora.

A Leif—Avoca.

A dragon—Sarielle.

And, finally, a leader.

Cyrene had unanimously been voted into that position.

It felt altogether different to be chosen rather than to be placed in it. And she graciously accepted the honor.

Her new Doma court took up positions beside her, showcasing all new solidarity and authority. It was nothing like the days of old and yet so similar. The diamond hung at her throat. She had her court. But they were working toward a whole new future.

“Before we disperse,” Cyrene said quickly, “I want to thank each of you so much for all that you did. We’re preparing a funeral for the dead from all the armies tomorrow once the graves have been dug. Followed by a feast to celebrate victory. I hope that you’ll stay long enough for that.”

Cyrene turned to her new court as the rest of the crowd disappeared. “Unfortunately, we have one matter of business before we can begin to discuss rules and regulations and where we go from here.”

Gwynora raised her eyebrow. “What’s that?”

Avoca frowned down at her arm, which was in a sling. “I think I know.”

You left it for the court, soul sister? Sarielle asked.

“Uh, should we all know?” Aubron asked in confusion.

“I have Kael Dremylon secured in my tent.”

Gwynora fumed. “You what?”

“And we have to put him on trial tomorrow before we can celebrate the end of this war.”



The next morning, the court reconvened in front of the portal with Kael Dremylon before them. He was looking better than he had two days earlier when Vera healed his shoulder. But he still looked a wreck compared to any other time Cyrene had ever seen him.

She hadn’t provided him with more than a basin or two of water to clean with. And, though Dean had found new clothes for him, they didn’t fit in the way his royal garbs always had. His dark hair was swept back, and his blue-gray eyes looked sunken. A man walking to his death. Not the quick-witted charmer that she had always known.

She had to tamp down the shared affection that they had. She had to be impartial for this. That was the only way that this court would succeed.

Word had gotten round somehow, and crowds had formed. She suspected more people were here to watch the trial because they believed they would also witness an execution. Just like Brigette had wanted. And, if that was what the court decided, then that was law.

She’d have to have the stomach for it.

“Thank you for coming today,” she said to the watching crowd. “The new Doma court has assembled here today for a trial against King Kael Dremylon of Byern on charges of murder.”

Boos and jeers were thrown at Kael. But he couldn’t see them. Instead, he kept his head held high and his eyes steadily fixed on Cyrene’s face.

“Aubron, please step forward and list his crimes,” Cyrene said.

Aubron paced a step closer to Kael and retrieved a letter from his pocket. The night before, they had spent a good deal of time putting together all the information they needed for their first trial. For war crimes against Byern, Eleysia, Aurum, and so many more. They’d been careful not to discuss sentencing. That time would come later. When decisions would be made.

Aubron cleared his throat. “King Kael Dremylon is charged with the deaths of his brother, King Edric Dremylon of Byern, King Creighton Iolair of Aurum, his sister, Queen Jesalyn Dremylon Iolair of Aurum, Affiliate Jardana, High Orden Eren, and the lives of the people of the island of Eleysia. Additionally, he is charged with corroboration to murder the king and queen of Eleysia through his agent, Maelia Dallmer, willingly cooperating with the dark goddess of destruction, Malysa, using blood magic, forcibly converting others to blood magic, and”—Aubron looked up at the last one and blushed—“adultery with his brother’s wife.”

The last one really just added insult to injury. But Kael didn’t even blink at the accusations. He had to have known what was coming. That they would lay it all out before everyone.

“Thank you, Aubron,” Cyrene said, and he stepped back into the line of the court. Her eyes fell on Kael, and the bastard had the audacity to smirk at her. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

But the crowd just roared with disapproval. No one wanted to hear what he had to say. No one cared why he’d done what he had done. They just wanted to see him killed.

“Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!” a chant went up as everyone turned their thumbs down to indicate death.

Cyrene held her hands up. “Silence! Quiet now. This is not how we are going to do things. We will have a fair trial, and if you cannot control yourself, then you will be escorted from the proceedings.”

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