Home > The Gift of Love(43)

The Gift of Love(43)
Author: Meara Platt

It would have to be a bare-bones service since Ronan could not kneel in prayer. She doubted he would be allowed out of bed. Would he even be able to toss on clothes for the occasion? She did not think so.

He sighed. “I’ll understand if you don’t wish to give up your wedding dreams. I had just hoped...”

Her mind began to spin. “Yes, Ronan. I will agree to it.”

Because what really mattered was sharing the rest of her life with him. When the less essential concerns were stripped away, it really was a simple choice. She did not want to spend any more nights without him.

Once their house was decorated, they could hold their own belated wedding breakfast. “I’m going to kiss you now, you brainless but incredibly handsome clot. Don’t you dare move.”

He emitted a pained laugh. “You’ll get no complaint from me. Why am I brainless? For riding back here to be with you? Don’t berate me for that, Queen Pea. But I’m truly sorry for depriving you of your wedding dreams. I wish I could make the day special for you. I realize how much you are giving up for my sake.”

“I am giving up nothing important.” She kissed him on the lips, teetering over him so that she did not touch his unguent-riddled body. Not that she cared for herself, but he was in a bad way, and the slightest pressure to his chest could be dangerous.

His lips were warm and inviting.

His expression was rueful as she drew away. “I was intent on seducing you before we were married. But it seems I’ll be taking you completely innocent to my bed. Perhaps it is for the best. My intentions were always honorable. I would never have touched you unless I meant to marry you...and I always wanted to marry you.”

“How could you want me when I was exactly what I just accused you of being, brainless?”

“No, Queen Pea. You were never that. Naive. Misguided. Duped. Nothing worse. Wainscott is the villain here. He took advantage of your inexperience.”

Her heart ached whenever he spoke to her in this gentle and encouraging manner. “You are being too generous with me. I have to bear some of the fault for refusing to see the sort of man he truly was. One of lowest character. I allowed myself to be blinded by his fine trappings. His fancy clothes and carriages. His family’s prominence and aristocratic connections.”

She shook her head and groaned. “I wish I had read The Book of Love last year. Although who knows if I would have understood its meaning? Had I really looked at Gerald, what would I have seen?”

“Stop kicking yourself, my love. I think this is a trait you and Holly have in common, this insistence on being too hard on yourself.”

She smiled at him. “That sounded nice, especially the soft way you said it.”

“Said what?”

“You called me your love.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Because this is what you are. Oh, bollocks. Are you going to cry now? Don’t you dare. Not while I’m trying to seduce you.”

She gazed at him in surprise. “You’re trying to seduce me?”

“And obviously doing a terrible job of it if you have no idea this is what I’m doing.”

“Are you saying this to make me feel better?”

“No. I’m saying it because I want to hold you in my arms and kiss my way down your exquisite body. I want to breathe you in. Taste your quivering flesh.”

She snorted. “You are teasing me. Stop it. My flesh does not quiver. I’m not sure I even know what that means.”

“You will once I get my hands on you. Don’t mock an injured man, Queen Pea.”

“Sorry. I can’t help it. You are helpless in bed and forbidden to move. You must own that the situation is ridiculous.”

“Desiring you can never be ridiculous. I want to run my fingers through your hair. There are other things I would do to you with my fingers, but you’ll slap me if I tell you. However, as soon as I am able, I will prove to you just how enjoyable the experience will be.”

“Without hurting yourself in the process? I have read those naughty books the elders are always forbidding us to read. They do use words like quivering flesh and crashing waves of splendor.” She grinned. “And you are going to show me this?”

“Yes, Queen Pea. I promise. You will quiver, and waves will crash splendidly. You will enjoy it.”

“I have an admission to make,” she said quietly, blushing as she stared at her toes.

“What is it, love?”

She cleared her throat. “The men in these stories are always handsome and nicely muscled. However, I cannot believe they are as nicely formed as you. Will you think I am wanton if I admit to being eager to explore your body?”

“Thank The Graces! Here I thought I was the only one straining at the tether. My agony has nothing to do with my plunge off the ship into the icy river. I’ve been in frenzied, low-brain lust over you from the moment we first met.”

“I still don’t understand why you’ve singled me out for these feelings.”

“All that matters is that I have. It’s explained in that book. You are the one who is perfect for me, just as I am the one for you. I like that you are in hot, panting lust for me.”

“Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself? I merely admitted to curiosity. Worrying about you is not the same as–”

“You are terrible at hiding your feelings. You’ve been licking your lips and eyeing me as though I were a plump Christmas goose roasted to perfection.” He grinned wickedly. “I’m not bashful, Queen Pea. Touch me wherever you wish. But be gentle. My chest is on fire just now.”

Even though inwardly he was in sad shape, outwardly, he was magnificent. Dahlia could not get enough of staring at his chiseled body. Was there ever a Greek god who looked finer?

Nor could she resist touching him. Very carefully, of course. She reached out tentatively to wrap her fingers around the bulging muscle of his upper arm.

Sweet mercy.

It was hard as a rock.

The butterflies in her stomach began to flutter.

Was it possible his glorious body would be all hers to play with?

His face was a thing of beauty, too.

She put her hand to his cheek and felt the rough, stubble of his beard.

Then she ran her fingers through his hair, lightly brushing back a few stray curls. She liked the way the ends hugged the corded muscles of his neck.

His eyes held amusement. “You are not very adventurous, are you? You will put me to sleep if this is all you dare to do.”

He slid his arm around her waist to nudge her closer. “Ronan! The unguent!”

“We’ll work around it. I’ll show you how it’s done. You shall be my test frog. Close your eyes, Queen Pea.”

“Why? What are you going to do to me?”





Ronan knew he was behaving like an idiot, but he didn’t care. He could blame his clouded thinking on his injuries? Why not? Life was fragile and easily stolen in a moment. He wasn’t going to waste time being polite. “I’m going to make wild, low-brain love to you, Queen Pea.”

Dahlia gasped and opened her eyes. “How can you do such a thing in your condition? Do you think I would ever allow it? The effort might kill you.”

“I’m not going to hurt myself. Nor will I hurt you. Keep your eyes closed. I want you to clear your mind of everything but the sensation of my touch.” Ronan’s chest was tight, and every movement caused him pain, but Dahlia soothed his heart as no one and nothing else could.

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