Home > Perfect Wreckage (Wrecked #2)(29)

Perfect Wreckage (Wrecked #2)(29)
Author: Catherine Cowles

“You make sure that girl’s okay.”

“I’m doing my best.”

“You’re a good boy, Crosby.”

I chuckled. Apparently, I was eight years old in Penny’s eyes. “Gotta go, getting off the ferry.”

“All right. Call to check in when you’re done.”

“Will do.” I disconnected and navigated the stream of cars disembarking from the ship. Slowly, we made our way down the ramp and onto Shelter Island. I mentally ran through what I’d say to the Calhouns when I arrived. Reminded myself to be charming and not an asshole so they’d grant me access.

I wove my way through familiar island roads before pulling to a stop in front of the house. There were two cars home this time. The station wagon and a pickup truck. Maybe I’d get a feel for Mr. Calhoun, as well.

I climbed out of my truck and made my way up the crumbling walk to the patio and rang the bell. I could hear a tv blaring through the door. I waited. Nothing. I was just about to ring the bell a second time when the door opened, and Mrs. Calhoun appeared, baby on her hip and looking harried. “Mr. McCoy, what are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry to intrude, but I have some paperwork to go over with Zoe, and a few things I need your take on. Do you have a few minutes?”

Mrs. Calhoun glanced behind her towards the sound of the television. “Now’s not really a good time—”

“Who the fuck’s at the door, Meg?” A man stumbled towards the house’s small foyer. His clothes were rumpled, and the scent of alcohol hit me from four feet away.

“This is Mr. McCoy. He’s Zoe’s advocate from the Alliance. He needs to talk to her.”

Mr. Calhoun sneered at me. “The fancy lawyer. The one who bought her all that shit. You know, now our blood kids want to know why they don’t get that stuff.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. Calhoun. But I really do need to speak with Zoe.” My hands tightened at my sides, the papers in my left hand crumpling.

“She can’t come to the door right now. It’s study time.”

The girl was nine. I highly doubted she had hours of homework. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist.”

Red crept up Calhoun’s neck and into his face. “This is my house. You can’t demand shit.”

“Brian,” Mrs. Calhoun pleaded.

“Shut up, Meg.”

I pulled out my phone. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to call the sheriff. You’re inebriated, and I have reason to be concerned for Zoe’s welfare.”

“For fuck’s sake, she’s in the closet. She’s fine. And I just had a few beers after work. It’s a man’s right.”

“Did you say she’s in the closet?” My blood began to heat, and I let the papers I was holding fall to the ground. I needed both hands free in case this escalated.

Brian charged down a hall and pulled open a door. I followed without considering whether or not it was a smart to do so. All I could think about was sweet Zoe, scared and alone. The sight that met me had me struggling to keep my composure. Zoe was huddled in a corner with a flashlight and the backpack I’d given her. On the opposite wall of the small closet was one of those potty-training toilets. How long did they keep her in here that they needed a toilet?

“Crosby?” Zoe’s voice trembled, and I saw red.

“Come on, Zo.” I reached out a hand and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s go.”

When Brian closed in, cursing and saying he wanted his money for taking care of Zoe, I picked her up, covering one ear and pressing the other to my shoulder. She didn’t need to hear any more of his spewed hatred. I strode as quickly as I could without running. Placing Zoe in the passenger side of my truck, I secured her and then jogged around to the driver’s side to jump in.

I started up the engine and immediately headed for the sheriff’s office. “Are you okay, Zoe? Did they hurt you?”

“No. They just make me stay in the closet after school until bedtime. Am I in trouble?”

My heart shattered on her question and the fear in her voice. “No, Zo. You did nothing wrong. It’s the Calhouns who are in trouble.”



“Tell me both of those assholes are going away.”

Sheriff Raines met my stare, the set of his jaw hard. “I’ve got two deputies en route to pick them up. A social worker is meeting them there to take custody of their children.”

The Calhouns didn’t deserve to have any children under their care, even if they didn’t lock their own biological kids in a closet. My gaze flicked to Zoe. She was huddled between Callie and a social worker, nibbling on a snack. “They had one of those toddler toilets in that closet, Parker. She said they made her stay in there after school until bedtime.”

“We’re gonna get justice for Zoe.”

“What we’re gonna get is a foster placement that I approve. One that is down with random checks whenever the fuck I want and whenever the social worker wants.”

Just as I finished my tirade, the glass door to the sheriff’s office lounge opened, and the social worker came out. She was young, too young to know what she should be doing. “Sheriff, have the Calhouns been detained?”

Parker took a step forward. “We’re in the process now, Harper.”

“Something that wouldn’t have been necessary if you’d done your damn job,” I added.

The woman flinched. “I’ve done two home checks since placing Zoe with the Calhouns. Nothing was ever amiss.”

“Let me guess, announced visits.”

“I had no reason to believe there was a need for anything else.”

I scoffed. “Not everyone is living in a fairy tale land where people are good just because they claim to be.”

Parker put a palm on my chest, giving me a small shove. “Crosby, back off. You’re out of line.”

I bit back a curse, running my hands through my hair and tugging on the ends. “I’m sorry, but you didn’t see her in that closet.”

“No, but I did just hear all about it.” Tears glistened in Harper’s eyes before she quickly wiped them away. “I’ll do whatever I can to make sure she’s safe. I’ve already lined up placement with a couple I’d trust with my life.”

“I’m getting her a cell phone. You need to make sure she can have access to it and that the foster parents won’t take it away.”

“I think that is a great place to start to make Zoe feel safe. She has a fondness for you and your friend, Kenna. She talked about you both quite a bit. She trusts you.”

A mixture of warmth and pain filled my chest. Pride and terror. I’d do whatever it took to make sure this little girl was safe. “We care about her.”

Harper nodded. “That much is clear. She’s lucky to have you both.”

My shoulders relaxed a fraction. “I’m sorry I was such an ass.”

“Understatement,” Parker muttered.

Harper gave me a small smile. “It’s all right. You’re protective. Zoe needs people like you in her life.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Sliding it out, I stole a quick glance at the screen. “Sorry, I need to take this really quick.”

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