Home > The Domina (Ascension #5)(93)

The Domina (Ascension #5)(93)
Author: K.A. Linde

Brigette stumbled backward a step. “What do you want me to say? I’m not going to throw myself into danger on the front lines just because you gave me powers. I already have power. And Eleysia will need a queen after this war.”

“I don’t want that from you,” Cyrene said. “You misunderstand me. I want…I want you to stay safe.” Cyrene’s throat bobbed. “Stay safe for him. You’re all that he has left. He once had a giant family. You both did. And because of Byern…because of me in some way…it’s just the two of you now. He’s been through so much. He won’t tell me everything that happened to him. But I know that it was horrible. And he can’t lose you, too. So, do what you can to not be on that battlefield tomorrow. Delegate your duties. Find a way to help in the healing tents. Do what you must. But…survive.”

Brigette tilted her head. “You know, you’re not what I expected.”

“I get that a lot,” Cyrene said with a laugh.

“What did happen to him? He used to be so different.”

“That’s not my story to tell,” Cyrene told her. “One day, he might be ready to tell me all the details. But I don’t need to know them to know that I love him and plan to marry him. And I’d like you to be there for it. For him.”

Brigette nodded. Something came over her. Something Cyrene hadn’t seen before this moment. “I think…I’d like that, Cyrene. I think I’d like that very much.”

Cyrene dipped her chin once. “Thank you.”

Brigette stepped toward the exit, but Cyrene stalled her one more time.

“Are you and Darmian…”

Brigette flushed. “Don’t tell anyone. Dean would kill me.”

“I think he’d be happy for you.”

“Maybe. But…he’s not exactly…fit to be with a queen.”

“You’ve gone your entire life being told who and what is acceptable. You were ready to marry for an advantage. Perhaps, after this, you can make your own choices about who is fit to be with you.”

“Perhaps I will.” Then she ducked out of the tent and was gone.

Cyrene sank down onto her cot, which felt incredibly empty without Dean occupying it with her. But it was the first downtime she’d had in days. The first time she’d been alone.

Tomorrow, she would go up against Malysa.

She would end this war. One way or another. It’d all come down to this.






The Solstice



Cyrene barely slept.

She knew that she should be saving up her reserves. But there was nothing she could do about it. Today was the summer solstice. Malysa waited for no one.

She kissed Dean before changing into her fighting leathers and walking the camp. It had doubled in size since the awakening. Still smaller than what they estimated Kael’s forces to be. And that was without the beasts that Cyrene had yet to see enter the field of battle. Malysa seemed to be holding it all in until the last moment. She wanted to be there when she wiped them all out.

Cyrene trekked toward the portal and saw some last-minute stragglers stepping in. They still had a guard on duty, directing people after they arrived.

As much as she would like to speak to them, get to know each of them, that wasn’t where her feet carried her that dry summer morning. It was to the gravesite. Hundreds of bodies had already been moved to their own plots in the last two days. But there was one in particular that she headed for. The only one that had a mourner and somehow flowers at the headstone.

Cyrene didn’t disturb Rhea as she stepped up to pay her respects to Fenix.

Rhea stiffened at her approach regardless. “What are you doing?”

“The same thing that you are doing.”

Rhea rose to her feet. Then she faced Cyrene. “You will kill Malysa for this.”

It was not a question.

Cyrene nodded. “I will.”

“I won’t ask for a promise.”

“I shouldn’t have given you the first.”

Rhea winced at the memory. “I should not have asked for it.” She turned back to face Fenix’s grave. “But I can’t believe he’s really gone.”

“Me either,” Cyrene whispered.

“I love you,” Rhea said, taking a step closer and entwining their fingers.

“I love you, too.”

Rhea rested her head on Cyrene’s shoulder. They didn’t say anything else. They didn’t have to. They had known each other their entire lives. The silence was full. It was enough.



Cyrene finally parted from Rhea as the sun began to crest the horizon. She left her to mourn and grieve. She didn’t know when or if Rhea would recover from what had happened. But Cyrene knew that she wanted to build a world that she could do that in. For everyone. Including herself.

She had just returned to her tent when Dean appeared in a hurry.

He came to an abrupt stop. “Where were you?”


He nodded, needing no further explanation. “A scout just appeared, looking for you.”

“For what?” she asked.

“Another army has been seen coming from the east.”

Cyrene furrowed her brow. “Another army? But who?”

“He said they were flying the Tiekan colors.”

Cyrene paled. “Killian. But I didn’t think he’d enter the fight. Do you think Malysa convinced him?”

“I think we should go find out.”

Cyrene mounted and guided her Eleysian stallion to the edge of camp. Dean pulled up his horse alongside her.

“Why did you stop?” he asked.

She gestured toward the trail of dust in the distance. “A messenger.”

“It could be a trap.”

“Isn’t everything?”

He shot her a wry look. “We should get back to the army. Let the messenger come to you.”

But Cyrene didn’t move. She knew that much rested on today. She could already hear the sounds of her army rousing and beginning to move into formation. The last two days had been good for them. The next twenty-four hours would prove if it was all enough.

The messenger came to a stop before them. His horse was foaming at the mouth and lathered up from the journey. The man must have ridden him hard.

“I have a message for Domina Cyrene,” the man said.

“I am the Domina.”

The man came down from his horse and bowed regally. “Your Majesty.”

Dean plucked the letter out of the messenger’s hand and passed it to Cyrene.

“I am surprised King Killian would bring his forces to this battlefield.”

The messenger spat on the ground. “We do not march for that coward.”

Cyrene startled, hesitating on the envelope. “Then, whom do you march for?”

“The rightful Queen Kaliana.”

Cyrene’s mouth dropped open. How? That was what she wanted to ask. The last she had heard was that…Kael had planned to kill Kaliana. And now, she had gotten the Tiekan army here.

She ripped open the letter and read.


* * *



I pray that you have Alessia safe.

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