Home > The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(51)

The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(51)
Author: Meg Anne

Sneaking a peek at him, Effie could only grin when she discovered Lucian was staring down at her with burning umber eyes.

No. Home was never a place at all.



“There’s no need to race off into the night, Desda.” Lucian’s voice was thick with exasperation, but his eyes twinkled with good humor.

Effie loved seeing how the shopkeeper bossed her Guardian around, and how he allowed it. It gave her hope that one day she’d be as lucky.

Desda waved the comment away with a snort. “We’ve imposed on the people of the Vale for too long. It’s time for us to go home, to reclaim what is rightfully ours. You know as well as I that nothing heals the heart better than a purpose.”

Lucian gazed down at the older woman with affection. “Fair enough.”

“Besides,” she added with a shrug. “You lot will go running off again, and it’s not right the rest of us don’t do our part.”

Effie bit back a laugh as Lucian held up his hands, clearly outmanned. “You’ve made your point, Desda. In our absence, I think you’ll be the perfect person to lead the charge. I can ask the Kiri to escort any who wish to return to Bael before we continue on our journey.”

“Absolutely not,” Desda scoffed. “We are more than capable of traveling for a few days. No need to waste time on an unnecessary task when more important things are yet to be done.”

“The woman is impossible.”

“I think you mean incredible. I’m taking notes.”

Lucian couldn’t quite contain his groan. “Just what I need. More sass from you.”

“Admit it, you love my sass.”

He winked at her. “You know I do.”

Effie’s cheeks warmed, and her stomach gave a low flutter.

Helena joined them, a dirty satchel and book of prophecy held aloft. “I have what I need to track him. Oh—sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“No bother at all,” Lucian said with a quick grin. “You’re saving me, really.” Turning to Desda, he said, “Let me know if there’s anything you require for your journey.”

She held her arms open. “Just a proper goodbye.”

Effie fell a little deeper in love with Lucian for the way he didn’t shy away from the demand for affection. So many men pretended to be put off by such requests, but not Lucian. He gathered the woman in his arms and pressed a kiss to her weathered cheek, his voice turning gruff. “Don’t go and do anything stupid while I’m away.”

Desda laughed and patted Lucian on the cheek. “I love you too, sweet one. Now, where’s that pretty girl of yours?”

Effie blinked in surprise, startled by the request. “Me?”

“Aye, lass. Lucian may not have come from my womb, but he’s more of a son to me than any who share my blood. It’s only right that I get to impart some wisdom on his life mate.”

It warmed Effie, this display of familial loyalty. Her family was also comprised of those that she had chosen versus any she’d been born to. She could appreciate the strength of the ties, and how important it was for Desda to give Effie her blessing. Lucian may not give two shits about such things, but Effie relished the idea of having a mother figure’s approval.

Effie stepped forward, and Desda grasped her shoulders, her grip surprisingly strong.

“There now. You’re a beauty, aren’t ya? But it’s not your looks that matter, dear. No. Only a woman strong in mind and spirit could ever be a true match for my Lucian. Look after him. Don’t be afraid to put him in his place when he gets too bullheaded. And I expect lots of grandbabies, you hear?”

Flushing, Effie managed a strangled sound that Desda took as agreement. Lucian, however, was completely unfazed by her declarations about their future.

“You seem surprised.”

“Grandbabies?” Effie sputtered.

“We have our entire lives to raise a family. There’s no rush. Although I must admit, I enjoy the thought of making a child with you.”

As soon as he said the words, the image of a sweet-faced girl with blonde ringlets and her papa’s dark eyes flashed into Effie’s mind. Had you asked her two minutes prior, she’d tell you she had no intention of bringing a child into this world, but now that the child held some of Lucian’s features? Well . . . perhaps she could be persuaded.

Desda pulled Effie into a tight embrace, brushing dry lips against her cheek. “That boy doesn’t know how to love, save with his entire being. He may look tough, but he feels deep. No man will be more loyal to you or love you more fiercely.”

Unexpected tears pricked Effie’s eyes, and she gave a choked nod. “It’s the same for me.”

“Aye,” Desda smiled, and it took years off her lined face. “I see that it is.”

She let Effie go with one last squeeze, turning her face to Lucian as she started to shuffle away. “Don’t forget you owe me a store’s worth of artwork. How else am I supposed to make my living?”

That earned a snort from Lucian. “I’ll get right on that. Somewhere between saving the world and rebuilding the citadel.”

“See that you do,” she called, waving at them over her shoulder as she walked away.

“I like her,” Helena declared, eyes bright with suppressed laughter.

“Don’t tell her that,” Lucian replied dryly. “You’ll only encourage her.”

“I didn’t mean to interrupt the moment, I just thought you’d like to know that we’re ready to go as soon as you are.”

“No worries, Kiri—”

“I’m going to have to insist that you call me Helena. Effie is practically my sister, any life mate of hers is thereby family.” Helena’s aqua eyes twinkled.

For the second time in as many minutes, Effie was overcome by emotion. She’d been rendered nearly speechless when Helena had declared her as a friend the first time, but to be claimed as a sister? Effie didn’t know if she’d ever be able to convey how much that meant to her.

Intimately familiar with the darkness of her past, and the scars that still hid in plain sight, Lucian wrapped his arm around Effie’s waist, bolstering her as always with his strength.

“You honor me, Helena.”

She waved the words away. “Just make her life a happy one, Lucian, and I will consider any debts paid in full.”

Lucian’s emotions seeped into her, although his face betrayed none of them. Her Guardian may appear stoic, but he was not unmoved by Helena’s words.

“That is my greatest wish as well,” he replied.

“You two need to stop this or I’m going to start weeping like a child.”

Helena smiled. “There are worse things in life than to be surrounded by people that love you.”

Effie was at a loss for words. It was such a foreign notion. “Don’t we have a rat to catch?” she finally blurted.

“That we do,” Helena replied, eyes flashing with iridescence. “I was able to discern the unique look of Kieran’s magic through his belongings.”

“I know that all magic leaves a trace, but Kieran’s power is linked to his dreams, so how is that possible?”

“He is still a creature of magic at his core. That means a trace of it will linger any place that he spends a significant amount of time, a bit like a fingerprint.” Helena looked between Effie and Lucian. “Surely Guardians can pick up on it as well?”

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