Home > Breaking the Rules (The Triskelion Series, #1)(45)

Breaking the Rules (The Triskelion Series, #1)(45)
Author: Jodi Payne

He hoped it was a good dream. He didn’t know all the details of Troy’s story, just enough to guess that his lover’s dreams might not always be easy. He didn’t know for sure, but it seemed like Troy had given up on a lot of things. He wanted more for his boy.

He used Troy’s stretch as an opportunity to move a little and then settled again, making sure to keep close. He wanted to be close when his boy woke.

He blinked slowly, hoping to doze a while, or even fall back asleep. But he wasn’t tired, he felt like he could run a marathon.

Bright green eyes blinked up at him, all of the sudden, wide for a second, then going heavy. “Mmm… morning.”

He was so struck by that beautiful green that it took him a second to respond. “Hi. Good morning, sleepyhead.”

One hand slid along his arm, his side, his hip. “You did good with the bed. It’s so soft.”

“Thank you. I’ve had a little practice.” He winked at Troy and gave him a gentle kiss. “We don’t want to be all sore from sleeping on the ground.”

“No, Sir. You sleep good?” Troy seemed happy to stay curled up with him, twined with him.

“I did.” He gave his boy a smile. This morning, answering to “Sir” seemed as natural as breathing. “I watched you sleep some also. You were dreaming.”

“Was I? I dream a lot, always have.” Troy reached up, tracing his lips. “I used to have terrible nightmares, but not in a while.”

“I hope not. You deserve good dreams.” Yeah, something was different. He felt protective, possessive. He didn’t want to let Troy go. “No more nightmares.”

“Wouldn’t that be stunning? No more nightmares?”

“I think it’s possible.” He did. What they had was good. It was solid. New for sure, but real. “I’ve got you.”

“Mmm…” Troy kissed his jaw, his throat, his collarbone. It felt like a blessing.

“Last night was… incredible.” He just didn’t have a better word. It probably went without saying at all, but he felt like if they didn’t acknowledge it, the memory might disappear.

“Yes, Sir. I felt… I felt like I was… yours.”

He nodded. “I felt… I feel like I’m starting to understand what you need from me. I feel like I can give that to you. I want to be that man, that Dom, for you. I wish I could explain it better than that… I’ve been thinking about it a lot, but I don’t seem to have the words yet.”

All of that slow burn, the need, the heat… Saul got what he needed, and he knew Troy did too, but there were no ropes or cuffs, no crops or spankings, no pain at all. No marks. No need for safewords.

They were Dom and sub for sure, but they were lovers, just Saul and Troy at the same time, and he felt… he felt— Oh.

Oh shit. Maybe he did have the words after all.

Holy shit, was this what love felt like? Was he really falling for Troy?

Holy shit.

Troy lifted his head. “You okay? You stopped breathing there for a second.”

“Yeah.” He took an exaggerated breath and smiled at Troy. “That’s what you do to me.”

“I hear you.” Troy’s grin was simple, real. So happy.

“I guess we’re both a little high this morning. I like that. Coming up here was a great idea.” He took another little kiss, and Troy held him, hands running over his body, learning him all over.

He let Troy touch. Last night he’d been controlling things just to give his boy something to focus on. He leaned in harder, giving his boy his tongue.

Troy took him, yielding beautifully to his need. When the kiss broke, they were both panting, and he was warm as hell.

“My beautiful boy,” Saul whispered. “I still want that bacon.” What they needed was a little space between them or they’d be in bed all day.

“Busman’s holiday.” Troy’s laugh was soft and happy. “Bacon, coffee, eggs, yes? I brought some challah too.”

“You’re sweet to me. Save it for tomorrow.” He leaned back and stretched long, groaning with it. His fingers itched to touch Troy again, to make the boy his again, and he decided they should both ride that wave for a while.

“I want you wanting today, boy. That prick doesn’t have to cut glass, but it needs to stay interested, got me? You have permission to touch, just for today. Wear whatever you want, I don’t need to see. I know you’ll obey.”

Troy blinked from where he was retrieving clothes, the surprise patent, absolutely perfect.

He hid his smile and opted to not acknowledge the look at all. “Do you need help?”

“I— Pardon?”

He glanced down at Troy’s cock, which had gone from vaguely interested to rock hard.

Fuck, that was a sight.

“Pardon, Sir. That’s one stroke for you tonight.” He got the feeling that this was going to be a very good day. He reached for his backpack and pulled out his crop, then answered Troy evenly. “With breakfast, boy. Do you need my help?”

Troy shook his head, more like he was clearing it. “Do you mind getting the fire going while I start breakfast, Sir? It’s chilly out there.”

“No problem.” He hung the crop on a loop along the roof of the tent making sure that Troy saw him do it, then went after jeans, a clean T-shirt and his CU Buffs sweatshirt.

Troy got the camp stove set up with the coffee first, before he started to work on the breakfast. The soft random whisper was just quiet enough that he couldn’t recognize the song.

Troy had banked their coals like a pro, and he was able to find a log still smoldering at the bottom of the pile. He swept the ash out of the way, added some kindling and a couple of fresh logs from the back of Troy’s truck, and then he just had to wait.

“Should have fire in a few. Is that coffee I smell already?” He moved behind Troy and slid a hand down to cup his boy’s ass.

“Mmm… Yes, Sir. Coffee is important, hmm?” Troy leaned into his touch. “Do you want three pieces of bacon?”

“I want bacon more than the eggs. So yes, please.” He kissed Troy’s neck and then went to fish out mugs for the coffee. “Coffee is like comfort food. And it tastes better outdoors.”

“This is when I miss cigarettes the most, with my first cup of coffee.”

“If it’s distracting, we should talk about adding a morning ritual to give you something else to focus on.” He set their mugs down.

“Thank you, Sir. I’m usually at work for my first cup. It hasn’t been long since Carter had me quit.”

“I’m glad he did. Do you feel better?” He poured them each a cup.

“I still miss it, smoking, but it’s easier now.” Troy put the bacon in the pan, the smell hitting Saul’s nose almost immediately.

“Oh… smell that.” He sipped his coffee. “Subbing when you’re jonesing for a light sucks. I’ve seen it. Carter did you a bigger favor than you know.”

“I started after Arnie died, so that wasn’t an issue for me.” Troy drank deep, a near sexual sound leaving him.

“You do what you need to, right?” He wasn’t judging, but he was glad Troy had quit. “Oh. Fire.” He picked up a stick and went over the make sure it was burning evenly.

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