Home > Any Luck at All(27)

Any Luck at All(27)
Author: Denise Grover Swank , A.R. Casella

Georgie stood next to the side of the brick building and put the phone on speaker, holding it up between her and Jack so he could hear. “I’d like to speak to Finn, please.”

If River had told her Finn’s last name, she’d forgotten it. In hindsight, she should have looked it up. She should have done more homework period, but it was too late now.

There was a moment’s pause. “May I ask who’s calling?”

She could lie, but the direct approach had always worked best for her, one more reason she wanted to be upfront with River. “Georgie Buchanan. It’s in regard to River Reeves.”

The woman gasped, then said in a shaky voice, “One moment, Ms. Buchanan.”

An elevator music rendition of “Another One Bites the Dust” filled the air.

“She knows who you are,” Jack murmured. “I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.”

“It means the brewing community in Asheville is small…or Big Catch has already caught wind that River’s going to be working for us.”

The music ended mid-chorus, interrupted by a friendly male voice. “Ms. Buchanan, this is Finn Hamilton. I have to say I’m surprised to hear from you so soon.”

She was surprised he’d expected to hear from her at all. “Pleasantly surprised, I hope,” she said with a little laugh. “And please, call me Georgie.”

Jack’s expression was grim.

“It’s just that most employers get references for employees before they make an offer, Georgie.” He sounded perfectly reasonable, but she caught the slight bite in his words.

“This is just a formality,” she said, still keeping her upbeat tone. “Dotting all the I’s for HR.”

He laughed. “Last I heard, Beau didn’t believe in HR departments. He let Dottie handle anything employee-related.”

After meeting Josie and seeing Lurch, that explained so much.

“Welllll…” Georgie said in a slow drawl, “that will probably change after we get everything settled, so, you know, formalities.”

“What do you want to know?” Finn asked. He sounded friendly but guarded.

“Finn, this is Jack Durand,” Jack said in a direct tone, giving Georgie a look of challenge. “One of the Buchanan siblings.”

Finn chuckled. “Dottie said there was a bit of drama at the will reading, and from the sound of it, your mere existence was one of them.”

Dottie was friends with Finn? She wasn’t sure why she was surprised. Finn was River’s friend, and he was close to his aunt.

Jack made a face that suggested he was about to go off on the man, but instead he asked, “How long has River worked for you?”

Finn chuckled again. “We’ve been friends for about five years now, and business partners for one day less than that.”

“Partners?” Georgie said before she could stop herself. “River said you sold Big Catch Brewing and told him after the fact. That doesn’t make it sound like you were partners.”

Finn was quiet for a moment. “Okay, you have me there, but truth be told, Big Catch wouldn’t be what it is without River.” He paused, then said under his breath, “Damn, I really screwed that one up.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he caught Georgie’s gaze.

“If you want a reference,” Finn said, sounding resigned, “here you go—if you’re looking for a man dedicated to the craft of making beer, River’s your man. And if you’re looking for a loyal friend, he’s your guy too. The man’s only fault is his idealism, which some would say is one of his best traits. The only reason he left was because I screwed up and left him out of the loop. He wasn’t fired and Bev Corp wanted him as part of the package. You’ll be damn lucky to have him.” Then he hung up.

Georgie lowered the phone. “River didn’t know anything about the will.”

Frowning, Jack said grudgingly, “Agreed.”

“Jack, we have to keep him.”

Jack gave her a long look. “Okay, but only if we don’t tell him about the will.”

Georgie hated to keep it from him, but she had to wonder if River would see Beau’s decision as a betrayal. Maybe it would be too much for him to handle after what had happened with Finn. Besides, if they failed, he’d get the brewery anyway, and while she suspected River would never give less than 110%, this way he’d never have to ask himself if he’d subconsciously held back. Keeping it from him was for the best. For them, and for him.

“Fine,” she said, “but let’s get back in there and see what needs to be done. We’ve got a hell of a mess to clean up.” She didn’t just mean the bubbles. Everything pointed to Buchanan Brewery being more than she’d bargained for, both in terms of commitment and money.

As they headed back to the door, Georgie asked, “You said you could move within a month or so, right?”

“Six weeks at the most. Is the offer still good to stay at Beau’s house?”

“Of course, it’s your house too. There are four bedrooms. Plenty of room for both of us.” But she couldn’t help thinking that meant an awful lot of togetherness for two virtual strangers. Then she moved on to the uncomfortable question, one she had to ask even if she already suspected the answer. “Do you have any money to help finance bringing the brewery up to speed?”

His face paled. “Georgie…”

That was a fat no. Which meant it was going to be up to her. She had the money, but this whole thing was starting to scare the crap out of her.

You have River.

He had the knowledge and talent to create award-winning beers, the kind of brews that would bring in tourists and locals. That restaurants and bars would want on tap. They could do this. Together. The three of them. Yet it wasn’t lost on her that she and Jack were the most replaceable parts of the equation. River was the essential part.

Which made her feel even guiltier about keeping their secret.

They found River in the tasting room. She found herself reaching up to brush back her hair. River made her feel nervous and scared and excited and hopeful for the future all at the same time. She just had to keep in mind that any future with him was strictly business.

She gave him a warm smile, hoping Jack treated him better after talking to Finn. But River wasn’t returning her smile. In fact, he didn’t look happy at all.

“Georgie. Jack.” He took a deep breath, then said five words that brought fear to her heart. “We have a major problem.”



Chapter Fourteen



“He what?”

Georgie, quite rightfully, had a look of horror on her face. A quick glance at Jack revealed he looked pissed again—whatever brother-sister pep talk they’d had outside had already been forgotten—and not a little suspicious. Like maybe he thought River had given Lurch a boost up that ladder.

Stupidly enough, the how of it had been River’s first question to Lurch.

“How the hell did you get up there if you were drunk enough to douse this place with bubbles?” he’d asked.

Lurch had just shrugged, the movement dislodging one of the bubbles on his scalp, and said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” A pause, then he’d added, “And I was drunk enough to think the bubbles would catch me if I fell.”

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