Home > The Domina (Ascension #5)(42)

The Domina (Ascension #5)(42)
Author: K.A. Linde

She stretched and then carefully changed into her white Domina dress. Appearances were important today. She took extra care with her hair and then stepped out into Avniella’s home.

“Oh my dear,” Avniella gushed, “you look stunning.”

“Thank you,” Cyrene said.

“Sit and eat. That is, if Dean left anything.”

Dean just grinned from the table. “I cannot help it that you are the best cook in this world and the next.”

Avniella blushed at his compliment. “Well, I suppose I can make more if you keep buttering me up.”

Cyrene laughed and dug into her own meal. Dean wasn’t far off. She didn’t remember having eaten something this good in a long, long time.

Reeve and Aubron appeared then, holding hands and laughing. Reeve ruffled Aubron’s hair, and the boy responded by pressing a kiss to his lips. Cyrene’s heart leaped in joy at the easy motion. At how happy everyone here seemed. But not just seemed…how happy they all were. Even Kaliana.

She hated that she was here to do anything to ruin that. The whole reason she wanted to defeat Malysa and bring magic back out in the open was so that everywhere could be as amazing as Fen already was.

“I know that look,” Dean said softly. “It will be okay. The Ancient Ones will listen to you.”

“Yes, but…what will I do to Fen when they do?”

“What will be done to Fen if you do nothing?” he countered.

And he was right.

If she did not warn them, then Malysa would surely kill them all. But it didn’t make it any easier.

The mood lightened as a ball of sunshine exploded into the room. “Cyrene, do I get to ride on your dragon today?” Cal asked, swiping a piece of bacon off of her plate and chomping down.

“Caldreva, has no one taught you manners?” Avniella asked.

“They try. But I’m rubbish at them.”

Cyrene laughed. “Perhaps today. I will have to call Sarielle and see if she is back from her hunt.”

“Her name is Sarielle? That’s kick-ass.”

“Cal!” Avniella cried. “Watch your language.”

Cal rolled her eyes and then beamed at Cyrene. “So, should we go now?”

“Afraid it’ll have to wait,” Cyrene told her. “I have to meet with your grandmother first.”

“Nana can wait.”

Cyrene grinned and then finished her breakfast. “Coming?” she asked Dean.

“You mean, you want me to come with you? I could take the squirt on Halcyon while you’re busy.”

“I’m regretting letting you come with me already.”

He laughed and got to his feet. “Of course I’m ready to go. After you.”

“We’re coming, too,” Reeve piped up. “We want all the details on what’s actually going on out there. It’s difficult, being this isolated.”

Aubron nodded. “I wasn’t a High Order long, but it’s still hard to get news here. We trek to Levin when we can, but even they don’t get everything that’s happening in the capital.”

“Well, if you two are going, then I am, too,” Cal said.

“Caldreva, your mother will have my neck if you go to that meeting,” Avniella said. “Sit down.”

“She can come,” Cyrene said gently. “She’s too old to shield from such things.”

They had other fifteen-year-olds learning in her army that were a worse shot than Cal. Probably a lot who were worse with a blade, too. If they could fight for this world, then Cal at least should get the chance to listen.

Cal didn’t wait to hear what Avniella would say to that. She just darted out of the house after Dean.

“Be careful, Cyrene,” Avniella said softly. “She is just a child, and she worships you.”

Cyrene nodded once at her because there was nothing left to say to that. She would protect Cal at all costs. Her soft heart and wild nature and bravery. The world needed more Caldrevas in it…not less.

With her chin held high, she left Ahlvie’s home behind and walked to the center of the village where Old Mana was set up with the rest of the Ancient Ones. Twelve in total. Ten women and two men of varying ages. Cyrene remembered what it was like to link with them and the way they had all glowed, as Cyrene could now from the diamond.

To Cyrene’s surprise, Kaliana, Thiago, and Alessia were also in attendance. The latter waddling through everyone’s legs. Not that anyone seemed to mind. The child appeared to know and love every person in her path. They all tickled her and kissed her head and played with her. It really took a village.

“Thank you for hearing me today,” Cyrene began. “The last time I was here, you helped me break my blood curse. You call me Bloodbreaker, as I am the only one who has ever done so. It is with more bad news that I come before you today. Long ago, the goddess of destruction, Malysa, was trapped in the Haeven Mountains. Her spirit still enacted her evil deeds, culminating two thousand years ago with the fall of magic as we know it. Unfortunately, she has been freed from her prison and now wants to rule Emporia. She plans to kill all magical users unless we stop her.”

A gasp rang out through the crowd as Cyrene laid it all out there.

Aubron clutched at Reeve. “Ahlvie…is with this goddess?”

“Yes, she called him in his Indres form. But I believe that we can win Ahlvie back and stop this goddess. But, to do that, I need all the magical users to band together. You once said, when this was all over, that you would love to learn the ways of the Doma,” Cyrene said passionately. “We would like to teach you now to stop this wave from stretching any further. She has already taken the throne in Byern and Aurum. She has stolen Ahlvie, unleashed the wraiths and the Braj, and infected the minds of the corrupt. She will not leave Fen alone. I am certain of it. Will you stand with me?”

Old Mana was the first to speak. “That is quite a proclamation you made. You are a much different girl than when we first met you, Cyrene. A strong-willed and powerful magical user. But you are still…just a girl.”

Cyrene narrowed her eyes. “I am not just a girl.” She took the damper off of her powers. Her magic shone bright golden through her entire body. Her power radiated. She felt the energy capacity of every person here. Smiled to see that Cal had definitely begun to come into her own powers. “I am the Domina Cyrene. I am duty bound to all Doma—past, present, and future. I was chosen by the Domina Serafina to lead the Doma into the light. To start a new path for our people. And you are my people.” She gestured to the Ancient Ones assembled. Then, Cal. “And you.” Then, a boy she hadn’t noticed before. “And you.” Then, little Alessia at her feet. “And even her.”

Kaliana gasped. “Alessia will have magic?”

Cyrene nodded. “It must come from your line.” Then she turned back to the Ancient Ones. “I request your help this one more time. I know that you would rather remain in your mountains. That it is easier here. That this disrupts your way of life. I would not ask it if it were not necessary.”

“Allow us a moment,” Old Mana said.

And then they all convened together.

Cyrene couldn’t hear what they were saying. She didn’t want to know what they discussed. She had put it all out there. She hated to ask. But allies were necessary to stop Malysa.

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