Home > Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(28)

Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(28)
Author: Katerina Winters


"Why not just take this opportunity to enjoy your life for once?" the deep voice echoed off the empty living room walls as she walked back through. There had to be another way out of here.


Checking the guest bedroom off the hall that led to the stairs, Nadira tried lifting the windows and found it oddly stuck just like the front door.


Straining against the window one last time, she gave up with a huge huff of air and stumbled backward into the plain made bed. "The same could have been asked of you when your previous master put you into that blasted stone necklace," she shot back. "Why didn’t you just sit there like a good little djinn and simply enjoy the life given to you?"


"Careful Nadira," Idrak's voice was so low she could feel the rumbling in her chest like the bass of a radio up too loud. "You know not of what you speak."


Guilt impressed itself on her heart as she instinctively wanted to apologize. He was right, she should not have said that about his enslavement. But dammit, she had so little ammo to use back at the terrible demon, and he had no right to enslave her when all she ever wanted to do was help him!


Giving up in this room, she made to leave when the door slammed shut in front of her. "Wha-"


"Look at yourself," Idrak's voice commanded. "Really, take a look at yourself."


Nadira knew there was a full-length mirror to her left and paused. Not totally willing just to do whatever he commanded, her curiosity won out, however. Turning towards the mirror, she looked at herself. Skinny and tired looking, Nadira winced at the image that stared back at her. It was as if she was staring at a worn-out shell of herself.


"Such a waste," the voice chided solemnly. "With so much intelligence, empathy, and beauty, you have so much to offer the world, but yet here you are running and fighting against locked doors while the opportunity of a lifetime sits all around you. Why not let me help you?"


Ignoring the truth in his words, Nadira flung herself into her anger and argued back. "Help that is set by your rules, am I right?"


"Yes," he answered simply.


"Then forget it," she crossed her arms stubbornly. "I want complete freedom. I thought you of all people would understand that."


The rare sound of his exhausted sigh followed by a deep chuckle calmed the staccato of her beating heart a little.


"I have yet to conclude if I find your stubbornness annoying, enchanting or intoxicating."


Annoyed, she began to pace back and forth in the room. "I don't care what you find me, I just want to leave!"


A click on the far corner of the room caught her attention. A door she hadn't noticed before opened slightly ajar. The room beyond was dark, and she couldn't see exactly where it led, maybe it leads to another room or the garage. At this point any progress was better than none.


Pushing open the door, Nadira stepped into the dark room and felt around for a light switch. Running along the textured stucco wall, Nadira's heart quickened in relief as she felt the plastic switch. No sooner than she flicked the switch, she heard the door close behind her. Whirling around in what turned out to be a connecting bathroom, Nadira tugged at the door handle with an aggravated groan.


"Dammit, Idrak!"


"While you are here, you may as well bathe and relax," the amusement in his tone only made her have visions of grabbing the demon by the horns and tossing him out to the sea he feared so much. Continuing, Idrak's voice dropped into a playful but dark octave. "And of course, you can disobey and stand there with your arms crossed over those beautiful breasts of yours, but that means I will have to come in there and bathe you myself."


Her heart skipped a beat at that.


"Fine," she groused, yanking up the hem of her shirt before tossing it on the floor. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked against my will before."


If she hoped to shame the evil djinn, then she was sorely mistaken. "Ah," he sighed with a deep, wistful rumble. "And how glorious that night was too."


Not bothering to reply, she stripped down to her underwear before pausing. Remembering her suitcases were in the foyer, she felt a surge of satisfaction at a detail the stupid demon forgot. Opening her mouth, she was about to point out that fact when she spotted the familiar toiletry bottles sitting on the built-in-shelf beyond the glass shower door of the walk-in shower, her shoulders sagged as all of her thoughts of retribution deflated. Not bothering with thoughts of modesty, Nadira removed her panties and bra. Stepping into the shower, she admired the iridescent smoky tile and dark brass fixtures. Turning the water on, Nadira nearly yelped from the scalding temperature of the water that shot out from the massive shower head above. Sidestepping the spray, she barely reached with her fingertips and turned on the cold-water tap. Exhausted, she sagged against the back wall as the much more bearable spray rained over her. She supposed after going so long with barely lukewarm water at her parent's house; she just was not accustomed to normal hot water. Mechanically, she went through the motion as she grabbed her loofah and body wash. The hot water and steam were draining her of all of her energy.


Rinsing off the soap, she reached for her shampoo bottle next when the thought of Idrak's words from earlier drifted back to the forefront of her thoughts. Did he really mean it when he said she had so much to offer? Pausing mid lather of her hair, Nadira tried to remember the last time anyone complimented her.


She couldn't think of one.


Pushing aside the sudden swell of self-pity, Nadira finished bathing and stepped out of the shower. Using one of the fluffy white towels hanging on the dark brass rail, she began drying herself off before pausing at the pile of folded clothes laying on top of the sink counter. Taking a hesitant step forward, she let her fingers reach out and brush the soft cloth. Silky and soft, the fine cotton was much nicer than anything she owned. Unfolding the garment, she realized it was a simple but cute red and blue sleeping set. Since no underwear was provided as well, Nadira slipped on the breezy cotton shorts and the short-sleeved button-up top. Walking to the door, she eyed the door handle suspiciously as she turned it, and unlike before, it was unlocked. This was Idrak's game, she began to realize and the djinn was the one making and enforcing the rules.


Unsure what to expect next, Nadira walked slowly out into the living room area and looked around. The sharp, golden light coming through the row of tall arching windows indicated dusk was approaching. Raising one hand, she let a yellow shaft of light shine over her hand, watching how it illuminated her brown skin. She was tired, she realized. The hot shower had worked well in seeping the last of her energy out of her. At this point, there was no point in trying to find a way out of this immaculate prison. Turning to walk back to the guest bedroom, she stopped when she spotted another golden plate sitting on a small decorative side table against the wall. Half of a club sandwich and a mug of what seemed like tea sat waiting for her.

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