Home > The Winter Witch(14)

The Winter Witch(14)
Author: Karpov Kinrade

All around me, the people of Willowdale smile and murmur their well-wishes as I pass. I nod at them one by one, overjoyed to share this beautiful moment with my people. Our people.

When I reach the front of the gathering, I spot the face I’ve been searching for, and my nerves ease at the sight of him dressed in such finery. He’s filled out a bit since breaking the curse. His hair is longer and his arms are more toned thanks to the ability to form new muscle. He’s no longer frozen in a time that moves forward around him. Mortality looks damn good on him too.

“You look absolutely beautiful in the moonlight,” he whispers when I get close.

“Save it for after the ceremony, ice boy.” Grandmother’s admonition is loud enough to send the first few rows of guests snickering in their seats.

I press my lips together to keep from laughing and step onto the platform to join my fiancé and the priestess who will read our vows, my grandmother.

When I’m in position, she nods at the crowd, and I tear my gaze from Alaric long enough to look out over the gathered guests.

In the darkness, it’s hard to see their faces, but then a single light pierces the night, the candle flickering bravely. A moment later, thousands of flames join it, illuminating the people and the garden in which we stand.

Grandmother clears her throat and I turn back to her, appreciating the simplicity of her emerald gown as she stands before me. She’s not wearing a cloak tonight. No one is, thanks to the heat of the summer evening. Even after months of warmth, I’m still not tired of it and enjoy watching the people come up with new styles of dress that are a significant departure from the layers we’ve been hiding under until now.

I was sure Alaric would ask for an afternoon wedding, so enamored with the sun he is. But he insisted on a moonlit ceremony. “The keeper of all our secrets,” he reminded me.

As Grandmother begins to read the vows that will join Alaric and me, her voice is melodic and firm. "We are gathered here tonight to bear witness to two lights uniting as one. Each light, alone, is nothing. But together, we can outshine the sun."

I smile up at Alaric and listen as she instructs us on our oaths to one another and to our kingdom.

We take turns echoing her words, promising one another to always be true, and strong, and above all, to love.

My long dark hair is pinned with flowers, my long tresses undone and trailing down my back in soft curls.

It reminds me so much of another night, long ago, when I began this journey. Though the events that transpired between then and now are nothing like I imagined, the sentiment in my heart remains the same. To chase away the cold with warmth. To chase away hate with love. And to protect the people of Willowdale and all who reside in the kingdom of Avondale.

In this, Alaric and I vow to always do our best.

“Tonight, we bear witness to Alaric and Adara in more than a marriage,” Grandmother says. “We bear witness to them as king and queen of a kingdom. As is ritual, we coronate them both and anoint them as rulers of this land using the sacred waters of the Ice Rivers.”

She hands me a cup and continues.

“Adara is the flame born under the Cold Moon. Alaric is the atonement and the absolution, made whole again by his purity of heart. Together, they are the protector and ruler of our people. May the goddess bless them both.”

"May the goddess bless them both," the villagers respond.

At the end of the ceremony, Grandmother places a crown on each of our heads and kisses our cheeks. Then she turns to present us to the crowd. They cheer and Alaric winks at me.

I laugh.

From behind me I hear Grandmother say, “Well, what are you waiting for, your highness? You may kiss your queen and your bride.”

Alaric doesn’t have to be told twice and even dips me as he seals the vows with a kiss before our witnesses.

The crowd cheers even louder at that.

Then Grandmother steps between us, lifting our hands to the air as she says, “Long live the king and queen of this realm!”

The crowds echo her cheer until I’m overcome by the cacophony of support and love.

Grandmother waits until they’ve quieted and says, "This year, we celebrate the Summer Solstice like we never have before. Today we enjoyed the heat of the sun on our faces, and tonight we bask in the warmth of the midsummer night. Drink, Eat and Be Merry, good people. Blessed be."

“Blessed be!” The crowd cheers as Alaric takes my hand in his and leads me down the aisle and out of the garden.

He weaves through the castle and doesn’t stop until we’ve reached a very familiar door.

“What are you doing?” I ask, breathless as he pushes open the door that remains unlocked always these days.

“I need a moment alone with my bride,” he says, pulling me into the room and spinning me until we’re face to face.

The air in here is as stuffy as always, and for the hundredth time I wonder why we don’t tear down the walls and allow the plants unfettered access to the sun and the warmth it provides. But Alaric refuses to do anything to change the greenhouse, claiming it’s the only place inside the castle that he can stand in without feeling the sadness of his life before he met me.

Now, he cups my face in his hands and kisses me deeply.

“I needed that,” he says after leaving me gasping for more.

“We’re married now,” I tease, the taste of his lips a delicious tincture on my mouth. “You can have that anytime you want.”

“Can I? I’ll ask you to remember that when we’re knee deep in crying babies and you want nothing else to do with me anymore."

I laugh. “Knee deep? Is that what you picture?”

His arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me close, swaying in a sort of dance. Outside, the music has begun. “I picture you,” he says, silver eyes full of life, “with me. Always.”

My lips curve into a joyful smile.

“And I know you hate when I say it, but I can’t help myself,” he says and I groan, already knowing what’s coming.

“Alaric, please, it’s our wedding day, for the goddess’ sake.”

“I know, but my gratitude can’t be silenced today or any other day.” His expression turns solemn, but behind his eyes, there’s mischief and humor. “I will be forever grateful to you, my love, my darling Adara, that you loved me enough to kill me.”

I roll my eyes, and he laughs at his own joke that isn't even technically true since he killed himself, but he ignores me when I point that out. “You keep up with the comments and jokes, my dear, and one day you might just drive me to do it for real.”

His laughter ends in another kiss, and I wonder if anyone has ever been happier than I am in this moment; the winter witch and her cursed prince.




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