Home > The Light at the Bottom of the World (The Light at the Bottom of the World #1)(69)

The Light at the Bottom of the World (The Light at the Bottom of the World #1)(69)
Author: London Shah

The mechanical claw grabs my vessel. I peek out and spot the Anthropoid. I gesture for him to go before me, but he refuses. The claw places me inside the pool at the count of five. Diving, I level the craft beneath the pool just as the door above me closes. No. Where’s the red-haired guy?

I spin around in my seat until I spot him. Phew. He’d clung to the top of the sub. He slides off now, hovering there in the gloom, before darting out of sight. I gulp as I scan the water. Visibility is reduced, with dark shadows swaying all around. The dread doesn’t have a hope in hell of surfacing here and now, though.

I have my papa with me. And we’re going home.

I exit the projection and speed to the side. I can’t rise without power, which means they can lock on to me if they catch me. I check on Papa again, ensuring he’s as secure as possible, and stare at him. Three months. In just over three months his hair is graying, his face sunken and lined, and his color . . . Oh, it would’ve broken Mama’s heart to see him now! I look away.

He’s here at least. At last, he’s with me.

Taking a deep breath, I turn the sub on and select the house icon that will lead me to the Kabul. I mutter a prayer as I pull back on the joystick and forward on the throttle.

The sub rockets through the current. Though we aren’t in the heart of the battle, hostile vessels and bots, fire, smoke and debris all whoosh by me in every direction. Please, please, please. I hold my nerve, dodging attacks just in time, rolling and swerving to avoid all the firepower around me.

Keep going.

The submersible hurtles up through it all, past the dreadful shadows of the “whales” and the menacing shapes of the “jellyfish” bobbing away in the depths.

Until finally I spot the heartening lights of the Kabul, blinking on the current. Home. My chest warms at the sight.

I must be only meters away from the moon pool when I’m hit.

No. The submersible jerks as I scan to catch the source of the attack.

There are two of them, the rocket-like subs of the prison guards hovering in my way.

“Ari, I’m hit!” I shout into my Bracelet. “I’m right here—I can see the Kabul!”

The craft jerks erratically. Just when I’ve somewhat stabilized it, both subs fire on me.

I duck and dive, and the firepower keeps coming. I roll to avoid a laser beam, when a bright light flashes. A dull thud rocks my craft and it shudders. The alarm sounds. No. I shiver. The submersible’s taken a serious hit this time. The propellers slow down. I slide the throttle forward, but the vessel won’t speed up and I’m moving at seahorse speed.

Don’t stall. . . . Oh God, please don’t stall.

The sub lurches. No, no, no. After all that, everything’s slipping away from me. “Hang in there, Papa.” Cold nausea rises inside. I’m vaguely aware of activity around the Kabul’s moon pool, behind the prison guards.

One of the prison’s subs moves toward me. We’ll never survive another hit. As the craft creeps closer and I watch, it jerks, its nose rising and dipping erratically. Something comes into view behind it, but when I peer closer it’s gone. What’s going on? The sub lurches again, and once more I sense something flash by, but it’s too fast to register. A pole of some kind has been rammed into the rocket-shaped craft’s propeller, and finally the sub stalls, before spinning away.

The second craft is damaged in the same manner and suddenly the way ahead is clear. The shape whizzes by the front of my vessel now and slows down just enough for me to realize it’s an Anthropoid. It’s Ari.

We are fast, Leyla, he’d said. I blink. Wow.

With the continued protection from several of Bia’s vessels, Ari darts beneath my stalling craft and nudges the submersible the short way to the moon pool, and then upward.

I’m through the pool, and finally up and in the chamber. Decompressing feels like an eternity, but at last we’re done. I exit the sub, legs trembling, to find Ari briskly toweling himself dry. Our eyes meet and the hesitancy in his eases, his posture relaxing. And then we snap into action.

“Oscar!” I call out. “Close the moon pool door. Now. Secure the submarine and head west at full speed. We don’t stop for anyone!”

I rush to the passenger door of the submersible and gently edge Papa toward me.

Ari hurries over. His solid arms sweep into the craft and I step aside. As he helps Papa out, I initiate a full diagnostics program on the submersible; hopefully any damage to the vessel can be repaired.

Ari stops, catching his breath when he looks at Papa, alarm crossing his face. His shoulders rise and fall and his eyes flash with rage as he scoops him up.

We head for the second guest room I’ve prepared. I message Charlie and tell him I want Bia to let Gramps know we have Papa. She’ll find a way to do it without anyone else listening in. I know Grandpa will tell the twins.

The Kabul turns and speeds away from the chaos.

The Navigator appears, tilting his head as I make Papa comfortable on the bed. “Might I welcome the gentleman Hashem on board the Kabul, my dear lady?”

Warmth radiates through me at his words. Tears prickle my eyes. I could hug him to bits. “You may, Oscar.”

The corners of my mouth dare a slight lift.



In the evening, I wipe Papa’s brow to help cool him down. Without the layers of filth, he looks more like himself. It took Ari and me over an hour to wash and change him, his skeletal state demanding the gentlest handling.

The Medi-bot has diagnosed him as severely malnourished and dehydrated. He also has several viral and bacterial infections, and a high fever. But he’ll be all right.

Papa’s with me and he’s going to be okay. It’s too good to be true. A dream.

We’ve found a safe place far west of the prison, with no security bases for leagues around. We’ll keep our heads down until Papa’s out of the worst and then decide on our next move.

Bia’s still waiting to hear from McGregor. I really hope she’s safe and that she’s not been rumbled by the prison guards. Charlie messaged me, asking if Papa had come around and if he was speaking yet. They’re desperate to know everything. Gramps is aware of what’s going on, and he’s somewhere safe, thank goodness. I feel a tug at my heart; I miss him so much. I understand now why he thought it best to keep Ari’s identity from me. I would never have left London with him if I’d known what he was back then.

Jojo went totally barmy when she recognized Papa. We have to hold her whenever she visits him; she can’t contain her joy.

The Medi-bot bleeps. I replace one of the drips. Soon Papa will be up and about. And just wait until he sees the Kabul. He’s sure to love the sub as much as I do!

Back in the saloon, Ari stands in the viewport, facing the water. Right in front of him is a dolphin. I hold my breath, watching them. The sea creature is attentive and relaxed. Anytime Ari waves his hands a certain way, the animal responds, moving its head and fins. It’s as if they truly understand each other.

I sigh. “The dolphin, it’s the same one, isn’t it? I’m certain I saw it back in London and again following the vessel when we first set off. You know it?”

Ari turns from the windows, his eyes bright, and beckons me. I join him in the viewport. Jojo rushes over, mesmerized, and I scoop her up.

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