Home > Jonah (Chicago Blaze #7)(6)

Jonah (Chicago Blaze #7)(6)
Author: Brenda Rothert

With a deep breath, I follow him in.

A woman sits on one side of a conference table and a man sits on the other. Both of them get up. My gaze goes directly to the woman.

“Agent Reyna Diaz, this is my brother Jonah West,” Logan says. “Jonah, this is Rey.”

Jesus. My brother wasn’t kidding. This woman looks like Eva Mendes, curvy in all the right places, her mahogany eyes framed by long lashes and her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her skin is a beautiful light brown that just seems to glow. She’s the definition of a natural beauty.

And then she smiles, and it’s like looking at a model in a toothpaste commercial. “Hi Jonah, nice to meet you.”

I’m momentarily struck speechless, but I clear my throat and get myself together.

“Hi, nice to meet you, too.”

“Does this mean you’ll help with the case?”

“He’s in,” Logan answers for me, clapping me on the back.

“Hey Jonah, I’m Doug Jones and I work with Logan,” the man on the other side of the table says, offering me his hand to shake.

“Great to meet you,” I say.

“Looks like you guys are off to a great start this season,” he says.

“Yeah, we’re finally firing on all eight.”

“We really appreciate you taking part in this case.” He sits down and puts on a pair of dark reading glasses. “I’m sure your brother told you this Shields guy deserves to spend the rest of his life in a cell.”

I follow the leads of Logan and Rey and sit down at the table. “He did. But I need to be honest and tell you I hardly know Darren Shields. I’ve made small talk with him a few times at events, but that’s it.”

“That’s okay,” Rey says. “For the first month or so, we’re just going to establish that we’re dating. We’ll go out, I’ll come to your games, and we won’t make any moves toward Shields. After we’ve been established as a couple, you’ll start introducing me to teammates and taking me to events with you. That’s all I’ll need. I can establish a relationship with Shields from there.”

“Okay,” I say, uncertain. “And you’re sure you’ll be okay? If he suspects something is off—”

“He won’t. As long as you don’t breathe a word of the truth about us to anyone, he won’t suspect a thing.”

“I won’t.”

“You can’t tell your coach, your teammates, even your own family,” Rey presses. “Everyone has to believe it for this to work.”

“I’ve got it.”

She looks skeptical. “Even if you meet someone you really do want to ask out, you can’t tell them, either.”

Damn, this woman doesn’t let up.

“Listen, I get it,” I say, more firmly this time. “I won’t say a word.”

“Okay, good,” she concedes. “Because I like not getting shot.”

“Look, I’m willing to do this. But trust works both ways. I don’t know what my team’s owner will think about me helping put a VIP in prison when the time comes, but I’m willing to risk it because it’s the right thing to do.”

She holds my gaze for a few silent seconds before nodding. I’m starting to see that the dazzling smile on Rey’s exterior is a mask disguising the tough, stubborn woman on the inside.

“So you guys met this afternoon at the deli a block over,” Logan says. “Jonah stopped by here to see me and then grabbed lunch there. You were standing in line next to each other, struck up a conversation and he asked Rey to go out this weekend.”

“I’ll be in Vancouver this weekend,” I say.

“What’s your next free night?”


Logan nods. “You asked her out for Sunday night. You guys can take it from there. And Jonah, remember—no going off script unless it’s an emergency and you know you’re secure. You need to come up with a signal for each other if you need to go off script and Rey will make sure you’re in a secure place to do it.”

“I’m a freelance journalist who writes about makeup,” Rey says. “Once I figure out how all that works, I’ll fill you in.”

“Okay. I’m a goalie.”

She takes out her phone and asks, “Can I get your number?”

“Yeah, sure.” I take out my phone and we exchange numbers.

“Just text me later like we met at the deli and ask about a date,” she says.

I nod. “Okay. Anything else you guys need from me?”

“I don’t think so,” Logan says. “Just remember, stay on script unless you and Rey are in a secure place. And you can swing by here anytime you want to and talk to me here, but don’t go off script over the phone.”

“I’m just gonna ask her out and play along from there until someone tells me to do otherwise.”

“Are you okay with me staying some nights at your place?” Rey asks. “Once the curtains are closed, I can just sleep on the couch.”

“Yeah, that’s no problem. I’ve got a guest room.”

“And you’re okay with…kissing me?”

There’s a challenge in her tone, and something primal inside me answers before I have time to even think about it.

“Yeah, I’ll kiss you right now if you want.”

She smiles and looks away. “No, we can do it at the end of the date.”

“Kiss, you mean?”

She looks puzzled as she says, “Yes.”

“Okay, because when you said, do it at the end of the date, I was confused since I know you already said you’re not sleeping with me.”

“Jonah,” Logan warns.

Rey holds her chin level as she says, “I’ll make myself clearer from now on.”

I grin at her. “I’m yanking your chain. I promise I won’t actually hit on you. I’d never try to coerce you into anything, okay? I want you to know I’m on your side in all this.”

She looks relieved. “Thank you for that. I promise I’ll be as unobtrusive as I possibly can.”

Logan gets up and heads toward the door, and I follow. I still can’t believe this is what he wanted me to come by for. It’s surreal to be helping with a police investigation, especially by pretending to be dating someone.

“I’ll walk you out,” he says.

“I’ll talk to you later,” I say to Reyna. “Nice to meet you, Sgt. Jones.”

“You too, and thanks again.”

My brother walks down the empty hallway with me in silence. I look over at him and he’s grinning.

“I told you, right?” he says. “Bet you’ll end up liking this. Liking her.”

I shake my head. “I’m sure she’s great, but I’m not interested in dating. I like my life.”

“Okay, well…you can go back to bachelorhood as soon as this is over.”

With a single note of laughter, I say, “I’m not leaving bachelorhood, man. This is all just gonna be an act.”

“Well, at least be convincing, will you? Don’t make her do everything by herself.”

“Don’t worry about it, man. I’ll be the most convincing fake boyfriend she’s ever had.”

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