Home > The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(56)

The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(56)
Author: Meg Anne

“I’d have it no other way.”

Effie beamed at him, knowing that while Lucian may not be able to see her smile, he could feel her joy.

“So what are we waiting for?” Kael asked with his signature dimpled grin. “I believe your entry to our esteemed ranks had conditions. Are you ready to collect?”


“We’re nothing if not men of our words,” Lucian said.


Lucian was already pushing her to the door. “Oh no . . . there’s no backing out now. You asked for this. Demanded it, actually.”

“Why are you suddenly more excited about this than I am?” she asked, suspicious of their overenthusiastic willingness to indulge her.

Lucian exchanged a wordless glance with the other two men who quietly left the room. Her question had been playful, but there was nothing playful about the way Lucian was looking at her. He dropped his eyes, taking her hand in his.

“For too long you’ve stood in the shadows, content to hide while others stole the glory. It is time for you to claim your place in the light. Today you will show the people who matter most to you what I long ago learned to be true. You are a force to be reckoned with. A woman without equal.” Lucian’s eyes burned bronze as he finally raised them. “After today, no one will ever dare dismiss you or your will again.”

Effie was rendered momentarily speechless. Ever since she’d looked into his memories, she’d known but perhaps not fully understood. Lucian wasn’t just offended on her behalf; he had been carrying the scars of her past abuses as if they were his own. He wanted—needed—this moment for her. This public demonstration of her power.

After everything he’d given her, everything he’d done to save her, Effie would be the last one to ever refuse Lucian anything. Especially if it would bring him peace.

“Then let’s not leave them waiting.”



Chapter 32



There was nothing to announce the arrival of the Triumvirate in the throne room save the startled gasps of the Chosen as they set eyes upon the infamous red robes.

Helena was seated, a five-point crown resting on her brow. She looked bemused, but not by the arrival of new guests. She was resting her chin in her hand, talking in low tones with her Shield. Her Mate sat beside her, his crown of onyx and diamonds glittering like the night sky.

“I know the timing is not ideal, but you know I must go.”


“I cannot remain here while she is out there.”


“Her life could be in danger. Hell, she could already be d—”

“Ronan!” Helena finally snapped.

Her Shield lifted his chin, his expression unreadable from the back of the room.

“I agree with you. No one is trying to stop you from finding Reyna. In fact, if you’d actually allowed me to get a word in edgewise, you might have heard me offer to help you.”

“You’d do that?”

“Ronan,” she groaned, “how could you ever doubt it? You are not the only one who made vows. The Night Stalkers are our allies. They need their queen, but more importantly, we owe it to our friend. Of course I intend to find her.”

Effie didn’t need to be able to see Ronan’s face to know that he was struggling to contain his emotions. He’d been unraveling ever since Reyna had been taken. She hoped for everyone’s sake that Reyna was alive when he found her.

Helena finally seemed to notice the trio standing in the back of the room. Her eyes slid over them as if searching for someone else.

“She’s looking for you,” Lucian said.

“Then I guess it’s show time.”

Effie took a step forward, Kael and Lucian flanking her on either side. “We request a private audience with the Kiri and her Circle.”

Helena lifted a brow. “Leave us,” she said.

They scurried to obey, casting awed glances between the Triumvirate and their ruler. Effie didn’t need to be telepathically linked to them to read the question burning in their eyes. Who would dare command the Mother’s Vessel to do anything? Who had the right?

Effie did not speak again until the massive metal door shut with a soft boom.

“I can only assume that your presence here means you intend to deliver another of your vague warnings.”

It took more effort than it should have for Effie to keep from laughing out loud at Helena’s barbed comment. She knew just how exasperating conversations with this particular trio could be.

Dipping her head as she’d seen Lucian and his brothers do so many times before, Effie replied, “It is not a warning so much as a reminder and goodbye. It is time for us to go. There is work yet to be done.”

“Far be it from me to keep you. Will your Guardians be joining us in our efforts to cull the last of the Shadows and repair the damage?”

“They go where we demand.”

Helena’s jaw clenched. Von did not move, but his eyes narrowed slightly as if he’d picked up on the undercurrent of tension in his Mate and was prepared to strike if necessary.

“I see,” she said.

“Do you?”

Helena gave a terse nod. “If it’s not already too late, I’d like to at least say goodbye to Effie before you depart.”

Effie lifted her arms and slowly pulled back the hood that had concealed her face. Helena was careful to keep her expression neutral as she stared unblinkingly into the black pits that represented her eyes. Between one tense breath and the next, Effie released her illusion, allowing the Circle to see her true form.

Helena’s mouth went slack.

There was a whisper of cloth as Lucian and Kael pulled back their hoods behind her.

The Circle’s collective reactions were beyond amusing. Ronan looked thunderstruck. Kragen, quietly amused. Von’s expression was alert but impassive. Timmins was clearly fighting back a tidal wave of questions, while Joquil only seemed mildly intrigued.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Helena asked, her eyes never once leaving Effie’s.

So that they would know this was not some kind of trick, Effie continued to speak telepathically using her real voice. “This is the Triumvirate’s most closely guarded secret.”

“You were one of them? This whole time?”

Effie shook her head. “There was a recent opening, and I accepted the position upon the condition that I could share this truth with you.”

Helena looked back to Lucian and Kael. “If this is such an important secret, why agree?”

“Effie made a compelling argument,” Lucian muttered.

“That I can believe,” Helena said with a laugh. “She’s been known to put my Circle in their place a time or two.”

Lucian and Kael chuckled.

“I’m glad we aren’t the only ones,” Kael said.

“What was the argument?” Helena asked, leaning forward slightly.

“It’s something I learned in a vision. Actually, I’d like to share it with you if that’s alright?” Effie asked.

Helena’s brows lifted in surprise. “With me?”

Effie nodded.

Helena started to push herself up.

“There’s no need. I don’t need to touch you to share this vision.”

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